Great Demon King

Chapter 882: Master is not here, I can do it too!

The Lord's Eighty-eighth Chapter Master of the Big Devil is not here. I can do it too.

The family has left, but the magical arrays of the Korean homes in the Burgas Fortress Center are running. Every once in a while, there will be a few screams of desperation before the death of each of the magic arrays...

Lak Krissen and Hoffs were caught in a sorcerer's parade. The two did not know the situation outside, and they fell into a state of chaos when they were attacked. In this state, it is impossible for both the spirits of Kristen and Hofs to take care of the outside situation. All the energy is used to resist the demons.

The two can cultivate to the upper realm of the gods, and their minds are much tougher than the general gods. They are always fighting against the attack of the demons, using the feeling of the soul to resist the demons...

Beside them, some of the fragile median gods were insane one after another, lost their self after being attacked by the demons, and embarked on the path of self-destruction.

Time hastily, a few days have passed, the support of the Han family has gradually faded, and the magic array has lost its original strength one by one. Many exhausted curtain city goddess walked in front of the ghost gate. Finally, I survived.

Slowly, all the forces of heaven and earth disappeared, and the source of the power that supported the Han family was finally exhausted...

The dense fog that has shrouded the Han family has disappeared without a trace. At first glance, the buildings in the entire Han family have been revealed, and they are clear and clear in daylight.

After the fog subsided, each magic squad also lost its due power. In the center of a building, in the middle of a root stone pillar, in the flowers and plants, there were many dead bodies with strange shapes. The guards under the Hughes City Hofs are either physically incomplete, or the blood is drained, or the seven holes are bleeding...

One by one, the death is terrible!

A total of thousands of people who came to the fortress of Bergas, and now only 300 people survived, and all of them were exhausted and the state was obviously not as good as before.

Hofs will see the devastating scene. There was a great bleakness and anger in my heart. This result is by no means what Hoffs is willing to see. Facing a dead body. Hofs simply doesn't know how to continue.

At this moment, Hofs was in a state of sorrow. There is a sense of helpless despair. For a time, I didn't think of continuing to chase down the culprits that caused all of this.

Those who are lucky and undead from the curtain city. One by one looks blank. With fear and timidity in his eyes. They are close together. Is working hard to restore the power of the body.

A few people from Laclesson are also very surprised. I didn't expect that Hoffs would lose so many people with the strange power. Laccleson is somewhat surprised. But I don't feel sad - because there are no casualties in the upper gods who came with him.

"Kinu. You guys have searched for me. Look at those Han people who are still there!" Laclesson sinks. Suddenly the cold was ordered. And secretly glanced at Keanu.

Nakinu knows Lacleson deeply. Under his eyes, he understood that Lakson did not mean anything. He nodded intently. Start moving right away. Going to some of the tallest buildings. Thoroughly explore everything that is happening in the Han family.

With the strength of Lak Krissen, after all the magic arrays have lost their functions, they immediately feel that the Han family is empty except for them. The reason why this is mainly for the possible wealth of the Han family, this is a few people. There are counts in mind, so the target is also in this regard.

Hofs was still immersed in grief and sorrow, but as soon as he heard the words that Lakrissen told the people of Keinu, he immediately understood what Lakrisson wanted to do, and pressed the anger of his heart. Hoffs shouted: "Give me a search, someone kills, there is something worth giving me!"

Those exhausted curtain city guards, listening to Hoffs said, immediately bitterly face again, one by one in the Han family quickly shuttle ...


Ten minutes later, the people of Keenu and the guards of the secluded city returned one after another. They were stunned and apparently found nothing.

"Adult, there is no living person, and there is no energy spar or black crystal coin. Those **** Korean family, they took everything away!" Keanu said to Lak Krissen.

Fei Bi began to prepare when he received the disappearance of Lakrich and others. Before leaving, he would not leave them a valuable thing. The only value of the entire Korean family is the loss of support. It’s a pity, but neither Laclesson nor Hoffs knows how to use the magic array. Even if everything is removed, there will never be a way to attack people like a Han family.

For Han Shuo, Xue Ling, and Bolandz, the materials of the magic array are very useful, but for Hofs and Laclesson, those things are completely waste. No use.

"Mom, they can't escape much, we catch up! Hey, in addition to us, Wallace will also have a layout, they want to easily leave the Shadow City!" Laclesson snorted, said: "They It must have escaped in the direction of the Death Valley, and we caught up!"

Now, Hofs has nothing to say. He has already died so many people. He can't give up anyway, even if he wants to give his current hand to explain, he has to kill all the Han family. What's more, the Han family may still carry a lot of black crystal coins, and Hofs will never be cheaper.

Although many people died, Hofs still has the confidence to eat Korean home. Because they are here

There are several superior gods, but the Korean family does not seem to have a superior god. Two Hofs are sure that they can win with the current remnants and several superior gods.

"Give me chase!" Hofs also ordered that the group who lost in Bergas once again embarked on the journey and rushed in the direction of the death gods.


In the deep valley of the Burgas fortress, Ralph was sullen and waiting for the latest news.

A figure plucked from a distance, settled in front of Ralph, and bowed on one knee: "Adult, receiving the exact news, Han Jiadi people came here!"

Ralph looked like a hi, sneered: "Very good, we waited for so long, and it really didn't waste our time!" After a pause, Ralph asked again: "Right, the situation of the Burgas fortress. How about? The people of Lakrich and Hofs entered the fortress of Bergas. If the Han family can escape, it should be a heavy loss?"

Shaking his head, he replied: "I don't know the specifics of the Fortress of Bergas. Before the arrival of Laclesson and Hofs, all the unrelated people of the Burgas fortress were taken out of the fortress. We put it in. The people couldn’t get into the Burgas Fortress, they just heard the huge roar of the Bergas Fortress energy cannon."

"Oh, that's great, it looks like the Korean family is still fighting hard!" Ralph smirked and said: "But Lackey and Hofs both have the strength of the last god, and his men. There are also upper gods, plus the guards of nearly a thousand secret city. I don’t think there are many people who can escape if they don’t all die!”

"The adults are wise, I think the wealth accumulated by the Han family must be on these people who have escaped!" This person is flattering.

"There should be no one who is the master of the city!" Ralph respectfully praised Wallace, and immediately sternly said: "Prepare, block the road of their flying bats, kill all the remaining Koreans! Hey, we There is enough effort to blame Hofs and Laclesson. Even if Brian returns, he will kill Hofs and Laclesson first. We can stay out of it!"

Ralph knew that his men were scared by Han Shuo in the fight between the last seven guards. Even if Han Shuo had disappeared for several years, they still had a fear of Han Shuo. In order to let these men have no worries, Ralph took this method to encourage them.

It turns out that Ralph's method is very useful. He heard that he didn't need to bear the consequences himself, and he didn't have to worry about Han Shuo's pursuit.

Ralph saw the expressions of those men as if they were stunned, and they hated them in the heart. The guy in the dark channel had something great, and he even shocked his men.


Over there, Ralph secretly counted, and the Philippine and other people on the flying bats were calm and calm. When they were in the depths of the shadow city, they tried their best to avoid the unrelated people in the Shadow City. Pay attention to the situation around, for fear that it will be met by some guys who are not doing anything.

"Some people gathered in the deep valley!" Suddenly, the **** cold sighed and said: "I can feel that their blood is flowing. Those people are very excited. It seems that the target should be us!"

"Avoid them!" Emily decisively ordered, "We can't stay in Shadow City for too long, we must leave this land as soon as possible, no matter who they are, can not contact the best!"

"They don't hide from us!" The **** smile shook his head and said, "Come here! It seems that we are really the target, but we don't know who is coming from that side."

"The flying bats are labor-saving, but the speed is limited. It seems that they can't avoid it!" The old demon Stasom looked solemn and said: "Clash with you!"

"Flying bats, arranging, ready to fight!" Fei Bi and Emily both sighed at the same time.

A group of people descended from this huge flying bat. A total of more than 700 people were arranged in an orderly manner, taking out the artifacts in their hands and waiting silently for the arrival of the enemy.

Each of these seven hundred people is a carefully selected hand. All of them have experienced the tempering of the eight-wild separation and purgatory, and they have been trained by Boland and others in the mountains near the Fortress of Berg, they know some The magical position is coordinated, and each one is tenacious and unaffected by the enemy.

Phoebe, Emily, Bolandz, Blood Spirit, Gilbert, the old demon Stasom and others are in front of the team. They look back at the elite guards of the Han family behind them, and they are secretly proud.

Under the same cultivation, these Korean guards can withstand two teams or even three teams. They are in the heart of Feibi and others.

A few minutes later, the two guards, led by Ralph, gradually appeared, and finally blocked in front of the Han family.

Ralph brought over most of the two gods in the two places, and there were six or seven hundred people in front of Phoebe and Emily, and Ralph headed for the cold, and he was not good at Phoebe. Waiting, yin and yang asked strangely: "Everyone, this is a huge place."

"It will be you!" Fei Bi cold, she really did not expect to block them to go to the road will be Ralph, so it seems that Wallace not only acquiesced to Lakrisson, Hoffs, etc. Bergas attacked the fortress and sent Ralph to participate in it.

"This is the territory of Shadow City. Your Han family is our Shadow City. Now all Korean families are gathering.

Death gods go, what do you want to do? Ralph seemed to sneerly smiled: "As I see you are planning to renegade the Shadow City, hey, it happened to be met by me, or I don't know how much damage you will bring to the Shadow City!" ”

"Come on? Hahaha, it's so interesting!" The old demon Stokem sneered: "You have come to this poor mountain a thousand miles away, and brought two of the most beautiful guards, the most appropriate in this. The time and the most appropriate place blocked us from going to the road. I was so embarrassed that I happened to meet it. Oh, this is really clever!"

To say that Stasom said, Ralph seems to be unable to hang on his face. He himself feels that this "just-in-time" reason is too far-fetched. Rather than entangled in this issue, Ralph snorted: "I don't want to be embarrassed to you. As long as you return to the Fortress of Burgas, I will never stop obstructing it. I will report to Wallace and others immediately. When he finds out the situation, he will give you a statement."

After a pause, Ralph said coldly: "But if you are trying to leave the Shadow City, hey, duty is in it, then don't blame me!"

"Wallace? Is he still honest?" Feibi's temper is relatively straightforward, and he doesn't want to go down with Ralph so much. He said directly: "Let's pretend in front of me, Wallace sent you to kill us, you Say we will be shackled, will we return to the Burgas fortress to die?"

"Don't dare to speak out to the city's adults. It seems that you are really ruthless to renege on the Shadow City!" Ralph sneered: "There is nothing to say!" Waving his hand, he commanded: "To deal with traitors Don't need to live, kill me!"

At this point, Phoebe and others will not know Ralph’s real purpose. They have never intended to let go of Han’s people from beginning to end. Those pretexts are completely deliberately martyrating them. The final result is to destroy Han’s family. of.

"Ralph, can you eat us?" The blood spirit couldn't hold back, and he cried red. "A few years ago, my master could have won you better than you. Now, although my master is not there, I can stop." I can live with you!"

As soon as the words fell, the **** body scattered and overflowed with blood, and the blood of the broad sword refining from the blood crystals rose to the sky. When one person and one sword flew to Ralph, the momentum continued to soar. He became a scarlet. The blood of the light rushed to Ralph.

This letter from the full of Ralph's face changed slightly, they have already inquired about the situation of the Han family, know that Han Shuo and Rose are not in the Korean family, the real master of the Korean family, he only knows Han Shuo and Rose, they Not so there is no upper **** in the Korean family. It is because of this that Ralph dare to confidently bring people to stop the Han family.

However, with such a move, Ralph suddenly felt that the rich blood in his body contained a very strong energy. The **** evil of this evil killer makes Ralph feel the threat - it is clear that this power is by no means a median **** should have!

He didn't know that the blood spirit of the blood-staining nerves and the Bolandz and Gilbert tribes were different. When they were fighting in the seven guards in the past few years, they had the power to fight against the median **** and win. For so long, the strength of the fast-moving blood spirits has once again violently entered, and there has already been a battle with the world's upper gods.

The reason why the blood spirit and the Bolandz three people want to give up the fortress of Bergas is because both Lakrich and Hofs have the power of the last god, and there are several superior gods under the men. This force exceeds the three of them, and they will avoid it as soon as they know it is not.

However, Ralph is only the upper realm of the upper god. For the **** spirit, this level of characters can still fight. Maybe you can suppress Ralph by your own **** nerves, so that the Han family will take the opportunity. The gods at the office are killed.

"Rockwood, let me block this guy, you guys give me the rest of the people!" Ralph screamed and greeted the **** and **** spirit.

I am afraid that Ralph has lost Wallace, and sent two strong men in the early days of the gods to participate. These two years are Wallace’s cronies, and they rarely show up in the family. Make sure that the Korean family is wiped out and not known to anyone.

Ralph slammed two people from the middle of the two gods, one to cultivate the dark power, and one to cultivate the earth power, which was the initial strength of the upper god.

Bolandz and Gilbert ignored it and rushed out to block the tales of the two Wallace. Although the strengths of Boland and Gilbert are not as fast as blood, but they are still much faster than Filipino and others. For a **** who has just entered the early realm of the upper god, they can still cope with it. Ground.

"Hanjia guards, full impact, let them see who is the strongest guardian!" Fei Bi cold face, immediately issued an order.

The number of Ralph's men is similar to that of the Han family. However, if it is about team strength, the Han family has confirmed that they are the most powerful in the last battle of the Seven Defenders!

The five guards who had been trained for one year at the beginning could beat the team's first two elites.

Nowadays, after so many years, the Han family’s guards have been honed for so long in the eight-year-old clutching and purgatory. The two sides are fighting again, and the cowardice is simply self-evident!

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