Great Demon King

Chapter 841: Your opponent is me!

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At this time, Han Shuo felt that the palm of the silk was holding him back and it was very powerful. Han Shuo looked at her with a look. Now Luo's eyes are full of gratitude, and there are still some strange feelings. It seems that under the strong pressure, Rose reveals the emotions that are rarely seen on weekdays.

Smiled, Han Shuo said: "You are my person, I naturally want to be in your head."

"Thank you!" said the whisper, the beautiful face was a little bit overflowing with a smile, it seems that the mood is really good.

At this point, there is no room for retreat. Bertha screamed and said: "External people, do you really think that we are afraid of you? The chaotic land has the rules of chaotic land. Today you suddenly offended so many forces. I don't believe you can still live alive!"

Han Shuo was too lazy to talk to Baisha nonsense, and he told Xiaohao Han Hao: "Xiao Hao, kill me for her!"

Xiao Han Han Hao said nothing, the portable bone spurs shot out, and it was a storm against Baisha. Bertha also has only the mid-term strength of the upper god. In the face of Xiaoxuan, there is no chance of winning. When the two talents get together, Baisha will be defeated by Xiao Xiao.

Buzzley was furious, and the softness was not his personality. Seeing that Han Shuo was so unconscious of the five million black crystal coins, he couldn’t help but screamed, "You really think that you can eat steady." Set us up! I want to see who can live today!"

Then, Buzz rushed out, but it did not kill Han Shuo, but attacked Xiao Han Han Hao.

Just now, Booz saw with his own eyes that Xiao Han Han Hao killed his middle-ranking god. It is certain that Bossa, who was also in the middle of the upper-level god, was not an opponent of Han Hao. Booz had to help Percy to kill Han Hao. Otherwise, once he and Han Shuo get started, I am afraid that there will be no chance to pay attention to Baisha, so the possibility of Bertha being killed is great.

Booth moved. Han Shuo also took the shot. Ghostly charms are suddenly inserted into the battle area between Xiaohan Han Hao and Baisha. Reach out and lift. It has been stopped by Booz. Laughed and said: "Your opponent is me!"

This time Han Shuo did not out of the sky. A heart move. The seventeen flying swords were violently shot from the body. The chilly, horrible flying sword ran in the harsh and screaming sound. Bring out a terrible magical power. Corrosive everything around Buzz. He was free to take care of Bertha.

I looked at Han Shuo’s two fathers and sons and stopped the enemy. I intend to help. However, there are some five-line corpse that are not very relieved. Had to stay in place. Eyes stare at Han Shuo and Xiao Han Han Hao.

Whether Han Shuo or Xiao Han Han Hao. It is not difficult to deal with Booz and Baisha. They all have the strength to go beyond each other. Winning alone in a single battle will not have too many accidents.

The five elements of the corpse were completely relaxed. The five guys smiled and looked at Han Shuo and Xiao Han Han Hao in the middle of the battle. Easily comment on the foot. It seems to be on the sidelines. A calm face.

Xiao Han Han Hao has a bone spurt. Bring a layer of gray and dead clouds. Covering Bertha completely. The seven bone spurs behind him are just around the corner. It is hidden. I have been waiting for a fatal blow.

Bertha’s heart was so embarrassed that it was not until this time that she realized how terrible the young man’s strength was in front of her. When she finally got it, she realized the strangeness of Xiao Yan’s death power and realized the more terrible demon among the death forces. The power of power and the radiance of the bones of the bones make the body of Bertha more and more weak.

Bertha knew that this was not the way. Without surprise, she would eventually be killed by a teenager who had no emotional fluctuations. Although she did not know the true strength of Han Shuo on the other side, but looking at Buzza's face full of taboos, I am afraid that his situation and himself can not be too much.

No, this way we both have to finish all the fun, Mom, Rose, the scorpion, when hooked up such a horrible guy! In the heart of Bertha's heart, while thinking about the defense, she thought about the way to solve it.

Suddenly, Bertha made every effort to temporarily break away from the indiscriminate bombing of Xiao Han Han Hao. He took the opportunity to shout: "The friends outside, we have the same goal! Don't hesitate any more, only work together to get rid of these foreign spoilers. We will be able to stand in the chaos of the future!"

When the words came out, those cold-eyed spectators seemed to have some heartbeat, but when they thought of Han Shuo’s strange and singular skills, they were hesitant on their faces, and their hearts were measured for the same treasures. The value was not worthy of plugging their lives and later. Living in a place of chaos.

"As long as they die! As long as they die, I am willing to come out with five million black crystal coins! Five million black crystal coins, plus the items and crystal coins on them, enough for everyone to split up! Don't hesitate, today they Don't die, there will be a place in our place of chaos in the future!” Seeing those who are watching and hesitating, Bertha’s heart is stunned

She rushed to raise the price again.

Five million black crystal coins are also expensive for those people. This is equivalent to Booz’s decades of savings. Bertha throws such a blockbuster and immediately makes those cold-eyed.

Suddenly, those people were all red eyes, and they all cast their eyes on Han Shuo and others. Under the temptation of five million black crystal coins, many people have forgotten the horror of Han Shuo, and are ready to take their lives.

There are still some forces that have clearly seen the situation. They know that it is not necessary to take advantage of today’s opportunity to kill Han Shuo and his party. It will be even more difficult to do it in the future. They are doing some special trading, and they will never hope to have Han Shuo. Such a spoiler exists.

For the sake of their own future interests, these people are also heart-warming. They have been retreating from each other, and they are once again surrounded. It seems that they are ready to use the power of the people to kill Han Shuo.

There are also a few forces that really stand still. They just heard the news and did not do anything special. There are very few people in this category. Harully is one of them. When the amount of five million black crystal coins was shouted by Bertha, Haruli also felt a little heart, but he still resisted, just because he wanted to see What is Han Shuo’s guilty?

"This is a big trouble, even if he is super strong, under the siege of such a group of murderers, I am afraid that it will be more fierce!" Deep Valley checkpoint, the one who repeatedly reminded Han Shuo to be careful, the frown frowned, whispered Speak to himself.

"Brothers, kill this group of spoilers!" Suddenly, a shout was shouted out by one of the big forces, like the thunder and the fire, the infamous fierce of the 20-strong chaos People, crazy, joined the battle circle and rushed toward Han Shuo, Xiao Han Han Hao, Rose, and the Five Elements.

This group of people are in the chaotic land, and it is almost impossible to live in this situation. This time, it is almost impossible to give birth to the party. This time, the joint shot, the murderousness suddenly shrouded the entire area, and the sound was shocking.

"Haha, I see how you live alive today!" Booz laughed wildly. He had just been beaten by Han Shuo's seventeen flying swords, giving birth to a feeling of grief that would be killed at any time. Suddenly, the situation has changed dramatically. Many forces that have been watching by the cold have joined in. Under the impact of nearly a thousand fierce gods, his self-confidence has expanded unprecedentedly and he could not help but yell.

In the face of the impact of the 20 forces, Han Shuo regressed decisively, no longer entangled with Booz. At the same time that he flew backwards, hundreds of devils flew out of his body. This time, the devil head flew out of his body and turned into a virtual body, which dissipated in all directions.

Xiao Han Han Hao and his heart and soul exchange, at the same time to the five elements of a corpse and Rose gathered, calmly gave up and continue to chase Bersha, although he knows that only a few more seconds, he has the opportunity to kill Bertha!

When the five elements of the corpse saw a sudden change in the situation, they immediately placed Rose in the middle, and the five people stood in the direction of the five-pointed star, silently waiting for the rapid arrival of Han Shuo and Xiao Han Han Hao.

Suddenly, the devils that turned into virtual bodies dissipated suddenly, and they began to frantically attack the murderers who were attacked. The devils formed by the above gods and gods were in an invisible state. Even the shadow of a sly is not left, and they are all attacking the flesh and blood around them.

The attack of a group of demon heads immediately ushered in a ghost crying wolf, those who are not as strong as the gods of the upper gods. Once they are immersed in a few devils, they can't find a way to solve them. They will soon be swallowed up. And died. The devil who swallows flesh and blood will become more bloodthirsty and mad, and the power will increase in a short time, and then continue to attack other fierce gods.

I haven't waited for those people to hit the side of the five-line corpse. There are already fifty or sixty people who have died in the sky under the devil's head. The death is also consistent with the fear of the face. The body is dry and adult, and there is no life.

Twenty of the forces, including all kinds of cultivation, some of the gods who cultivated the ice system of the fire, and soon the extremely cold and extremely hot forces will immediately fly out of the body, and those who know The gods who use the power of the soul to attack, and gradually the attack of the soul can also work for the strange creature of the devil.

A loud cry for the devil head came from the cry of the ghosts and crying wolves. Gradually, those people knew the weakness of the devil and began to have targeted shots. In this way, it is impossible for the devil to use the method of sneak attack to drill into the body for a short time to kill. Only three or five groups are gathered together to work, and the efficiency is reduced a lot.

At this time, Han Shuo and Xiao Han Han Hao finally flew to the five elements of the corpse and the Luosi side. The five elements of the corpse and Han Shuo are connected, and they have already been prepared. The corpse of the five corpses has been laid out in a short time. At the end, the first-class Han Shuo entered, and the five elements of the corpse immediately moved the corpse and the five elements.

Now, just wait for those fierce gods to enter! (To be continued, if you want to know what happened, chapters are more, support!)

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