Great Demon King

Chapter 828: Not allowed to chase!

It's all you. When is this the head? "From the fortress Han Shui immediately blamed Han Mu. Just three women have just fought themselves. Maybe he has to be left behind. And he has not encountered this situation.

"Mom. Those women are really not. They are too greasy and tired. Next time I look for a woman to look for a married woman. Or they are the most refreshing. After a shot, they will not be entangled!" . Being mad is not light.

The middle-aged man with a slap in the face has already flown over. Behind him. Several angry median gods are also tight.

Finally escaped from the fortress. I didn't expect to be chased up. Han Mu Han Shui ignored it and felt helpless.

The middle-aged man with a slap in the face has the strength of God. Practice the power of fire. People who have not really come will be angry. A flame came to the sky. Like a fire cloud, the Han Mu Hanshui hoods come to the flames more than him _, a lot faster in a moment to block the Han Hanshui two people's back road.

Han Mu Hanshui is very sophisticated in mastering the strengths of the various departments. There is still a gap between him and his strength. The blazing flames together. The two can only stop flying forward immediately. Soon it was caught up by the followers.

"Small water. If we want to join forces to clear the obstacles of fire. Just cross the wilderness. Once inside the depths of the jungle, they will never catch us. Hanmu whispered to Han Shui. With him for life. Mastering the power. Once the person reaches the area where the trees are everywhere, there is really no one who can catch it.

"I don't think it is too late!" Han Shui smiled and shook his head. The effort of the speech. The pursuit of the soldiers is instantaneous. It’s a bit late to do it now.

"Mom is annoying!" Hanmu whispered. Looking around, I looked around. For the first time in my heart, I have a heart of regret. The dark passage should not drag the small water into the scourge.

"Hanmu is ready to go!" The middle-aged man approached step by step. A face is angry. "As long as you married my daughter. I have never been in the past! Otherwise, you and two of you don't want to be safe!"

"I have no feelings with your daughter. Why are you reluctant?" Han Mu bitterly. The eyes dribbled and kept turning.

"Take it down and say it!" Dahan seems to know that Han escape technology is first class. Seeing him has no sincerity. No more nonsense waved and waved his hand | began to take people.

Those median gods have long seen Han Mu is not pleasing to the eye. I will not say anything right away. The mouth rushed over in the past.

at this time. A shrill whistling sounded in the quiet night sky. A shadow sharpness is inserted directly into the middle of those who are ready to start. An evil force exploded like a thunder in the center. Several median gods were hit by the power. No one can get close to Hanmu Hanshui.

"Big brother!" Han Mu Han Shui also exclaimed. The face is an ecstasy that can't be suppressed.

Xiao Han Han Hao has a cold face. Both glanced at the median **** who had fallen to the ground. Slowly set your sights on the upper body of the cultivating fire system. dead! "Three-meter-long bone spurs are pointing away at the middle-aged Han Han Xiao Han Han Hao.

Seeing that his men were hit by the weird powers. The middle-aged man who was furious was prepared to kill anyone in desperate circumstances. Immediately felt the power of a horrible evil suddenly filled in all directions, his brows locked. Careful understanding. I was shocked and said: "Who are you? What is the relationship between Hanmu and you?"

Xiao Han Han Hao did not answer. Indifference to him for a while. U-turn to the inexplicable Hanmu Hanshui: "Go." Xiao Yan did not care about the direction of the upper right path to the empty city.

Han Mu Han Shui smiled and made a contempt gesture to the fire god. The same number of people who are no longer looking behind are walking in the direction of the empty city with a smile.

A few of the gods who just stood up were mad by Han Hao’s eyes. Stand up and open your mouth. I am going to rush again to make Han Hao three pieces of meat.

"Stop!" The middle-aged man gave a low drink. Seeing his men, he looked at him with amazement. Sink again: "Do not chase

"Adults..." A median **** is somewhat wronged.

Waving a wave. The middle-aged man stopped the complaints of his men. The eyes are complicated and look at Han Hao, who is step by step. Road: "Don't say more, let's go back."

The median **** is full of doubts. I dare not say anything more. They all followed him dejectedly. Be careful along the way.

"Father. People? Did you catch it?" called Xiaomi Dimei came on the face. Shouting excitedly.

"You won't be asked to mention Han Mu in the future!" Dahan looked serious. Shen said: "This person is not something we can provoke. The family thinks. You better give me to forget him early!"

"Why. Father? How can you do this?" She has never been so strict.

| Reprimanded. The grievances of tears have already appeared in the eyelids.

"Can't let the family suffer from the disaster! Xiaomi. You remember me. Don't look for Hanmu again! Or else. It will shut you up directly!" The middle-aged man sipped a cold drink. A little unrequited.

"Adult. The two boys. Is there that strength?" A median **** does not believe.

Sufficient! "Da Han slammed his hand and said: "The boy is very murderous. It is by no means a kind-hearted person. Just if we take the plunge. Everyone will die. including me! ”

This is the case. Several median gods are all awkward. Even Xiaomi is ashamed. No longer dare to blame her father's anomaly.


"What happened?" One left the area. Entered the wide mountain range outside the ethereal city. Han Hao asked two people.

"Do you ask Xiaomu?" Han Shui slammed Hanmu.

Under the watchful eye of Otaru Han Hao. Han Mu is somewhat guilty. I will talk about the story.

Han Hao listened very carefully. Wait until Han Mu finishes and frowns: Be careful later. Use your energy to cultivate! ”

"Knowing Big Brother." Han Mu was a little afraid of him. The honesty should be down. I dare not say anything to Xiao Yan.

"The two of you are worse. You are in a hurry in the city. If you don't come again, your father must go to find you!"

Listen to him mentioning Han Shuo. Han Mu Han Shui is very happy. In unison, asked: "How is your father?"

Han Hao thought for a moment. The answer: "Very good."


Empty city. Day pharmacy.

I am in love with the pharmacy. Turned around in the pharmacy shop. Follow Han Shuo to the meeting hall. Feel free to ask: "I heard that shops have often encountered attackers in the past time?"

What? Han Shuo smiled slightly. He waved his hand to indicate that Luo Sihan fired Han Dong. Then he asked: "The master of the city came over this time." Is there a message? ”

Nodded. He took out a magic mirror and made the mirror stagnate in the air. To Han Shuo explained: "My friend is not in the ethereal city. I usually contact him through magic mirrors on weekdays. If you don't mind, how do you use this way to see you?"

Wrinkled. Han Shuo thought about it. Road: "Also."

Mum no longer said more. A divine power falls into the magic mirror. The energy spar inlaid around the mirror is all shiny. A vaguely shadow is gradually clearing inside. "Long Yang Tian pharmacy master name. Hehe. I am very honored to do business with Tian Pharma!" The sound of the rough sound of the mirror sounded. A middle-aged man with a mess of red hair emerged inside.

"You are?" Han Shuo immediately focused on this person. Han Shuo can't feel the breath of this person through the magic mirror. Therefore, it is estimated that his true power is not allowed.

"The red-haired middle-aged man introduced himself briefly. Then he laughed loudly: "I have great confidence in Tianshou. As long as you point our 39; you can open now. The pen coin can be handed over to the hand immediately! ”

"Brian. As long as you like. I can immediately give Leahy's 500,000 black crystal coins to you! I have a list in my hand. Just give me the medicine according to the above requirements!" Baum interjected. There is a long list of drugs in the hands of the drug.

Han Shuo just glanced at him | Zhang Danzi. It can be seen that many of the above agents are contraband. If this matter is taken care of by the empty city owner. There should be no problem in the ethereal city. to him. How to look is beneficial.

However, Han Shuo did not rush to agree. Instead, I smiled and took the order from the hand. Dao: "I don't accept the coins for the time being. I will see first | those pharmacists will be able to get out the medicines on the list. If they feel that there is nothing wrong with them. Let's talk again."

The Lech, the magic mirror, was a bit surprised. It seems that Han Shuo’s mother-in-law is not expected. It will be so cautious in such a huge and infallible interest. He looked at Han Shuo strangely in the mirror. Dao: "The strength of the heavenly pharmacy. There is absolutely no problem with the above pharmacy. M is the owner of the ethereal city. Do you have any concerns?"

"There is nothing to worry about, but the number of pharmacists is too small. The medicine of 500,000 black crystal coins may not be able to come out as scheduled. I need to communicate with them first." Han Shuo's attitude is very good. The reason is also very reasonable.

Leah thought for a moment. I smiled quickly and said: "That's good. I like your responsible attitude. I am waiting for your good news!"

Then. Leahy took the initiative to cut off the contact. Baum did not say anything more. Han Shuo casually talked about a few unrelated things. Just left the game.

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