Great Demon King

Chapter 889: Melee

Big Devil VIII Chapter VIII Melee

Shuo can't cope with the combination of Tyre, Rogge and Vasis, but he is very confident if he is alone.

The place of chaos is a place where force decides everything. Sometimes more nonsense is better than an attack. In Han Shuo’s point of view, Vassis is the most powerful of the three, and this person is the most annoying one. Through Vassis he can prove his determination.

Vassis did not expect Han Shuo to dare to speak out of the challenge. Under Han Shuo’s aggressive eyes, Vasis was somewhat unacceptable.

He didn't think about it beforehand to deal with Han Shuo alone, so the speech would not leave room for him. In his mind, he planned to cooperate with Tyre and Rogge to deal with Han Shuo. He believed that if the three of them joined forces, even if Han Shuo’s strength Strong, it is also difficult to escape from birth.

However, a single pair of single battles is not the original intention of Vassis.

There was not much friendship between the three men of Tyre, Rogge and Vasis. On the contrary, the three men had been fighting hard in the dark. When Tyre saw Han Shuo’s words, he did not finish it. Vasis, very surprised, staring at Han Shuo for a second, Terhaha laughed: "The younger brother is really arrogant, huh, huh, no wonder it can be so fast in the chaos!"

He did not express any opinion on the matter between Vassis and Han Shuo, nor did he mean to persuade.

In the heart of Rogge's heart, Pi Xiao looked at the somewhat hesitant Vasis without a smile. He said, "Hey, you won't be afraid of him?"

Vassis was furious and immediately understood what Tyre and Rogge thought.

Both Tyre and Rogge are not quite sure about Han Shuo’s true strength. The last time in the Magic Valley, Han Shuo and Salas were too short, but one stroke was over. And that time, Saras had been fighting Osoi for a long time, and through that battle they could not be sure of the extent to which Han Shuo’s strength had reached.

Because of this, Rogge and Vassis did not dare to act rashly, and they simply left the Magic Valley.

Afterwards, even if Xiaohan Han Hao was arrogant in the chaotic land, the three major monarchs who did not allow Han Shuo’s real power did not take the initiative to provoke Han Shuo. Even Han Hao robbed the shops in the deep valleys after they looted them. I also endured it.

The three monarchs were calm and stable. Before they figured out the true strength of Han Shuo, they did not act rashly. The three men secretly negotiated and reached an agreement. Then they came to Han Shuo to discuss and plan to really talk about it. People shot together and killed Han Shuo directly in the dead volcano.

However, when Han Shuo took the initiative to challenge Vassis's words, Tyre and Rogge suddenly felt that if someone first hit the first line to figure out the true strength of Han Shuo, it seems to be more beneficial to themselves.

If Han Shuo shows great strength, and they are not sure that the three shots will leave Han Shuo, Tyre and Rogge can temporarily change their minds and clear themselves from this matter to avoid Han Shuo immediately became an enemy. If Han Shuo’s strength is not as terrible as they think, they can take immediate shots regardless of their identity, and the power of Hevasis join forces to kill Han Shuo.

Tyre and Rogge thought about each other and immediately realized that if Vassis and Han Shuo had a good deal with them, it would be more favorable for them. Therefore, one is silent and the other is even provocative. Sith and Han Shuo first made one.

Vassis secretly sneered at himself too impulsively, while yelling at the shamelessness of Tyre and Rogge, Han Shuo’s face sneer in front of him, which made him ride a tiger and did not know how to deal with it.

Promise, it just fits the minds of Tyre and Rogge, and I don’t agree. Others are really afraid of the kid, which further encourages the boy’s morale. Vassis is in a dilemma.

Han Shuo sneered at Vassis and accurately grasped the thoughts of Tell and Rogge. Seeing that Vassis was hesitant, Han Shuo said again: "You and I have no enmity, fighting between us." It won't be as dead as Saras, hey, just cut and discuss, you won't have any problems?"

Han Shuosheng was afraid that Vassis would not agree, and he was afraid that Vassis would go all out to fight with him at the beginning. Because there are two unscrupulous guys, Tyre and Rogge, he doesn’t want to Vassis is coming to an end, and he only needs to prove his strength and determination through Vassis.

"Wassis, this is not like you, you see people Brian said so, what are you worried about? No, you really don't dare to do it? Hehe..." Rogge looked at Vassis with a smile. A joke, but the words are not good.

At this point, Vassis knew that he couldn’t get rid of it. In his heart, he cursed both Tyre and Rogge’s ancestors for eighteen generations. Vassis nodded coldly and said: "War battle, I I don't believe you can really beat the power of Salas! As I see it, the last time was just a fluke!"

First sight

Down, Han Shuo was delighted. Compared with Tyre and Rogge, the mood and strength of the two were slightly inferior. It is only appropriate to take him to start.

I also said more, Han Shuo's left and right hands are a ten-finger one, and the Tianmeng sharp blade is prominent. He suddenly looks at the ten-finger nail sharp and sharp sharp knife, and also shines the cold mang of Sen Han.

After entering the realm of annihilation, Han Shuo’s all-embracing magical works have once again achieved a different degree of improvement. Under the new magical power, the condensed formation of the celestial magic blade is more solid and sharp than the general magical device, because The reason why the fingers are connected together is that the profit shrinks freely and can bring out the power of melee to the greatest extent.

The power of Vassis to cultivate water, because he stayed in the snow ice peak all the year round, certainly won the power of water and the true meaning of another "ice". After the power of water is transformed into the power of ice, both defense and attack power Very outstanding, when the melee is more able to exert the power to the greatest extent.

Han Shuo Tian Mo Li blade showed that it was planned to fight with Vassis. Not afraid of each other's strengths, this alone is enough to prove that Han Shuo is full of confidence.

However, Han Shuo’s approach did not make Vassis grateful. He felt that this was Han Shuo’s provocation to him. He dared to choose melee and he played against him. This made Vasis angry and shouted: “Boy, you are this. Ask yourself to eat!"

When I spoke, a layer of ice covered Vassis. Under the light of the sun, Vasis seemed to be a huge diamond, shining with a crystal clear and beautiful luster. A layer of ice will protect the whole person of Vassis, strangely, but does not affect the ability of Vassis to move. He can easily and naturally move with both hands, and is not affected by freezing.

The ice that protects most of the body of Vassis uses the hard power of ice, but the limbs of the active limbs are deeply rooted in the strength of the water system. As a strong person who cultivates the water system to reach the realm of the gods, Sure enough, it is a well-deserved reputation. His understanding of the two mysteries of water power has reached a very high level.

Han Shuo saw that Vasis had prepared for the first battle and knew that his purpose had been achieved. He did not say anything nonsense with Vassis. The melee must have a melee awareness and abandon all the cumbersome body and far. Attacking the righteousness, Han Shuo directly stabbed Vassis at the fastest speed.

The devil's blade is like a knife. When the magic power is fully condensed in the blade, the magical blade that is forged on the nail is a weapon of ten horror.

"When!" The first sound came from Vassis, which was the longest sharp blade of Han Shuo's left hand and the strong ice contact of Vassis' chest!

Vassis did not expect that Han Shuo’s movements were so fast, and his actions were so direct and effective. He saw only a splendid ray of light. The next moment, Han Shuo came to him, and then the sharp-edged knife pointed out in his eyes. When he was ready to intercept, he found helplessly that his chest had been hit.

Han Shuo is faster than him! This is the conclusion of Vassis.

Vassis’s understanding of the ice-based power was really profound. Although the sharp Devil’s Blade first hit the Vassis, it did not immediately break the early-prepared Vassis’ ice defense. It was a few centimeters of mouth left.

Although Vasis was slow, but when Han Shuo came close to him, the attacking power immediately fell on Han Shuo. The two cold swords that were condensed by cold ice on his hands were also inserted into Han Shuo’s chest.

"Dangdang!" Two sounds, a huge anti-shock force suddenly broke out from Han Shuo's chest, and Vasis was suddenly bounced.

The three monarchs of Tell, Roger, and Ossau, who were watching from the side, shrank and shouted indisputably!

They can clearly see that Han Shuo did not condense any enchantment defense body. Han Shuo only wore a thin black warrior gown, and there was no **** armor against the attack.

It is also said that Vassis’s shot fell on Han Shuo’s chest and it was a real attack on Han Shuo.

The gods who cultivated the twelve great powers are all over the corners of the gods. These people also have terrible existences of the gods, but they do not use any sacred and defensive measures, and they use the flesh to resist the attack. I have never seen it!

Both Tyre and Rogge were shocked!

They can be sure that if they do not rely on defensive measures, they will be physically injured against Vassis. Not only will they be injured, but they will also be seriously injured!

In the mainland of the gods, they have never heard of anybody who is physically strong enough to take such a defense without relying on any defensive means. It is only harmed by the strength of the body. Even if it is the main **** with the godhead, it is afraid that it will not be achieved. Go to this point?

Both Tyre and Rogge have complicated eyes and are more and more surprised by Han Shuo.

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