Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 823 The first level of the poem of self-revelation

Overnight, the rumor of Juxianju became popular all over the world.

There was a prodigy who was participating in the marriage recruitment, and specifically competed with other people who were participating in the marriage recruitment. This man's spiritual cultivation was superb, and his poetry level was unparalleled in the world. In addition, he was full of wisdom and tricks, and he actually collected seven tokens!

His name is Zhuge Qingfeng.

He was born into the holy family of poets.

He is the only dual cultivator in the Holy Family of Poetry, and he is a superstar who has become famous as soon as he stepped into Burial State.

All the relatives remembered this name.

All the elders of Makino Villa also remembered this name.

Even in Makino's backyard, in an embroidered pavilion, three or four girls surrounded a woman in white, chattering all about Zhuge Qingfeng.

Miss, he wrote three poems last night, and the first one was brilliant! His way of poetry is really about turning poetry into Taoism.

Miss, he is still a wizard on the path of spiritual practice. He is already like heaven and earth.

Miss, you are the most stunning in Burial State, and only a genius like him can match it...

Miss, I went to see it quietly. This is his projection...

A jade pendant on the girl's hand projected a group of characters' images, and Zhuge Qingfeng looked graceful in this image...

If we were to vote to decide who would be on the list at this moment, it is estimated that Zhuge Qingfeng would get more than half.

However, these are only preludes after all.

The real battle of skills comes after entering the bank.

At noon the next day, the sky and the earth will be clear.

The gate of Makino Villa slowly opened, and two teams of scribes filed in. Of course, they were a marriage-seeking army holding marriage-seeking tokens, a total of seventy-three people.

Everyone is a figure who leads a generation. They are the most popular in their family and even within thousands of miles around them. But today, most people are keeping a low profile because they know that they are not the only protagonists today. There is absolutely no weak person around them or across from them.

Of course, there are still a few exceptions.

The seventh prince, Dongfang Pavilion, is the direct prince of the Burian State. He has been in a high position for a long time, which makes him calm and unshakable. His amazing talents and cultivation have made him never know what it means to be low-key.

The drunkard Chu San was drunk in the state, drunk with poetry, drunk with music, and drunk with beauties. He called himself San drunk, but the real celebrity had forgotten that he seemed to be drunk last night, and now he is walking on the red carpet of the villa, his eyes blurred, like this People naturally don't respect others, let alone be nervous.

Yan Qing, the first of the Seven Young Masters in the Southeast, was a man of poetry and wine, relegated to the world of immortals, and had an unrestrained and unrestrained temperament. He spent all his time in brothels, and met a Qing courthouse in the Burial Flower Pavilion. A note sent back two sentences: Jianghu has been perverse for ten years, and he is not as good as wearing a hat to enter the court. what for? If you hang around in the world of martial arts, no matter how elegant and stunning you are, you will never be on the right path. Yan Qing picked up the piece of paper and added two sentences at the end: Take the hat of the court and look at the number one scholar in May.

In that year (the previous year) of the Fuzhou Science and Technology Examination, the number one scholar turned out to be the former scholar Yan Qing. The Burial Flower Pavilion caused a sensation, and the leading Qinghuan offered himself a pillow seat, creating a legend in the literary world...

If things come to this point, it is just a good story, but it is not enough to show Yan Qing's uniqueness. After Yan Qing put the Qing servant to sleep, he abandoned it and left two lines of poems floating away. The poem goes: I entered the court. How can you climb the palace with a crown, but the fallen flowers and fallen willows?

After reading this poem, a man in the Qing Dynasty vomited three liters of blood!

Someone wrote a poem about it: The green man buried the garden with his wonderful hands, and the ground was filled with delicate red flowers for half a day. I climbed up the high branches and won the laurels. Who cares who the flowers are withered?

This poem is a satire on him. You say that when you enter the court, you cannot appreciate the fallen flowers and willows, but you also have to think about where these fallen flowers and willows came from. You turned an innocent woman into a ruined woman with your own hands, and then turned your back on her and turned your back on her. This is unkind of you...

But the literary world doesn't talk about these things being authentic or not, it talks about doing things based on one's own spontaneity.

Don't expect a straightforward person to be nervous in any situation.

Of course, there is another person who is even less nervous, because he is Zhuge Qingfeng!

Zhuge Qingfeng, there was no order at this time yesterday, and there were six orders for entering the garden today (there was one token, which he used in exchange for a bright mirror). He directly made a subtraction for the participants. He strolled into the garden with a smile on his face. A few people outside looked at his back and gritted their teeth, but he didn't notice at all.

The man looked around and saw Lin Su walking side by side with Yao Gu. He also greeted warmly: Brother, the mirror you gave me is really extraordinary. In the future, I will be with Miss Jiang. When the decals turn yellow in front of the mirror, I will never forget my brother.

Lin Su raised his eyes and smiled faintly: You are right about this. I think you will probably never forget me in this life!

Zhuge Qingfeng laughed and walked away.

I didn't understand what Lin Su meant by this.

But Yaogu heard it...

No one in the world who competes with Lin Su on the same stage can forget him.

He is everyone's nightmare...

When you first enter Makino Villa, you just feel its elegance.

After entering, I realized how elegant it is.

Every plant, every tree, every brick, every stone, every pavilion and pavilion reveals the vicissitudes of time, but it also permeates the core of elegance.

For example, in the plum garden in front of you, the plum blossoms are not there at this time of year, but their paths stretch across the sky, and every minute and every inch of them are poetry and painting in the eyes of many literati...

If it weren't for the upcoming challenges, these literati would probably be writing poems right now...

Yao Gu looked around, and a voice quietly penetrated into Lin Su's ears: Everything here seems to match the time point of a thousand years. The main building should be a thousand years old, and the ancient trees should be a thousand years old. Even if it is This pavilion is also a thousand years old, and the pond under the pavilion is also a thousand years old. Is this a consistent design, or is it a reminder to the people in the villa? To remind them that it has been a thousand years since they left home?

Only those who have a certain level of insight into the current situation can put forward such a profound proposition...

Maybe! Lin Su said via voice message: Have you noticed that every plant and tree in this garden has something special?

Poetic and picturesque, extremely elegant! Yaogu said.

In the eyes of literati, this is elegance, in the eyes of military strategists, this is military! Lin Su said: The design of the pavilion matches the nine palaces, and the design of the courtyard is the Eight Diagrams. Just activate the formation eyes, and the entire manor will be transformed into countless formations.

Yao Gu's heart beats...

The formation is not activated at the moment, and they obviously don't want to alert the enemy. Let's wait and see what happens.

Yao Gu said: What do you need me to do?

Brew a pot of good tea, warm a pot of old wine, sit back and watch!

Making tea and warming wine seems a bit too leisurely. It seems to me that the villa has no intention of letting you take a breather...

Exactly, you enter the examination room immediately after entering the park. The time and rhythm are so tightly controlled. They are also worried that we will see more clues about the Villa!

While talking, the group of people had already arrived in front of the main building. In front of the main building, there was a long row of old people dressed in festive costumes, standing on a high platform. As soon as Lin Su and others arrived, they all took their seats in front of the stage with the tokens in their hands. , and other followers without tokens sat in the corridor.

Countless beautiful maids shuttled back and forth, serving fragrant tea to the distinguished guests.

An old man on the high platform took three steps and gave a literati salute: Jiang Hao, the great elder of Makino Villa, would like to thank all the distinguished guests on behalf of the family head. Thank you for coming from afar, and thank you for your respect for our village!

Everyone below stood up and bowed in return.

The great elder said: Today's grand gathering, as all distinguished guests already know, is a gathering for choosing a son-in-law for the fourth lady of the villa. The fourth lady of our villa is a practitioner. Her cultivation has reached the level of heaven and earth. She knows the book and observes the etiquette. He is good at playing chess, calligraphy and painting, has high aspirations and does not conform to conventional conventions, and insists on choosing a son-in-law based on his ability. Everyone knows that the owner of the village loves his granddaughter, so he follows his wishes...

After the introduction, everyone's hearts were shocked.

In fact, they all know that Makino Villa is the headquarters of the military strategist. The military strategist was originally one of the holy families and has long broken the restriction that women cannot be awarded academic titles. Therefore, in their understanding, the fourth lady who is most valued by the owner of the village should be Literary realm or literary realm.

However, now the great elder told them that this Miss Jiang Si was a person on the spiritual path, and she had already reached the realm of heaven and earth.

It was beyond their expectation.

But it seems reasonable.

Because Makino Villa is not officially a family of soldiers and saints, and it does not enjoy the quota of literary titles granted by the temple. It is impossible for its women to obtain literary titles.

The temple closed the door for Miss Jiang Si to enter the literary world.

She actually opened the window on the spiritual path and went straight to Xiang Tian Dharma Earth, which was a level of cultivation comparable to that of the literary world!

Such a woman is truly stunningly talented and beautiful.

The First Elder changed the subject: Today the hall is full of distinguished guests and heroes, but the Fourth Miss can only choose one of them. Therefore, the villa has set up two checkpoints. Only those who can pass this checkpoint can enter the Fourth Miss' Dharma Eyes. The Fourth Miss can only choose one of them. I will meet you all at the third pass and choose a husband for my life. I hope you will forgive me for being disrespectful in the Villa...

Bow again.

Everyone returned the favor again...

You must first pass two levels, and then you will be eligible to enter the palace and gain the qualifications for the fourth lady's personal test.

These two levels are not difficult in theory...

After all, breaking into a house shouldn't be too difficult for anyone...

However, as soon as the first level rules were announced, everyone's hearts jumped...

Only those who write a poem or a poem and obtain Silver Light or above can enter the second level!

In Lin Su's dictionary, writing poems with a silver light is just a matter of writing collapse. However, you can't say that it is not difficult, it is actually extremely difficult!

You need to know that Lin Jialiang, Lin Su's second brother, wrote the best poem before Lin Su appeared, which was just a poem about white light, and it was written by a sudden inspiration. He was also included in the song because of this poem about white light. State Ten Shows.

That's white light!

That’s Dacang Quzhou, a place of literary talent!

In a place where culture is not prosperous, a white light poem will be sung throughout the city, let alone a silver light?

Not to mention it was written in a hurry?

What's more, it's a proposition?

As soon as this question came out, at least a dozen people in Lin Su's team had different expressions. Although they claimed to be literary geniuses, and although most of them had written silver-light poems or even golden-light poems, they had to rush to write a silver-light poem. Poetry, for them, depends on luck...

Eighteen maids shuttled past from left to right. Under each token, there was a piece of white paper, a pen, and an inkstone.

They are all made of ordinary pen, ink and paper, which means that no matter what kind of poem you write, it will not appear literary vision immediately, so as not to disturb others.

Finally, under the cultural treasures, everyone's poems were recited in public, and the level of poetry naturally appeared.

The wind is blowing and the white clouds are lingering.

In the thousand-year-old manor, there are seventy-three young men in long robes, holding brushes in their hands and white paper in front of them. No matter how you look at it, it is a scene of literary and elegant people.

However, everyone was a little nervous.

For people who are not particularly accomplished in poetry, the topics they ask for from the bottom of their hearts should not be too biased. At least let them write silver poems, and don't be eliminated at the first meeting.

People who are highly versed in poetry are also nervous, because they regard this as an opportunity to become famous and gain influence. They hope that they can surpass the sages, but no one knows who the people who come are.

There are only about three or five people who are really not nervous. The Seventh Prince's temperament was formed by being in a high position for a long time. Chu Sanzui probably drank too much, Yan Qing probably had that kind of debauchery in his heart, and Zhuge Qingfeng probably really had it. Confidence, as for Lin Su, he is probably in a fuzzy state...

He kind of doesn't understand...

My name was not revealed, so I just stood in the examination room? It's not so convenient for me to take part in Xia Sanlan's provincial examination. They have to check your real name, so that you can have the qualifications to compete.

I didn't even give my name.

No one asked about the fake name Su San.

Just give me pen and paper and let me compete?

Excuse me, are you a bit tiger, or do you have another article?

The great elder smiled and said: This is a wedding invitation, so I need to know something about you. It's better to explain it yourself than just talk about it. Please write a poem and explain it to yourself!

The title is out, a self-revealing poem!

What is self-revelation is self-introduction.

Introduce what kind of person you are and what your background is.

This introduction is unique and very targeted. However, there is pressure from everyone. Literary people, of course, cannot help but introduce themselves. Almost everyone also has some good quotes about self-deprecation and self-deprecation. However, most of these good quotes are made in jest. In normal times, When a poetry gathering is held, a casual recitation can make someone smile. How can one become an elegant person? How to turn it into a complete poem and win the holy light of literature and art?

The great elder asked a question as expected - if people want to know something about you, they need you to introduce yourself.

But it was also unexpected - because the introduction must be poetry, and the poetry itself needs to reach the level of Silver Light Poetry.

This skill is called high-end!

It's interesting, can you start writing? Zhuge Qingfeng laughed.

Only he could laugh.

The Great Elder smiled faintly: The timer starts, it is limited to a quarter of an hour!

All the students raised their heads together, looked up at the sky and began to think...

Only one person, Zhuge Qingfeng, started writing directly without even thinking.

In an attic in the distance, a woman in white clothes had eyes like autumn water. The water flowed eastward, and the world she saw was the world. A waiter in green clothes beside her said softly: Miss, look, Zhuge Qingfeng actually started writing directly. , if you still excel this time, I don’t think Miss should think of others.”

The lady smiled softly: It's interesting!

You also think he is interesting? The girl was a little excited.

The young lady said: Zhuge Qingfeng is indeed somewhat interesting. He is successful in writing and practicing Taoism. He can achieve such attainments in both literature and Taoism. However, he is not the only one who is interesting!

Who else?

Zhang Xiushui of the Southern Territory, Li Yangchun of the Northern Territory, Wang Yiwen of the Western Territory, and that person, who is the young man in purple next to Zhuge Qingfeng?

The young lady randomly named four people, and the girl's eyes widened: Miss, why do you pay attention to Zhang Xiushui, Li Yangchun and Wang Yiwen? Although they are also famous literary geniuses, they are not as famous as Zhuge Qingfeng, Yan Qing and the Seventh Prince. It’s a far cry from that.”

The young lady smiled faintly: I once taught you that you can tell something from the smallest detail... In terms of reputation and status alone, these three people are indeed inferior to these others, but they came here by defeating the original owner of the token. .”

The tokens issued by Makino Villa were only issued to major families. Each major family determined the participants in the first round. These three people were not among them. However, they defeated the people confirmed by the family, stood out, and got the token. What does that mean? ? First, these three people are strong enough. Even without the support of the family, they can still win with their own strength; secondly, these three people are decisive enough, brave enough, and dare to think and do.

The girl seems to understand: The young lady knows everything about the little things, and the whole family knows it. The young lady said that they have strength, so it must be true, but what about the fourth person? Is it because he is the prettiest?

The young lady gently placed her finger on the girl's forehead and smiled: You little girl, you think of me too superficially. Although his appearance is considered the best among all sages, these are not enough to attract my attention. I pay attention to him. The question is: Does the person who came with him know who she is?

Who? The girl didn't understand.

Peasant Saint Jia Xianyao! the young lady said, I can't think of anyone who can make a peasant saint put on a maid's uniform and follow her around!

Time passed by, and the half-timer had already started writing.

Lin Su finally started writing. Once he started writing, he quickly stopped writing.

Half a quarter of an hour is up, and the papers in front of everyone are turned over. The time for writing poems is over and the verification period has entered.

Zhuge Qingfeng looked to the left: The prodigal Yan Qing, right?

Yan Qing is Yan Qing, why is he a prodigal? Yan Qing glanced at him lazily.

The prodigal son's heart is wandering and his heart is not yet settled. How can a person be settled?

Yan Qing laughed loudly: Your words are indeed novel, but when a man is born, his studies are always excellent, his work is always new, and his holy heart moves forward step by step. What's wrong with that?

That's right! Your studies are wandering around every day, and no one says anything wrong with you. Zhuge Qingfeng smiled and said: It's just that your participation in today's marriage search is quite inappropriate in my opinion.

Yan Qing frowned: What do you mean?

Zhuge Qingfeng said: In the past, you used to mess with people's innocence and suspect others of their innocence. I am afraid that the young lady of Makino Villa will also have some concerns. Will you repeat the same trick at Makino Villa...

Yan Qing's face darkened...

Because Zhuge Qingfeng hit a sore spot in him, he was messing with the oiran and felt that the other party was ruined. It was quite enjoyable when he did it, and he felt like you looked down on me back then, and I will make you regret it today , however, various evaluations afterwards made him disgraced.

Today is the wedding party, and I am very sensitive about this kind of thing.

Especially things between men and women.

Yan Qing could play tricks on innocent courtesan in the past, but will he do it again on the young lady of Makino Villa?

First value you, then insult you...

The holy incense curls up and burns!

Lin Su looked at this holy incense as if he were looking at the tortoise in the pool next door...

how to say?

The holy incense thing, at least in Lin Su's mind, has gone through several twists and turns. At the beginning, he had infinite respect for this holy incense, because in his limited experience, this holy incense was unparalleled in its sacredness.

But later, as the mysterious veil of the temple was lifted bit by bit in front of him, the holy incense slowly changed its appearance in front of him.

Especially after he stepped into Burial State and learned about the military strategists, he even felt that there was endless dirt hidden behind the holy incense.

However, no matter what, this thing is quite reliable in terms of testing poetry.

The grade of poetry probably has no influence on the rule of the temple, so on this minor issue, fairness is shown.

This is enough...

The great elder walked to the front of the team and read the first poem...

Deep in the Black Mountain, the Black Mountain family has a tree with a setting sun and half a tree with flowers. It has been a poor family in Kyoto for ten years, but now it is the only seal in Nanhua. The signature is Li Ruoming, the prefect of Nanhua.

After reading the poem, the white light floated, extremely strong, with a faint silver edge.

Everyone stared at the great elder...

The elder sighed softly: Master Li, the magistrate of Nanhua, wrote all his counterattacks in a self-proclaimed poem. It is really rare. However, the poem is only a half-step. According to the rules, Master Li can go back!

The first contestant, the dignified prefect, was half a step away from being eliminated!

This man covered his face and rose up into the sky.

The second person: Butterfly Love Flower Deep in the white clouds, Liu Feng's family, the passing years are like water, the ink is blooming, thirty generals fight for thousands of years, the flag is green and the oriole is topped with flowers...

After reciting the words, the silver light shines and the test is successfully passed.

The second contestant smiled and bowed in thanks! This person's name is Wang Yibo. He is a general from the Wang family. He is brave and invincible and has made countless achievements. The real reason is that there is a green oriole on the flag and a blue flower on the top. The previous generation only changed from Wu to Wen. This time, when he received the marriage invitation from Makino Villa, the family members were originally determined to be his eldest brother, but Wang Yibo bravely stood up and said that his eldest brother was better than the classics and had little knowledge of poetry. He might not be able to break through in the genius arena. After many discussions, all the younger generations were finally gathered together for a literary competition. Wang Yibo defeated his brothers and won the order.

This seizure made him enemies in all directions in the family, and he was also under tremendous pressure.

If he couldn't pass the first level, he would face ridicule when he returned home. Fortunately, he passed.

The third contestant: Beside the mountains, the drumming river flows, and the wind and clouds in Moshe keep chasing...

Silver light!


The fourth contestant: Why do you need Chunfeng to ask your name? How can Liuyun be judged by everyone...

He has initially shown his wild side, which means that the origin and name are not important at all. In a sense, it is a subtle counterattack against the competition's use of history to determine winning or losing.

As long as his poems were written in silver light, the organizers would have to listen to this wildness. However, he failed to write, and the poems were just a faint white light. The man's face turned the color of pig's liver, and he withdrew from the crowd and disappeared.

In one breath, more than ten poems can be written.

In terms of poetry alone, it is really eye-opening. Every poem has its own merits. Except for one poem that does not have holy light, the rest of the poems have holy light, either white or silver, the white one is inferior. The silver ones stay.

After the seventeen people finished reading their poems, eight left and nine stayed. (End of chapter)

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