Great Demon King

Chapter 886: Self-sufficiency

If there is no shock of Xiqiao, the remaining hunting gods are far more than the two of Kunsen. If there are more than a dozen hunting spirits gathered to deal with the Korean family, the threat of more than a dozen upper gods will definitely be fierce. less.

However, due to the deterrence of Xiao Han Han Hao in the Longsen Grand Canyon, those hunting gods who feared Han Hao had to withdraw from the encirclement of the Han family. As a result, the only enemies they had to face were Quincy and Ke. Lissen has two forces.

The two hunting powers of Quincy and Krissen add up to 500. The Quincy and Krissen both have the power of the middle of the gods. They are one of the best in the Longsen Grand Canyon. power!

However, this trend of the Han family is not afraid, just when other hunting gods have just left, the black dragon Gilbert, blood spirit and other people who have been patient have been unable to withstand, Quincy and Krissen When the order was just released, suddenly the guardian of the Korean family resolutely shocked!

When the expert takes a shot, he knows if there is any.

When the Han family guards flew over the flying bats, Quincy and Krissen both changed slightly, and their hearts were suddenly shocked. They hurriedly shouted: "All *** give me some caution!"

When the Han family guards came over, the teams were neatly arranged, and a group of guards maintained the most appropriate distance: neither affecting the efficiency of the shots, but also taking into account each other.

The cold eyes of Han Jiawei’s face that disregarded life made Quincy and Krissen know that the Korean guards were absolutely tempered, no more than the average family who had never experienced a brutal battle.

Therefore, Quincy and Krissen immediately saw the extraordinaryness of the Han family guards and immediately ordered their men to go all out.

However, Quincy and Krissen still underestimated the horror of the Han family guards. For many years, the honing of the Han family guards in the eight-year-old separation and purgatory was not a waste of time. These Han guards in the baptism of blood and fire. Even colder than the hunting gods.

They are not moving. A shot is like a sharp knife that is invincible. Insert directly into the center of the hunt!

The scene was exactly the same as that of Ralph’s two deities.

In terms of quantity, it has always prevailed in the Korean home. The advantages of the group with the above are also so obvious. The first encounter with the horror of the Han family defenders is reflected. Those who have been raging in the Longsen Grand Canyon to kill the land will be defeated!

Destroy the dead. The Han family guards rushed all the way and there was no defense to support. Wherever he went, there was a constant cry of despair and despair. A body with flesh and blood mixed out. Drop from the void to the peak below.

Wenman and Xiqiao looked confused. The two of them saw Quincy and Krissen and went out to issue an attack order. I still have a good time in this heart. Is Xi Xi still blaming himself for his attitude? Is it too flying? Haven't waited for him to ponder. He was the first to be surprised to take the lead in Quincy and Krissen. It is the Han family guards who know nothing about him.

Really hand in hand, Xixi only reacted. From the exaggerated formation of the Han family's fighting power, Xiqiao suddenly woke up. At this point, I finally understood why Han Hao had ordered that he would not move the Korean family.

Han Jiawei's cumbersome and esoteric formations are generally inconspicuous, but Xixi is a direct singer of Han Hao, who has also experienced Han Hao’s exercises on the magic array. He just took a look at the Han family. The guards use the formation and they are similar in their skill.

When Wenman’s men passed the news to Xiqiao, Xixi did not quite believe what Han Hao and Han’s family would have, but now that he saw the formation of Han’s guards, he first believed in Wenman’s Judge!

Compared with Xiqiao, the combat power of Han’s defenders has a greater impact on Wenman. She looks at the Han family’s guards in amazement and inserts them into the hands of Quincy and Krissen. Earth artifacts constantly smash those hunting gods...

"Han family... Han Hao... This is really a mysterious character..." Wenman was full of surprise, secretly muttered.

Quincy and Krissen feel that they are going crazy!

They didn't expect the Han family guards to be so terrible. This group of guards, like the coldest executioners, are using a very incomparable formation to harvest their lives. They both want to help each other, but they Was entangled in blood and spirit, Bolandz, Gilbert.

Quincy and Krissen now believe that Han Jia and Han Hao absolutely have a complicated relationship, because Han Hao, the formation of the guards used by the Han family, knows a little about it, and he is also a bloody, Boland, Gilbert III. The power of human use is also faintly shadowed by Han Hao.

Before they played, Quincy and Krissen did not see the existence of a superior **** in the Han family, but when the battle started, the bloody, Boland, and Gilbert who suddenly emerged took it. They gave them great surprises, and they suddenly appeared in the obscurity of the characters that were not worth mentioning.

Quincy and Krissen regretted each other, and even they knew that the guy’s strangeness, why did they provoke their family?

"Also called, why don't you call it? ***! Just you haven't quite a lot of words? Old dog, today I have to peel off your skin! Mom, rely on your virtue, dare to Our mother has a different idea, and Laozi immediately broke your things..." Unlike the sultry **** spirit, Boland, Gilbert cooperated with Bolandz to attack the sinister The mouth was never slammed, and the vicious voice was spurted out of the pattern, no more weak than the aggressive attack on his hand.

Quincy was blocked by the blood spirit alone. Kristen was blocked by Gilbert and Boland. Bolandz’s sharp and sharp swords were so murderous that Krissen had to use most of his energy. In the attack against Bolandz, Gilbert's ghost shadow flew around Kryson, and the cold man sneaked a few times at the most appropriate time. The mouth was not dry and greeted the generations of the Krissen ancestors. Again.

Sometimes this kind of mental torture is not much less painful. In Gilbert's annoying swearing, sarcasm, sarcasm, and drug lord, Krissen has the feeling of shaking at any time, and can't concentrate on Kerry. Mori's attack power was greatly reduced, and Bolandz took advantage of the situation. The flying sword had a few more scars on him.

"Kill them!" At this sight, it completely took the upper hand, and there was a fascinating face on the side.

Phoebe was very disgusted with Quincy and Krissen, because the two men just looked at their expressions full of obscenity, and also insulted Emily, Lisa and a few women, which made Phoebe and others intolerable. Just as strength is not as good as others, Fei Bi can only suppress the anger of the heart, and now Han Jia Guardian has the upper hand, her momentum immediately followed.

Whether it is Phoebe, Emily, or the old demon Stasom or Almeric, these celestial geniuses from the Chio continent are all in the rich places of the gods and continents. Han family, they have enough wealth to support, the power of the righteous reel, Han Shuo personally refining the medicinal herbs, the various units purchased from various regions, Shen Jing, these things are constantly appearing in the important warehouse of the Han family, by Phoebe, Emily and others were handed down and handed over to the main members of the Korean family who came from the mainland.

These Korean members who were originally heroes on the Chiao continent can get everything they can do to help them cultivate in the mainland of the gods. Plus they are superior in qualifications. Although the progress is not as good as the **** spirits, the guys of Boland, one They are also very fast.

Nowadays, most of Fei Bi, Emily and others have broken through to the position of the median god. The geniuses like the old demon Stasom and Almeric have entered the realm of the median god, more than those in the public. The gods born and raised in the gods of the mainland have progressed too fast.

These people can become the top experts in the world of the heavens and earth, and the knowledge of the various departments. The Chinese mainland has all the convenient conditions, and the progress is naturally a thousand miles away.

Fei Bi, Emily, the old demon Stasom, Almeric and others are not idle, they are also clear to the Han Shuo's magical array, arranged into a striking array of lethality. Shocking Quincy and Krissen's hunting gods, they are constantly causing damage.

The situation is completely one-sided!

The first unfortunate thing was Kristen. His vicious curse in Gilbert finally collapsed, and he forgot to stare at Gilbert. Losing the sensible Krissen forgot the more terrible Bolandz. When he finally dropped the attack on Gilbert, Bolanz's flying sword penetrated through his back neck, and the tip of the sword stood out from his eyebrows.

Krissen died on the spot!

"Stupid x! Laozi is not as good as blood spirit, Bolanz two guys, the attack power is outstanding, but Laozi is physically strong, you really think that a blow can kill me! Idiot!" Gilbert snorted, light cough After a few sounds, it returned to normal, and went up to Klipsen and took the already dead Kiessen to the peak below.

Gilbert's new body was carefully refined by Han Shuo in the way of refining the magic weapon. Although his defense power is not as abnormal as that of Han Shuo, it is ten times stronger than the general god. For another person, even Bolandz, who slammed Krissen so badly that he would be seriously injured, but Gilbert is really no problem.

"Well, Gilbert, hurry up, and join hands with the blood spirit!" Bolandz wiped the sword in the middle of the field and turned and rushed toward Quincy.

Gilbert spit a spit and spit accurately on the body of Krissen flying down. "Mom, it's cheaper!" He snorted again, and Gilbert turned to Quincy. I intend to combine the power of Boland and the spirit of the blood, and kill the Quincy early.

In the **** attack, Quincy has been unable to do anything. Others are surrounded by the Han family guards. Once he wants to leave this battle circle, the Han family guards will attack him madly.

Although Quincy's strength is strong, but the attack power of the 100-median gods together with the full force is also very small, plus the **** spirit, this unwillingness to stalk people, he can't leave here!

At the moment of Christense’s death, Quincy’s heart was cold and he knew he was finished.

Sure enough, Bolandz and Gilbert did not have a one-on-one fair battle consciousness, and immediately surrounded it in a cold, which made Quincy desperate.

Even if you are dead, you have to pull back!

Quincy hates the heart. The original hunting spirit is not knowing if there is any tomorrow. Every hunting **** is covered with blood. As a hunting god, Quincy dares to offend Xiao Han Han Hao to Han. The shot shows that he is not a person who fears death.

At the moment when Bolanz and Gilbert came up, Quincy knew that he could not escape. The monks had a plan to curse people. He was prepared to die.

"Everyone is spreading, this guy wants to pull a back! Well, keep a distance with him, we will kill him a little bit!" The old demon Stasom’s eyes were aimed at the bloodthirsty from Quincy. Seeing his plan in the scorpion, the old demon Stasom has been in the Chio mainland for so many years, and his vision is very poisonous.

Give him such a reminder, not only Boland and Gilbert, even the blood spirit that is entangled with Quincy immediately retreated a distance.

"Mom, do you want to go with it? Hey, there is no such good thing!" Gilbert arrived again, and the mouth began to smack the poison, a series of curses and insults mixed with the greetings of the Quincy family, blood, Bolan There are also some Han Guards in the distance, but it is the torrential rain that throws all kinds of attacks to the central Quincy.

Quincy is vomiting blood. He is now deprived of his own opportunities, and he can only desperately face all kinds of attacks and can't help.

Quincy finally failed to escape the fate of being slain. The attack by the blood spirit, Bolandz, and Gilbert consumed a little bit of Quincy's power. It was hard to exhaust Quincy's power and use the artifacts of the sky. He killed him alive!

Quincy's death was extremely depressed, and it was full of strange artifacts, which were penetrated by the artifacts in the air. Until Xueling determined that all the blood in Quincy had drained, the line of talents had made up a few more, and Quincy was thrown everywhere after being separated.

Quincy and Krissen died, but they were also lucky to escape from the headless flies that had not been killed by the Han family guards. They fled in the jungles of the mountains and rivers, and left the Jedi in desperation.

Xixi and Wenman, who were watching from a distance, watched both Krissen and Quincy being killed one after another. They were shocked and didn’t know how to deal with the Han family now. (To be continued, if you want to know what happened, ico chapter more, support & Chinese network &!)

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