Great Demon King

Chapter 834: Have a goal

The 8th and 34th chapter of the Great Devil has a goal.

| Dia after coming over. It was found that there were many strangers and some surprises beside Xiaohan Han Hao. Have a closer look. Codia discovered that Han Shuo Luosi's five-line corpse and others are not like the hunters. This makes Cody|| doubts. I don't know what relationship between Xiao Han Han Hao and Han Shuo.

Although I was very confused in my heart, I saw Xiaohao Han Hao. Cordia is also a respectful first tribute. "We are very concerned about what you are asking. We sent a few of us to check the information nearby. After this period of searching. We have a bit of a look." Codia finished the ceremony. Explain to Han Hao.

A few people in Cordia searched for news nearby. Xiao Han Han Hao immediately asked: "What is the situation?"

Kodia was hesitant in the eyes. Did not answer immediately. But there are guards looking forward to Han Shuo and others. Careful words: "What are these?" He estimated that Han Shuo and others were not allowed. Some words don’t dare to speak out.

Han Hao knows what Kodia is scrupulous about. Slightly stunned. Road: "They are my friends. You don't have to worry. If you have anything to say!"

Kodia a glimpse. Looking at Han Shuo and others is full of surprise. I don't understand how they will become friends of Xiao Han Han Hao. Cordia has heard of the notoriety of Otaru in the Death Valley. As a rising star of the hunt. Han Hao became a very awesome character of the hunters. They have never heard of Han Hao who has had friends. So now listen to Han Hao. It will be so amazing.

Hesitated for a moment. In the cold eyes of Otaru Han Hao. Kodia said: "I took them in a nearby area for a while. I finally figured out who the starter is."

"Who is it?" Han Hao asked.

"He called the shadow. Practice the dark power. There is the mid-term strength of the upper god. A few days ago. I also heard that he is preparing to sell the ore that he snatched at a low price." Codia sees Han Hao so anxious. I dare not hesitate to answer quickly.

"Where is the person? Han Shuo is slightly. Suddenly interrupted. The eyes are cold and cold. The heart has moved."

Codia came over. I put my attention on the body of Rose. Because he can feel the obvious superiority from Rose's body. And that breath is still faintly higher than him. This made him unacceptable. So he will be very concerned about Rose.

As for Han Shuo Kedia, he did not pay attention to it. Han Shuo was as calm as water when he did not send magic power. It is hard to detect the horror of Han Shuo when the strength is less than a certain level. Kodia felt no threat to Han Shuo. Just treat him as an ordinary median god.

Until Han Shuo interjected. Cordia is a bit strange. What is the qualification of such a median **** to intervene? There was some displeasedness on his face. Han Shuo did not take care of it at all. It’s just to explain to Xiao Han Han Hao: “Shaanhe’s men. After the attack on the Jinshi store in the previous period, he did not continue to travel. He stayed at his bottom nest. Recently he came out to sell the stolen ore.”

Seeing Cordia did not regard himself. Han Shuo did not care. Anyway, Cordia said that he said to Xiao Han Han Hao.

"The bottom of the shadow of the nest is in what side. How many people are there. Isn't everyone in the week?" Han Hao looks calm and continues to ask.

"The bottom of the shadow is in the east of the café. There are about fifty or sixty people. There are three or four gods in addition to the film. The strength is only in the early stage. Under normal circumstances, the shadow will stay at the bottom of the nest. But the hardest part to say. He may sell the ore in his hands to the chaotic deep valley." Codia is not sure.

"Besides this. What are you doing?" Han Hao asked again.

"The movie is Saras's men. He will tribute to Saras in the interval. If you are ready to kill, it is best not to let people know. Once someone knows that you will kill the shadow. Let Saras hear that you will Get in trouble with the big day," Cordia hesitated. Explained to Xiao Han Han Hao.

"Salas!" Still not waiting for Xiao Han Han Hao to speak, Rose is exclaimed. Han Shuo whispered: "I told you Saras. He is the chaos of the five chaos kings. When I left the chaos, he has the power of the Lord!"

Han Shuo’s heart sank. Indifferently nodded. Express understanding.

There are five kings in the chaos. They are Terrogo Oso Essar Svasi. These five people all have the power of the Lord God. It’s just that there is no Godhead in the Lord.

Not to mention the confusion. Even in any area of ​​the Twelve Great Gods. These five people can also become a hegemon. Each of them is killing and ruthless. A chaotic order that represents chaos. Within the chaos. The five men’s hands beat and kill all day. For the sake of the interests of the endless. The reason why the chaos is so confusing. The existence of these five people is the main cause.

Their five talents are the most horrible king of chaos

Stay straight in the center of chaos. The first of the hunters like Polo. \'Enough in the outer periphery of the chaos. The five monarchs are inferior.

Many gods who live in chaos. Generally choose one party to attach. If you want to have a foothold in the depths of chaos. They don't don't offer many supplies every year. According to this, the five kings were granted asylum. The exemption was wiped out by one of the five kings.

Although the shadow is also a superior god. But the strength is far less than the five kings. Every year he needs to tribute to Saras for his own. Phase. Once the shadow is killed by people. Salas will also be in his head. If you kill the shadow, it is the hand of other monarchs. Then a chaotic battle will be inevitable.

"In short, be cautious. Really do it. Don't leave alive!" Mention Saras. Kodia’s speech was much smaller. Reluctantly said: "If it is not related to Salas. We adults may have helped you to win the people. Unfortunately, the other side has a relationship with Salas. We adults can not dare to recruit Salas! Sorry."

Xiao Han Han Hao nodded. Road: "Understood. Go back and say to Polo. I will remember his help!"

"Then I won't bother you!" Codia singularly nodded. Before he left, he looked at Han Shuo's eyes a little weird. Because Rose has been very humble about Han Shuo’s explanation. It seems as if the next person treats the owner. This made Codia feel more thoughts. I began to estimate the true identity of Han Shuo.

After Kodia left. Rose's face was a bit heavy. Road: "Salas is a man who must report. In the years of chaos, he has never been soft. We...may not be his opponent!"

I took a look at Rose. Han Shuo’s face is calm. Laughing and said: "Don't worry. We don't have to do it. Once you have the shadow of the hole, you can't escape one person!"

"Father. For Saras. Are you sure?" Xiao Han Han Hao suddenly looked at Han Shuo. Hesitated for a moment. Still said the thoughts in my heart.

Han Shuo is a glimpse. Frowning for a while. Shake his head and said: "I'm not sure. I haven't tried it. It's not very clear."

At the beginning, Han Shuo and Heitian and others chased a leader of the hunter. The hunter's leader has the power of the Lord God. Until now, Han Shuo still can't forget the horrible power of that family. Although Han Shuo’s strength is now big. There can be real opponents of that level. He never knows if he can handle it.

unfortunately. Have not yet entered the realm of annihilation. Once the breakthrough of the demon reaches the realm of destruction. Then I am really sure! Han Shuoxin is very sorry. With the improvement of magic power. The improvement in each class has become slower and slower. He always felt that he had reached the edge of the breakthrough. However, it took so long. Still no gains.

"Then we must be careful!" Listening to Han Shuo is not sure. Xiao Yan thought about it. Road: "Once you take the shot. There must be no loss!"

"Go. Look at the hole on the other side first!" Although there is some helplessness in the master. But it is not particularly worrying. Long before the chaos. He knew the master of chaos from the mouth of Rose. Inside the heart - there is preparation.

Han Shuo thinks that his magic is a breakthrough. It may only be possible if it is in confusion. Because every breakthrough in magic power is broken in the face of powerful pressure and horrible enemies. The chaos is the presence of a strong man who can help him break through. This made Han Shuo work hard.

"There is a father. We will take a shot. There will be no omissions!" Han fire is full of enthusiasm. He was excited when he heard that the murder had set fire.

Release the devil. According to Kodia's guidelines. Han Shuo and his entourage went to the Bay of Pang. The devils on the way just touch the gods they can eat. Han Shuo will be ruthless to kill. Put their souls into the magic. Improve the power of the magic.

The number of chaotic masters exceeds that of any city. Just on the way to the Valley of the Tears. Han Shuo’s Wan Mo Ding has already had three upper-level souls and thirty-eight median gods. This is just a half-day use of Han Shuo.

Came to the valley of the thorns. Han Shuo first used the devil's head to patrol around. Nothing special. He nodded to Han. Commanded: "First open a deep passage."

"Get it right away!" For Han. This is simply too easy. The words fell. He has fallen deeply into the depths of the valley. A passage leading to the bottom of the shadow. Soon it was formed at the soles of Han Shuo and others. He doesn't need to spend time looking for ways to get rid of the shadows.

"Father. Let's go down." Just a few minutes. Han Tu will fix everything. Laughing and waving to Han Shuo and others in the following. (To be continued. If you want to know what happened later, please visit the chapter for more. Support the author. Support!)

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