Chapter 300: Broken city

A not-so-carrous carriage rides into a smashed city gate with seven holes and eight holes. The streets are crowded with occasional one or two people who are filled with resentment and despair. This is a silent protest against a tragic life.

Brett City is not as dirty as Han Shuo’s expectation. It is only slightly better than the scenery seen all the way. Several lazy soldiers look at the carriages in the city indifferently. They have not questioned his origins and asked him to seize the city. The move of gold coins, it seems that Breitel is indeed on the verge of death.

"Hey, where is the city government?" Chester took a reins and smiled and asked a civilian.

The civilians who were lying in the sun and lazily catching their bodies were focused, as if they had not heard Chester’s question at all, and they did not even lift their heads.

"A silver coin, where is the city government?" Chester, born in poverty, had a good understanding of the temperament of the poor, and once again asked with a smile.

Adding a silver coin immediately received the effect. The earliest deafness was like smelling the seductive scent of gold coins, slamming all the attention on Chester and pointing to the east street direction: Go straight three hundred meters, the highest and worst house, the city government."

A silver coin shines in the sunlight, and slid down the ground in front of the scorpion. Chester did not thank him. He just slammed the horse and the carriage slowly left, heading straight toward the city government.

I hurriedly picked up this silver coin and held it tightly in my hand. Then I looked at the direction in which the two men left, muttering: "There is someone coming to Brett, not a profitable businessman, that is. The legendary count of the count is really a poor fellow."

Once the city of Breit is invaded, the city government will become the focus of care. The walls of tall buildings are not strong. There are still several cracked holes that have not been repaired until Han Shuo’s carriage enters it. . There are only a few scattered servants and ten soldiers.

These maid soldiers are indifferent to the success of Han Shuo, and there is no enthusiasm and deliberate catering to a subordinate. Of course, the welcoming banquets that are normally held in other regions are even more impossible.

The city's main office is at least five times larger than the Han Shuo's residence in the city of Orson. However, the city's main government is nothing but large enough. Because every aggression is the first to leave the city, there are often no soldiers. The city government is the first to become the object of looting.

Some things that the city owners are temporarily unable to take away have disappeared in one attack. The ridiculous thing is that Han Shuo actually saw a piece of white jade floor being taken away, leaving a large piece of square and square collapsed hole, which allowed Han Shuo to imagine the real situation of Breitel.

“Help me introduce the current situation in Breitel?” I sat down at the broken hall in the center of the city. Han Shuo, the head of the dark curtain here, who heard the news, Dick Road.

Dick is a forty-year-old man. It looks like a nose with a tall nose. This is a characteristic of some mountain people in the local city of Breit. Dick respectfully treats Han Shuo with a kind of imperative language. Said: "Breath City took away a total of 500 family members when the last city owner left. At present, there are only more than 3,000 soldiers in the entire Brett city. The residents in the city are less than 50,000. Three thousand Soldiers of many people are not enough to guard the gates of Breit City. Moreover, these soldiers often escape faster than civilians. The defense of Breitel is broken again and again, and now almost lost without funds. Defensive power.

Most of the local local Breitland mountain people live on the top of several dangerous mountains. These mountains produce some valuable ore. Because the mountain people are very skilled in the terrain above the mountains, it is very difficult to attack the mountains. Therefore, every time the invasion of the seven principalities is able to withstand them.

So far, the city of Breit has been relatively safe. Because several great Principalities have experienced dozens of invasions, big and small, they all know that there is no oil and water in the city of Breit. For them, it takes time to come to Bretagne and plunder has not received the return, so There have been no more incidents of aggression in these months.

On the contrary, the mines guarded by mountain people in some of the mountains around Breit have become targets of some robbers and private soldiers. But the mountain people who occupy the land are not as incompetent as the soldiers of the Empire. So far, their turtles have been able to survive in the mountains..."

Under the introduction of Dick, Han Shuo gradually got an understanding of the situation in Breitel. When Dick finished, Han Shuo looked at a soldier in the city's main house and said: "Gather all the soldiers of the city of Breit to call me in front of the city government. I want to see what these soldiers look like."

"Yes, Countess!" The soldier lazily replied, riding a weak, thin horse, and slowly drove out of the city.

"Adult, you will be disappointed." Dick shook his head and sighed, said to Han Shuo.

"I know. However, I want to let me not be disappointed in the future!" Han Shuo said with a chuckle, then frowning has been silent.

After nearly two hours, the soldiers scattered around the city of Breit, only one by one, no one, no order, no military, gathered in front of the city government, these soldiers are not too strong, perhaps because The reason for the food has a morbid temperament, and the kind of sloppiness that has no trace of the spirit of the soldiers, shows that their fighting power is inevitably vulnerable.

The long swords and spears in each hand are all inferior quality of rust. Han Shuo even thinks that a dwarf forged weapon can break all their weapons. The soldiers of the 3,000-year-old are only three-thirds of the young and middle-aged. First, the rest are older older men, who can count on such people to have combat power?

Han Shuo stood in the city's main house for a while, calmly thinking for a while, grinning and laughing: "From today, your good days are over, all soldiers over the age of 50 have eliminated this team, this part of me Will guarantee your normal life.

The rest of the soldiers will receive food that will be able to gain fruit, and you will also receive brand new armor and war horses. Of course, you will also be tortured by cruel training, waiting for the next aggressor to wash the previous shame with blood. The city of Breit has to change and change. ”

The soldiers who are old and old are stunned. They are indifferent to Han Shuo’s proposal to let them leave the army, but they are full of doubts about Han Shuo’s guarantee of their food and clothing. Young people face each other face to face, thinking slowly about the meaning of Han Shuo's words, I don't know what he wants to do.

"Prince, you are coming true?" Next to Han Shuo, Dick, the person in charge of the dark spot, looked at Han Shuo with great surprise.

"The master of the city, even if we have more than a thousand people who have obtained weapons and horses, do you think that with such a broken wall, can we withstand the attack of one or two thousand robbers or three or five thousand regular troops of the seven principalities?" The soldier with a beard and a beard looked up at Han Shuo on the top.

"These are not what you should manage. If you can't stop the invasion of the enemy as a soldier, you can use your own head to wash away the shame of failure. I dare to sneak away and survive. I will split your neck one by one." Looking at the brawny coldly, he shouted.

"The Lord of the City, I see you still leave here earlier. This place has been abandoned by the Empire. Do you think that you can change the status quo of Breit City? There is no 100,000 or so Imperial soldiers guarding, Breitel City can never change. This kind of aggression, if you are looking for death, please don't bring us?" This soldier was extremely dismissive, and he turned a blind eye to Han Shuo's cold and fierce resentment.


A dark brown luster flashed, no one saw clearly what was going through, anyway, this soldier who provoked an excuse with Han Shuo, a good head was thrown away, and the blood ejected from the neck was like a brush on the ground. Sketch bright pictures.

"From now on, all you have to do is listen to the command, don't have any doubts, even if you have doubts, give me a bad heart!" Han Shuo's magical cold and murderous shout, the cold and ruthless butcher's hot, The soldiers underneath are chilling.

A team of brightly-colored horses and bright-armed teams, a total of more than 100 people slowly sailed to the city's main government, one of which was wrapped in silver armor, carrying a silver pistol, a little squatting in the battle In the direction of Han Shuo, said: "The Earl of the Ear, the land knight, Frankland will serve you and obey all your orders."

I don't have to think about Han Shuo. I know that this Franklin must have been arranged by Lawrence. From this person's body, Han Shuo sensed the murderous atmosphere of the tragic warrior. He understood that this person must be a real warrior, and he was not good at all. Looking at the soldiers in the city of Breit, I smiled and said: "Fuckland, they have been handed over to you from today, training them in the most cruel way, I will not blame you for the unfortunate death in training. "

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