Chapter 806: Come, hit me!

The dark gods go to the chaotic land, passing through the death gods, the thunderbolt t transmission array method is available.

For Han Shuo, this is also a long journey. Three months later, Han Shuo traveled through the Mirage City and Blackwater City to the territory of the city.

During this time, Han Shuo and Luo Si tried to avoid falling in the big cities. When they passed through the Mirage City and Blackwater City, they only marched in some towns and fortresses. Even the Mirage City and the Blackwater City main city did not enter. This day finally came to Diablo. The territory of the most powerful city in the domain, Tun Yun City.

Unlike usual, Han Shuo did not take Rose to continue the remote path, but went straight to the city of Tun Yun.

"Hey, why didn't you let it go this time?" Rose saw Han Shuo seem to have changed his mind. He looked a little surprised and asked: "Are you planning to enter Tunwan City?"

In the past three months, only Han Shuo and Rose have been together. It seems that Rose is in a good mood all the way. It is no longer indifferent. It is obviously more than when it was in the Shadow City Han family. It seems that she really does not. Like a place with lots of people.

The last mastermind of the attack in the Feiyun Mountains was Field, but the real help was Lacson of the Broadhurst family, the most powerful family in the city. The family leader Yale is the owner of the city of Tunga, and the sneak attack of Lakleyson failed to fulfill his wish. The three members of the Brodhurst family were also killed by Han Shuo.

This hatred, Han Shuo does not believe that Laclesson can let go!

Since entering the swallow cloud city, Han Shuo wants to figure out the situation of swallowing the city. If possible, Han Shuo also intends to take the risk of removing Lacson, and to eliminate a big problem for the Han family.

"Yes, I want to see what the strength of the city is." Han Shuo nodded.

Reese did not know the identity of the attack, so he would question Han Shuo’s decision: "Swallowing the city as the most powerful city in the Diablo, the overall strength is far higher than the Shadow City, the Broadhurst family. It is also the oldest family in the Dark Divine, the city is as strong as Lin, and very united!"

"After the Lefus family left the Shadow City. All migrated to the city of Tun Yun. Ha ha. We took over the Levs family in the shadow city. Anyway, the Levers family will hate it. Do not know the Levers family. What is the situation in Tunwan City?" Han Shuo smiled. Road: "Go. Let's go and swallow the city!"

Silk has always been proposing to Han Shuo. This time is no exception.

After half a month. Han Shuo and Luo Si appeared in front of the city of Tun Yuncheng. The town of Tun Yuncheng is solemn. The black and shiny boulder piled up the gates of the city. The guards in front of the door looked gloomy. Extraordinary.

On the city gate. Several huge energy crystal cannons pointed to the front. The muzzle shines. It looks very awkward.

"These energy crystal cannons rely on the energy of several energy towers in the rear to shoot. The degree of attack can not withstand the general superior god. Once the lower **** is hit, it is directly killed!" Rose sees Han Shuo's eyes Hanging on several energy crystal cannons. Whispered.

"Swallowing the city is really extraordinary. Go. Let's go into the city." Han Shuo observed it outside the city for a while. And Rose paid the fee to enter the city of Tun Yun.

After entering the city, under the leadership of Rose, Han Shuo turned for a while. The defensive power of the swallowing cloud city is obviously stronger than that of the shadow city. There are many defensive towers and energy crystal guns that rely on energy spar. The calm and indifferent Defender passed a team for a while.

Han silk disguised the silver, Han Shuo slightly changed his appearance, I believe that no one in the swallow cloud city would recognize him, and then asked a team of guards who crossed the road: "Excuse me, in what direction is the Levers family?"

"The Levers family?" The **** of the swallowing city smashed and looked at the black crystal coins that Han Shuo had in his hand. He asked the **** guards beside him: "Is there a family called Levers in the city?"

"Yes, a family that just came from Shadow City some time ago is called the Reverus family. I heard that a woman named Donna of the Raffles family is going to marry the young master of Laklissen in these few days. Hey, this also means that the Raffles family will become a vassal family of the Broadhurst family!" Another Guardian interjected, to Han Shuo said: "The Levs family is in the south of the city!"

"Thank you!" Han Shuo and Rose left.

Not long after the interval, Han Shuo did not expect that Donna would have such a day, although there was something going on with the Levers family, but Han Shuo always had a gratitude to Donna. The last time She had attacked him, but Han Shuo believed that it had nothing to do with Donna.

Now I heard that Donna is going to marry Lacson’s son. I don’t know why, Han Shuo’s heart always feels a little uncomfortable.

I heard the news that Han Shuo and Luo Si quietly went to the southern part of the city, because it is a swallowing city. There are always gods in the city. Han Shuo did not go too fast in order not to reveal his identity and strength. It took a day and a half of the night to come to the Southern District and find the location of the Levs family.

Compared with their residence in Shadow City, the estate where the Raffles family is located is obviously much sour, and the Southern District is not a wealthy place in Tunwan City. Looking at the buildings in the manor house, Han Shuo There is a little bit of disappointment in the heart.

Without a particularly strict defensive power, several devil heads sneaked in under the night, and the above-mentioned devil's refining demon had a stronger ability to hide the breath. Without disturbing anyone, the devil headed the situation of the new Levers family. Clear and clear.

Soon, a demon head found the training ground where Donna was. Donna was not a superior **** after all. The dark barrier she arranged could not block Han Shuo’s devil.

In the cultivation field, Donna was a green and green robes, and the heroic attack on Dolores, Donna's eyebrows had a sorrow that could not be opened, and there was no joy to be married. Dolores became the object of Donna's venting. Under her continuous attack, Dolores was miserable. The body was not light and heavy, and it was covered with Donna's fist. His face was blue and purple.

"Oh!", Dolores hit the back of the iron wall of the cultivation field.

"Stop!" Dolores hurriedly raised his hand to confess, and pity said: "Almost, it's so late, I should go back to rest, don't fight, don't fight!"

"Come back!" Donna snorted and tried to chase it.

"Big sister, I know that you are upset, but you can't take me out every day?" Dolores screamed: "The last time was not related to me. I was only familiar with the area. The patriarch brought the past! Besides, the kid killed the second uncle and took over everything in Shadow City. We should also retaliate. Big sister, you are also a Levs family. You should be clear about the situation. !"

"If it wasn't your brother Dolo Hughes, Brian wouldn't be in a bad relationship with our family at first, and there wouldn't be so many messy things!" Donna was angry and said: "Now our Levers family has fallen to this point. I was also married to the dude by my father as a victim. Why? Why do I have to bear all this?"

Donna shouted and rushed to Dolores, and it was a fierce punch and kick.

In the past, when Tangna was so graceful and elegant, Donna had no such thing. After playing a few times, Donna gradually couldn’t control her mind, and her temper was much worse than usual.

Dolores did not dare to resist, letting Donna rain-like fists fall on his body. When Donna finally got tired, Dolores screamed: "You don't ask me, you have to ask the patriarch. I am not qualified to give you doubts!" ​​Then, Dolores limped and rushed out of the training ground.

When Dolores left, Donna seemed to have all the strength, and the weakness suddenly hit.

"What is the use? Family interests are above everything else. I was educated since I was a child. Can I watch the people of the Levers family being humiliated and watch the family go from extinction?" Donna was physically and mentally exhausted. A helpless face.

"Come on, hit me!" Suddenly, a low drink came from the front of the cultivation field, and the sound fell. All the doors of the cultivation field suddenly closed automatically. The practice site suddenly formed a layer of strange enchantment, which will be here. The sound is isolated and does not allow anyone outside to hear it.

The stunned Donna smiled and shook her head, looking at the person who suddenly appeared in front of her, and said to herself: "I have been hit hard recently, and now there are hallucinations!"

"Donna Big Sister, this is not an illusion, it is me!" Looking at Donna in front of him, Han Shuo suddenly felt a bit sad in his heart. Is this still the graceful, graceful and elegant Tangna who encountered nothing?

The Donna on the top of the Chio continent, compared with Donna, who is in front of this lost and helpless face, is a world of difference!

"The illusion is worth it!" Donna screamed and suddenly rushed to Han Shuo, desperately hitting Han Shuo and kicking and kicking, "Why, why do you want to do it right with our family? Why, why? Want to kill my uncle? Why do you have to destroy everything in the Levers family? You said, I don’t want to be sorry for you, Donna? Why do you give me a reason? Why, why are you..."

One punch, one why, Donna attacked Han Shuo in a slap in the face, yelling and yelling.

After a while, Tangna, who lost her soul, suddenly felt that every punch fell so real, suddenly stopped to attack, looked at Han Shuo with a blank look, her eyes gradually clear, half-sounding, Donna covered her mouth and exclaimed: "Really, really Is it you? How is it possible! How can you be here?"

"I just passed through here, come and see you!" Han Shuo smiled unnaturally.

Staring at Han Shuo, I saw it for a few tens of seconds. Then she slammed into Han Shuo’s chest and suddenly humbled and hugged Han Shuo. (To be continued, if you want to know what happened, chapters are more, support, support!)

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