Chapter 850: Gathering

The yin in the valley is very heavy, Han Shuo is just close to the area, far from the cold tide. **中文网* Speeding up the latest novel chapters*) In addition to the chilly tidal winds, the whirlwinds of the valleys swirl around, making the entire valley misty and fascinating, giving people a dreamlike beauty.

I looked at the place with a glance, and snorted: "It's good, the scenery is pleasant, the air is fresh."

Luo Meng and Zuoqi, who just followed Han Shuo, did not express their opinions. They observed it for a while, and did not feel that there was anything special here. I felt that this place is the same as most areas of the chaotic land, and it is still here. More remote, the elemental intensity is also not outstanding.

Han Mu stood in the dense bushes, took a deep breath, felt the smell of nearby trees, flowers, shrubs, and carefully felt it. He smiled with satisfaction: "Very good, I like it very much!"

Han Jin, Han Huo, and Han Shuidong looked at each other, and each of them expressed their opinions. Han Jin said that rare ore is available in the depths of the valley. Han Shui said that there is a waterfall pool not far away, and the air is filled with moist water vapor. It is of great benefit to his cultivation.

Only Han fire turned around and annoyed: "It is not dry at all. Here my strength can only be maintained, if there is a volcano nearby."

Han Shuo was dumbfounded. It was impossible for one place to take into account all the needs of the five-line corpse. One person was dissatisfied and normal. He extended the devil's head and extended it to detect if there were other people nearby.

"Ruomon, Zoc, since you have been in the chaos of these years, can you know if anyone in this place is occupied?" Han Shuo did not want to immediately commit evil with the five monarchs, so try to avoid unnecessary disputes.

"Master, I don't know, I rarely leave the swamp before you come." Romon shook his head.

"I know some things in the vicinity." Zach smiled and saw Han Shuo's eyes fall on him. He then said, "You don't have to worry about anything. Here is a more remote corner in the chaotic land, the five monarchs. People don't choose this area at all. Well, there is no particularly powerful force nearby. If you really want to stand here, I think there should be no difficulty."

Although Zoe is willing to follow Han Shuo. But before I really saw the strength of Han Shuo. Still not convinced. and so. In the title above. Zoqi did not call the Lord like Romon.

In this regard, Han Shuo knows a lot. Did not immediately force Zoc to change the title. He is confident that he can really conquer Zoc. I am not worried at all in my heart. "That's good. This place is so remote. It really has some benefits!" Han Shuo smiled. Start thinking about whether to transform this area immediately.

"Master. I don't understand why you choose here?" Romon hesitated for a while. After all, I still can't stand it. Speaking of my doubts: "This place is very remote. It is far from the deep valley of the chaotic land. And there is no particularly outstanding terrain. The valley is so easy to enter. It is very easy for others to attack. In addition, the elements in the valley are powerful. Not rich. We spend so much energy here. Is it worth it?"

Not only Romon. Zoc is also very strange. Also looking at Han Shuo with doubt.

The silk was followed by Han Shuo for so long. I know that he has a lot of strange skills. The heart is only guessing how he handles the valley. Not worried that he can't do everything here.

"The average person doesn't know how to use the terrain here. Naturally, I can't unearth the potential here. Oh. You can rest assured. Wait until everything is formed. You will know why I chose this place!" Han Shuo was confident. The terrain in the middle of the valley actually forms a cluster of ghosts that are slightly incomplete. As long as Han Shuo is in trouble anyway. The elements between heaven and earth will actively gather inside.

Focusing on the gathering of the spirits, Han Shuo can open up and use the power of the five elements of the corpse. As long as there is enough material support, Han Shuo can construct many magic arrays.

As long as you are willing to spend time and energy, this valley Han Shuo can play the wall of the copper wall, making the Pislas Tens Peak even more terrible!

Luo Meng saw Han Shuo's assurance of such confidence. Although he felt strange in his heart, he did not ask anything. There are some doubts in Zoc's eyes, and I don't say it directly. I want to see it first, this piece of wasteland, if you really can toss out what is famous, then I will really obey you.

"Xiaojin, take them to the nearby mountains to get some basic ore, Rose, there is a deep pool behind the waterfall, if you want, the bath is gone." Han Shuo is ready to set everything up, Luo Meng, Luo Silk and others stay here anyway, and they can't help, so let them leave and do something they can.

"Ruomon, let me go, you are the most suitable thing to move!" Han Jin knows that Luomeng is filled with rare metals, not only powerful, but also for some strange ores, he has already regarded Luomen as I have my own gold stone shop.

Zuoqi’s heart was curious and wanted to stay and see how Han Shuo did it, but after thinking about it, this kind of thing was also taboo, and he did not insist. He also followed Han Jin and Luo Meng.

"Then I also went around to turn around." Silk whispered a word and flew to the cold pool in the direction of Han Shuo.

In the surrounding area, Han Shuo placed a demon head every other mile, and Zouqi and Luosi had any wind and grass, and Han Shuo immediately noticed it. Therefore, when Shusi left, Han Shuo just nodded, and the heart was very kind, not afraid of any dangerous things they would encounter nearby.

"Unfortunately, the small earth is not there. Well, the vast project on the ground and the ground, I will not do it for the time being. When the small soil comes back, he will get it!" After the silk and Zoe left, Han Shuo sighed helplessly. Then, he began to ask Han Mu and Han Huo to help him.

Han Shuo has regarded the chaotic land as the main exhibition area in the future, because it is not bound by the twelve main gods. Although the competition is cruel, it is more free! Since Han Shuo is ready to stay in the chaos, this time the layout of the valley will not end, but it is very grand.

With the improvement of strength, Han Shuo is more and more skilled in the realization and application of the magic array. There are thousands of magical help, and all kinds of complicated and magical magic arrays can be arranged as long as there is enough material support.

In the following period of time, Han Shuo spent his sleepless nights and forgotten to walk in the valley. With the help of Wan Mo Ding, with the help of the five elements of the corpse, the entire valley was transformed.

It turned out that the lush valleys, all kinds of trees and plants are growing like stimulants, and they become extremely huge. One giant tree is like a mountain, and the dense leaves are like black clouds. , all the light of the sun is covered.

Not only the trees grow taller, but the positions are also moved. They are re-arranged in various wonderful directions. If you look down from the sky, the trees will be combined into a very mysterious and harmonious pattern.

The bushes and shrubs at the foot are like sharp knives. They become extremely hard and sharp, and they are filled in every area. Once someone falls into it, the shrubs will be attacked wildly.

A piece of boulder is placed in all directions in the valley. Each boulder material is different, or it is carved into a strange shape, or the boulder is covered with incomprehensible runes, and it is still colorful, and it is strange at night. Shining.

The chilly atmosphere in the valley is even heavier. The cold wind is hunting, and the yin is not strong. Anyone who enters it will feel uncomfortable, and the heart will have a heartfelt panic...

Unconsciously, the valley has changed dramatically!

Luo Meng, Zoqi and others witnessed the change of the valley, but the doubts in the heart were even heavier. I don't know what the earth-shaking changes in the valley can do.

On this day, Han Shuo yelled Luo Meng, Zoc, and Rose, so that the gold corpse, the wooden corpse, the fire corpse, and the water corpse also stopped at the magic array, and said with a smile: The valley has not been completely arranged, because I still have a son who didn't come, and there is not enough material support, but now only one-fifth is completed!"

After a pause, Han Shuo once again said: "It’s just a one-fifth change. It’s already very interesting! I’m bringing you over, just let you see the results of our time!”

Zuoqi, Luo Meng and others look forward to look at the mysterious movements of Han Shuo during this period of time. In addition to bringing great changes to the appearance of the valley, what other mysteries can be!

Under their gaze, Wan Mo Ding flew out of Han Shuo's body, and Wan Mo Ding came out, immediately began to wander in various areas of the valley, and shot from the Ding implosion, falling in the valley of each magic array center Point, so that the magic array can play a role.

Turning around the valley, Wan Mo Ding eventually came to the center of a huge stone platform. Several rays of light were transmitted by Wan Mo Ding. The stone platform was engraved with a ray knife in the sound of "咔咔", and for a while, On the top of the stone platform, a pattern of 10,000 magical dragons was engraved.

A superior demon head roared out and flew into the pattern of the magical dragon on the stone platform.

As soon as the devil headed into it, the 10,000-odd glimmer pattern shimmered, and the wonderful change seemed to drive the entire valley. The 10,000-odd model was launched as a hub, and the sound of the rumble came from the depths of the valley. As a huge machine starts to work.

Suddenly, the elemental forces outside the valley began to flow into the valley like a trickle. It’s just a little while, the elements in the deep valley are no longer thin, but become more and more intense...

"This, how is this possible?" Zoe was shocked and shocked, and said: "Even the five monarchs in the chaotic land have no power to change the rules of heaven and earth. You, which is the main god?" To be continued, if you want to know what happened. *, more chapters, support **中文网*!

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