Chapter 846: I am taking it!

I am obeying the VIIIth chapter of the Great Devil!

wetlands. Luo Meng's whole body was buried deep in the mud pool. Han Shuo constantly told the corpse. He threw a colorful ore into the swamp.

"What do you want to do?" Luo Meng looked suspicious. frown.

"Don't worry. After a while, you will understand what I am going to do. Hey. Lomon, you can rest assured. It will only make you good and will not have any drawbacks to your body!" Han Shuo's inscrutable. Continue to tell Han Jin to throw stones into the land.

This swamp area. There were some rare ore. As long as the gold armor is a little troublesome. It is possible to gather those rare ores. Also. In the space ring of Han Shuo and Jin Jia’s body, there are also a lot of strange ore. These ores are enough for Han Shuo to deal with Romon's physical refinement.

"Master. Is there any problem?" Rose was worried. She also saw Han Shuo refining before. But at that time, Han Shuo used dead objects. Like this time, the act of directly taking a living person to the refiner has never been seen anyway. Luo Meng saved her when she was in distress. She didn't want Luo Meng to do anything.

This is something that Rose doesn't want. However, it is commonplace for Han Shuo. Xiaolong’s five-line corpse, Black Dragon Gilber, was made in this way by Han Shuo. Han Shuo has already done a good job in doing this kind of thing. Nothing to worry about at all.

"The process does have some pain. But the result will definitely satisfy him. Don't worry. I have my own size!" Han Shuo smiled.

Rose has always trusted trust. See him so guaranteed. It is a relief. Far away from Romon: "Romon. You don't have to worry. It may be unbearable in the middle. But you can rest assured. You must have nothing!"

Not to mention okay. So a glimpse of Luo Mengjia. Crying and mourning for Han Shuo said: "Can you not make it? The current state of the body is very good!"

Shake his head. Han Shuo’s smile is somewhat evil. "I will make your body better. You will stay with me for up to a month. I promise to make your body more responsive to the presence of metals and toxins. By then you will find that the new body is still stronger now! ”

"Han Jin will give me all those metals!" Han Shuo shouted. Also refers to the wood corpse Hanmu. Smiled and said: "Small wood collected the mess of poison from nearby. Also throw it in and let me go!"

"Come on the father!" Han Xian is very active. A large wooden barrel flew over from the air. Each barrel is filled with a black liquid that smells like a nose. He manipulated and poured directly into the swamp.

Han Shui saw a variety of metals and strange poisons were hard-plugged into the swamp. Immediately mobilize the power of water to inject into the swamp. The water drives the swamp to rotate at high speed. Stir the messy things evenly inside.

Everything is ready. Han fire out of a blossoming fire from the fire lotus. They have entered the swamp. Just the water that Han water injected into it. Even with some liquid from the swamp. They are all baked into smog and dissipated into smoke. The sludge gradually lost its moisture and dried. Put the Lomon in it tightly.

A heart move. Seventeen swords roared out. Set it up in a small cluster. Han Shuo will drop the magic Yuan into the swamp. The entire swamp that fueled the raging flames of the Korean fire burned. A few feet high flame heat waves rolling. Han Rose and the two stood behind to escape.

"It's hot! Ah..." Romon felt that his body was getting hotter and hotter under the flame. He has many rare metals in his body. Perhaps not afraid of sword attack. However, metal has thermal conductivity. This level of baking will make his body full of blazing heat.

"This is just beginning. Don't be afraid of pain!" Han Shuo sneered. Dao: "This level of pain. I can bear with a few sons. You can stick to it. Um. Romon. Keep your spirits. Don't take care of your body. Only then can you improve yourself!" ”

Luo Meng feels that the internal organs are burning. Painfully break the heart. There, yelling at the force of breaking away from the swamp.

Han Shuo saw him desperate to try to rush out. Nodded to Han Jin.

The gold hoop suddenly slammed down from nine days. Just listen to "铿锵" one. Romon was struck by the head of Venus. The strength of the whole body was leaked. Luo Mengyu. Yang Tianda. Lost the power that came back again.

Han Jinxi smirked. No matter how loud Romon is. As long as he gathers strength. One is ready to rush out of bondage. He will manipulate the golden hoop to give him a slam. Romon, who was playing right away, was dizzy. He temporarily lost his resistance.

Next to the rose, the heart beats. Worried | The heavy golden hoops will fall and Romon will be directly killed. She is full of doubts about Han Shuo’s approach. I don't understand why he would treat Romon in such a cruel way.

“I want to increase my potential in the shortest possible time. I need to endure ordinary people.

Endure the pain! Han Shuo understood what Rose was worried about. He smiled and said: "You put it." Romon will not have anything. When he comes out of it. I will be grateful for everything I have done for him! ”

Han Shuo said so. Rose has nothing to say.

For seven days. The fire corpse is constantly roasting the swamp in the flame of a fire lotus. Han Jin also invested in some new ore from time to time. In the past seven days, Luo Meng feels directly as if he is tortured by thousands of demons. Endure the unbearable pain of ordinary people. Whenever he wants to break out of bondage. Or when you are going to be stunned. Han Jin’s golden hoop will come from heaven. It is impossible for him to get rid of the pain that non-human endures for a moment.

On the tenth day. It seems that Romon is dead several times. Suddenly I realized that a strange power in the swamp flowed into his god. Those forces have a wonderful connection with his body. As soon as he entered his body, his body's acidity was greatly reduced.

suddenly. Wonderful changes happen in his body. Romon found more and more metals in the body. And is reorganizing in a wonderful way. There was a change that made him dare not imagine. A trace of weak acidity. There is a constant flow of blood in his limbs. The same is happening in his internal organs...

Romon, who has been crazy. All of a sudden settled down. I honestly received the flame burning. No longer desperately trying to attack the bounds of the swamp.

in a blink. More than half a month has passed. Romon and the mud that covered his body were like red-hot soldering irons. His whole person is silent. Like a stone, it’s silent.

"Is he burned to death?" Rose face ugly. The more and more Lumon is estimated, the more fierce the enemy is.

"Don't worry. Now is the best time. It won't take long. He can stand in front of you again!" Han Shuo comforted Rose.

Rose is dubious. Always staring at Romon. Don't die, don't die. Otherwise I am really guilty.

It was another three days. The fire corpse also stopped to continue to bake in flames. The red mud covered by that Luomeng. Nowadays, they have all become sturdy and strange metals. Look far away. Romon is like a small volcano. It radiates hot heat.

under. This conclusion has been fluctuated from the spirit of Romon.

"Hopefully!" The face is full of regrets. It seems that it is a mistake to bring Han Shuo to find Luo Meng. I thought about it if Luo Meng is really dead. What should she do with Han Shuo?

Think about it this way. It’s a bit weird for Rose to look at Han Shuo’s eyes. She thought about it. Suddenly helplessly sighed in my heart. She knew that even Romon was really killed by Han Shuo. She can't do anything with Han Shuo. This made her heart flustered. do not know what to do……

night. Moonlight is clean.

Romon, who has been hot. The body image is being poured with ice water. Suddenly there was a thick smoke. The temperature around the heat. It is also rapidly disappearing. It seems as if Lomon has penetrated into the glacier. The body's high temperature quickly disappears.

After a while. The thick smoke is exhausted. Romon is no longer red like a soldering iron. It returned to normal as it was at the beginning.

Under the gaze of everyone. Luo Meng suddenly opened his eyes. The face is full of joy. I saw his body twisted. Liquid metal generally smashes out of the swamp. His arms stretched out. Turned into a sharp knife. There was also a cold knife on the shoulder and wrist. Open and spit. A colorless light smoke floated out. The smell of odor and odor is an absolute toxicity.

Laughing. Luo Meng is full of excitement. The legs and legs can be turned into any weapon shape. Even the whole body can instantly become a steel sword that shines with cold light and harden. The metal inside the body can be completely controlled by him. As long as he is willing. It seems that the body can be turned into any sharp weapon.

Rose looked stunned. Exclaimed: "How is this? It's amazing!"

"You won't blame me for letting him die and die?" Han Shuo smiled. Tune the road.

"You guys. Counting you for a dog. In addition to my father. Who can motivate all the potential in your body. Use your body to refine the body. Form this way!? In your form. Want to hurt you The people are even more. Except for me, I have a natural control over the metal. Generally, the upper-level gods will not make any harm to you when they try their best!" The golden armor looked at Luo Meng. Ramp.

Perhaps because of Romon's abnormal body was inspired. He frowned at this time. I am also thinking about ways to use my rare metals to add my body's defense. Discussed with Han Shuo several times. The gold corpse has been quite heart-warming. Using several metals to strengthen his own body.

Go one step forward. Romon landed on his knees. I bowed in front of Han Shuo. Hearty and sincere: "Thank you for your master. I have served!"

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