Chapter 844: give it to me

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Those people in the performance of Han Shuo’s shocking strength can stay until now, and often have some kind of shackles.

For example, they are the men of the five monarchs, and for example, they are confident that they can evacuate quickly.

Under the watchful eyes of Han Shuo, the leaders of those forces ignored one of them. One of them said: "I am not malicious. I just happened to come over and see it. Well, a few, if you are interested, I can recommend it on my behalf. Master Rogge, I think Rogge will be very interested in you."

As he said, it is obviously related to Rogge, one of the five great monarchs. It seems that he is not going to leave, and he is preparing to recruit Han Shuo and his party for his master.

In addition, several forces, when they saw him in advance, also expressed their attitudes, representing the other four monarchs of Tell, Ossoi, Salas, and Vasis. I hope that Han Shuo can consider it. They solemnly go to Han Shuo. Said that as long as Han Shuo nodded, he would be able to get everything he needed in the chaos.

The five monarchs have been fighting for years in the chaos, and they have spared no effort to recruit real top players. Han Shuo has just proved that he has the strength of being strong. Once he joins one of them, he will be able to break the existing balance of the chaotic land. Let a certain monarchial power increase greatly.

Han Shuo knew that they were so fearless because they had five major monarchs behind them. They were not surprised by the proposals of these people. They shook their heads with a smile. Han Shuo simply refused: "Sorry, I have no plans to surrender to others! The chaos is so big. I want to have my foothold, and my good intentions are my heart!"

Those people who listened to Han Shuo said this, they all nodded indifferently, and did not excessively retain. In their view, such unruly people like Han Shuo are indeed not like the people who have settled down. This invitation did not have much hope. Han Shuo refused them and they will not continue to stay. , have brought people to leave.

Among them, Harully also took a tribute to Han Shuo, and also left with people. In a blink of an eye, Han Shuo can not find a living person except the body of the body.

"Ross. You are not saying that you still have friends? Well. Take me to see them. At the moment we have not enough people. We can recruit them and grab them early!" Seeing the people disperse. Han Shuo looked at Rose.

"Good. I will take you to them!" Rose nodded. Just ready to lead the way.

"Wait a minute!" Suddenly. There was a whisper from the distant checkpoint. In the blink of an eye. The defender of the Deep Valley, who had repeatedly reminded Han Shuo to pay attention, greeted him.

For this person, Han Shuo still has a good impression. Seeing that he was in a hurry, Han Shuo smiled. The attitude asked friendlyly: "Is there anything?"

"I heard that you are asking about the video message?" He came over. The sound is depressed.

Han Shuo is a glimpse. Doubt: "How do you know?"

"You asked the wind spirit, it is our people, he told me." He whispered a sentence, said Han Shuo: "Free to send you a message, the shadow has just left the Tianshen Peak, should return to the area where he lives. If you are looking for him, it is right now."

Then, this person smiled at Han Shuo, no longer said anything, turned back and returned to the deep valley.

Han Shuo was dumb in his heart. He didn't understand why this guy showed it many times. However, he heard that he had left Tianfeng Peak and immediately changed his mind. He was ready to kill the shadow first.

"Father, the guy gave us the news of the film, is it the idea that let us kill the shadow first, and then let the news leak out?" Xiao Han Han Hao waited for the man to leave, his eyes slid and turned, immediately Your own opinion.

Han Shuo smiled slightly, and nodded his approval. The secret of this son was not as simple as the five elements.

If you think about it carefully, it’s still possible to say that Han Hao’s saying is that the five monarchs in the chaotic land are obviously different. The guardian should not be a Salas person. If Han Shuo will kill the film, he will reveal the news. May welcome the pursuit of Salas.

Judging by the strength of Han Shuo’s display, the people of Salas really started with him. Even if Han Shuo eventually lost, Saras would have to pay a lot of money. For them, This result is obviously very ideal.

"It's okay, let's kill the movie first, but we should pay attention to it at the time, as long as we don't doubt it to us. Hey, we will fight the five monarchs sooner or later, but not now!" Han Shuo came to the chaos The purpose of this is to unify the entire chaos, but the current Han Shuo magic has not yet broken through to the realm of the world, but still not sure to compete with the five monarchs.

"Understood." Listening to Han Shuo said, Xiao Han Han Hao nodded and suddenly said: "Father, you don't have to worry about it. Otherwise, give it to me?"

Han Shuo stayed, looked at Xiaoxi, and his heart was strong.

It does have the power to kill the film. However, if the shadows are still gathering, it will be a little difficult. After hesitating, Han Shuo frowned. "If you fight alone, I think it is not difficult for you to get rid of the shadows. However, there may be another What about the master?"

"I brought a small soil, so there should be no problem. There is a small soil to help me, I can sneak attack anywhere, and kill the shadow in the shortest time. When he dies, I will leave with Xiaotu immediately, nothing will happen! Han Hao is very confident.

Xiao Han Han Hao is famous for his savage and fierceness in the hunting gods of death. I am extraordinary and act calmly. I have rarely lost money in the past 50 years. I have to say this to him. Han Shuo thought about it. Laughing and promised, nodded: "Alright, or else, you will take a trip with Xiaotu."

It turns out that only by releasing them and letting them face all the sinister and fighting alone can they be improved most quickly! Han Shuo understands this in his heart. Anyway, there is only the mid-term strength of the upper god. It is not too difficult to kill him with the power of Xiao Yan. There are Korean soil, import attack and retreat, and Han Shuo can rest assured.

"Small soil, follow me!" Xiao Han Han Hao glanced at the Korean soil, whispered.

Han Tu smiled and looked a little excited. To Han Shuo said: "Father, I went!"

"If I can't find me, I will be deep in the valley one month later." Before leaving, Han Shuo slammed Xiao Han Han Hao.

"I know my father." Xiao Yan nodded and left with Han.

"Go, I will continue to find someone with you." Han Shuo looked at the silk.

The silk is no longer said, leading the way in the front, flying southwest, Han Shuo, Mujia corpse, water corpse, fire corpse, and gold corpse follow behind her.

Three days later, in the southwest of the chaotic land, a sullen swamp, Han Shuo and his party wandered aimlessly. The mud in the marshes smelled bad, and there was a blisters. When the blisters burst, the poison gas spread and filled the air.

The animals and plants that can survive in this piece are more or less poisonous. Along the way, all kinds of strange plants are often caught off guard, but they are not close to Han Shuo and others. Wave down.

"Mom, the plants in this area are really fierce. I want to control them and need to consume more power. Fortunately, I have green ash in my hand, or else I will continue to scatter them all the time, I have to put my body inside. The loss of power is not enough!” Han Muzhen said that the plants in the swamp were not on the road, and even the command of his tree spirit dared to question, which made him very unhappy.

The wood carcass is made by the five elements of Mu Yuanli. All the plant weeds are also able to survive by relying on the wood. The soul of the wood body is the highest level, and the wood body of the body can be controlled by nature. Plant weeds, because they are the lowest level of existence compared to wood corpses, their souls are not fully autonomous.

Generally speaking, as long as it is a creature that relies on Muli, it can't escape the control of the corpse. In the big forest, the wood corpse can transform the wood into each big tree, can operate the big tree weeds to attack, and can also mobilize the wood force in the trees to restore the power of his consumption.

Once in the big forest, the strength of the wood corpse will be multiplied, even if a superior **** is not necessarily his opponent in the big forest.

However, the plants in this swamp do not know that they have been eroded by toxic for too long, and they all have strong unyielding toughness. In the face of the command of the wood corpse, the spirit of the tree will also produce resistance, so that the corpse will consume More power can control them.

"Ross, where is your friend probably?" Along the way, Han Shuo’s knowledge began, and he did not feel the traces of life, which made him feel confused.

"I don't know very well. The guy has always lived here, and it belongs to a special race. It is the most singular and strongest one among the friends I know. After so many years, I don't know if he has it. Leaving here, so I am not very clear." Rose frowned, it seems that it is meaningless to search so aimlessly, but I can't think of any good way.

"Let's find it again, I hope I can do something." Han Shuo said indifferently.

The group continued to search, and after another day, they still had nothing to gain. On this day, they came to the biggest swamp. They saw a huge bubble on it. Han Jin suddenly looked like a gesture and pointed to Han Shuo’s voice: "Father, there is a very strange metal below, I haven't seen it yet, let me see it!"

As soon as the words fell, Han Jin jumped into the swamp.

Suddenly, before Han Jin fell into the swamp, a steel claw-like arm slammed out from under the swamp, grabbed the gold armor and dragged him directly into the swamp! (To be continued, if you want to know what happened, the diaa chapter is more, support!)

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