Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 228 Going to Beijing to take office

On the last day of July, Lin Su will go to the capital to take office.

The job of an inspector is that although he is a Beijing official, he does not work in the capital. He just reports and then has to travel all over the world. Therefore, it is not suitable to bring family members. Although he knows that the husband will be back soon, several women Still very reluctant to part with it.

Sister Chen put down her work on the construction site and prepared a lot of clothes and food for him.

Cui Ying also put aside her work at the soap factory, brought him breakfast, served him after he finished eating, and sent him out of the hospital, saying: Mr., please be careful when you go out.

Finally it was Lu Yi's turn, and the little girl put her mouth to his ear: Ying'er has called you my husband for many days, and you must be very itchy. Come back early and deal with her...

Is she using this trick to attract Lin Su to go home early? Along the way, Lin Su was wondering...

From Haining to the capital, it is three thousand miles.

Lin Su started from Haining, broke into the sky, and reached the capital that night.

When I stepped into the city gate, the capital was already filled with lights.

Lin Su didn't alert anyone, just found an inn and stayed there.

As a capital official, it is natural that he should buy a house in the capital and have a few girls. With his financial resources, these are just a drop in the bucket, but he didn't. Maybe in his mind, he didn't intend to have much to do with this city at all. intersection.

To Da Cang people, the capital seems to be a prosperous place, the center, and the jewel in the crown. But to him, this place is just a cesspool of feudal decay, and there are not many people in it that he likes.

The lobby on the first floor was where people on the ground floor stayed. Lin Su thought it was too noisy, so he went up to the second floor. The second floor was much better. There were several tables of literati-looking people eating, and there was a storyteller next to him. It is The Legend of White Snake.

Speaking of that, the white lady shook her body, rolled up huge waves, and flooded the sky towards Jinshan Temple. Fahai chanted the Buddha's name loudly, and moved the Buddha to stop the mountains and rivers. Golden light started, and golden lotuses suddenly rose above Jinshan Temple...

What he was talking about was the most exciting part of Water Floods over the Golden Mountain, and the audience below was mesmerized...

Sir, what would you like to use? The waiter came to Lin Su and invited him to sit down.

Just use some side dishes... Lin Su threw him a piece of silver.

Four plates of side dishes were served, but there was no wine. Lin Su enjoyed them while eating.

It must be said that the charm of the novel is already being developed, and it is already performing entertainment activities.

Storytelling is part of it.

Storytelling also has skills. It is very particular about where to exaggerate and where to pause. The storyteller reached the most nervous level when he talked about the water flooding the golden mountain, and then stopped abruptly. The people below all praised him, and he continued to say another paragraph, Close the stall and go home.

The storyteller left, and the drinkers began to chat...

A scribe in blue shirt at the left table said, It goes without saying that Zhuangyuanlang's poems are great. This novel is really unparalleled. It has supported countless storytellers since it came out. I don't know what changes will happen in the future.

Another person said, I heard that Baixianglou in Beijing is rehearsing The Legend of White Snake. The singing method is novel, right? Do you know whose idea it was? Xie Xiaoyan, one of the three most talented women in Beijing!

ah? Xie Xiaoyan, the ever-changing fantasy? You have to go check it out! When does the show start?

It's still early. It's not that easy to adapt a 300,000-word novel, and singing is a completely new method. It is said that Xie Xiaoyan and her two best friends are all having a headache. How can they be more outstanding? They also have no conclusion...

Her two besties? The other two talented women in the capital?

Exactly, Bi Xuanji and Lu Youwei are as immobile as a mountain.

Suddenly someone asked, how did I hear that Lu Youwei was seriously ill and would die soon?

Lin Su's heart suddenly shook...

A person at the next table sighed softly: Heaven is jealous of beauty! Lu Youwei came out with a colorful poem, stepping on the top of women, exhausting her talent and vitality, just like she and her The song The Song of Burial of Flowers co-authored by the Number One Scholar, once the spring is gone, the beauty will grow old, and the flowers will fall and people will die without knowing it. She, the colorful flower in the capital, will also wither...

Another person said: Lu Youwei was born in a cold prison, and she suffered from the root cause of her illness while in prison. She did not live long in the first place, but it is not as Brother Zhang said that the colorful poems drained her vitality.

Brother Zhang said: Brother Li only knows one thing, but not the other. It is true that she had the root cause of the disease when she was young, but if there were no storms and no waves, she could live a few more years. However, she met the number one scholar, which was her blessing. It’s also her fault…”

At this point, he stopped.

Everyone urged him, but you said...

Brother Zhang hesitated for a moment and said: Her illness is most likely to cause depression. That day at Xishan, she composed a colorful poem and set foot on the top of women's list. However, she also had a deep love for the number one scholar. She stayed in bed for a month and was so angry. The hairspring also originated from the number one scholar...

The person next to her said that the number one scholar was not married yet. If she really had a deep love for him, why didn't she send someone to arrange a marriage? One is a colorful daughter, and the other is the current number one scholar. They are a match made in heaven, a legend in the literary world.

Brother Zhang said, everyone sees the problem simply.

The number one scholar, today... the court official is not happy, how can the Prime Minister get married to him? If Lu Youwei is not the prime minister's daughter, there is still room for this matter, but since she is the prime minister's daughter, how can she escape the rope of fate?

How sad! Sad...

Brother Zhang finished his glass of wine and stepped out of the restaurant, leaving a sigh...

Lin Su put down the bowls and chopsticks and left the restaurant. A delicate figure appeared in his mind at some point. The peach blossoms from the Western Mountains fell on her shoulders. Her face was bright red. He grabbed her shoulders by the deep valley. He knew I remember that the fragrant shoulder in my palm was as gentle as a dream...

You look like a person!

Like who?

Lin Daiyu!

Who is Lin Daiyu?

The heroine of my next book.

Come out and show me this book!

Dream of Red Mansions came out and he read it to her. He only read two books, and he didn't show her the last forty chapters. He was worried that she wouldn't be able to bear such a strong stimulation, but now it seemed that her endurance was lower than expected, even though She couldn't stand such stimulation.

She is sick!

I lay in bed for a month, feeling breathless.

Her ending will be exactly the same as Lin Daiyu's...

And me? How to treat her?

Just like Baoyu, when the beautiful lady passes away, will I sigh in vain that the vast white land is really clean?

The summer night wind blew, carrying the sound of silk and bamboo coming from nowhere. Lin Su stopped in front of a large high-rise building. On the courtyard door in front, there were two big characters written: Lu Mansion.

He arrived outside Lu Mansion unknowingly.

The surrounding area was dark. The two large lanterns outside the Prime Minister's Mansion could only illuminate three feet of light at this moment. Lin Su stood three feet away, quietly looking at the acacia tree within the courtyard wall...

Acacias grow in the courtyard and are as huge as a canopy.

Under the cover of branches and leaves, there are only a few stars in the west courtyard...

Liu'er sat in front of the bed, quietly holding the cold hand under the quilt, her eyes full of tears...

On the hospital bed, Lu Youwei suddenly moved slightly...

Miss, miss... Liu'er called softly.


Miss, what did you say? I didn't hear...

...What time is it now?

It's not yet watch... Miss, you should have something to eat... Liu'er will get it for you...

...I...I can't eat...

Miss, you must eat something. Maybe Mr. Lin will come tomorrow?

Lu Youwei's eyes suddenly opened, and a trace of red glow suddenly appeared on her pale as paper face...

Liu'er quickly turned around, picked up a small bowl from the stove outside, rushed to the bed, helped Lu Youwei up, and fed the soup inside little by little into Lu Youwei's mouth.

After drinking some soup, Lu Youwei sat up a little: What news is there outside?

Tomorrow is the first day of August, and Mr. Lin will definitely come to the capital to take office. Miss, don't you want to finish reading Dream of Red Mansions? He said last time that when he comes to the capital again, he will definitely bring the last part of Dream of Red Mansions to Miss... ...If he sees Miss like this, he will definitely not dare to hand over Dream of Red Mansions to you. Miss, you have to get better...

Dream of Red Mansions, Mr. Lin...

Lu Youwei's heart felt like an electric current flowing through her heart, but soon, her eyes dimmed: It's good for a while, but it won't be good for a lifetime. It's the end after all. Liu'er, I don't want to meet him anymore.

Why, miss? Aren't you always thinking about him?

Lu Youwei said softly: I am now emaciated and haggard. I would rather the Lu Youwei in his memory still look like the one on Xishan... Liu'er, after I leave, you must remember that I will be buried with you. , I don’t want gold, silver, or jewelry, I only have three feet of loess, plus two volumes of Red Mansion.”

Liu'er burst into tears...

She turned back, and the Prime Minister's Mansion behind her became even quieter at night. Looking up, the vast night sky was bleak and helpless.

The young lady was ill for a month, and no one in the prime minister's house was seen, leaving her alone to serve.

She heard what her mistress said with her own ears. This girl's time is short, so prepare some pieces of white cloth. I hope that when she leaves, she won't catch up with Yu Jing's engagement day. If she does, it will be too bad.

The young lady's life is of no importance to the Prime Minister's Mansion. As long as her death does not coincide with any happy events in the Mansion, it would be a great blessing.

This is the Prime Minister's Mansion!

Lin Su lingered outside the Prime Minister's Mansion for a long time, and finally gave up on knocking on the door.

He had never visited Lu Tiancong's mansion, and a visit late at night was destined to be a closed door.

Lin Su returned to the inn.

The next day, the first day of August.

The weather is fine, the sun is shining, and the zodiac is auspicious.

Lin Su changed into official uniform and went to the Supervision Department.

The Supervision Department was as usual. He met several colleagues he had met that day. He had only met those people that day, but he knew them wherever he went. This was the beauty of the thousand-degree pupil, which was never forgotten.

Those colleagues were obviously still very unfamiliar with him. They were quite surprised when they saw him coming, and they were somewhat polite to him because of the grade of his official uniform.

Lin Su went directly to the office of his immediate boss, Zhu Shiyun. Zhu Shiyun looked up and saw him. A smile appeared on the little old man's face: Today happens to be the first day of August. The champion is so punctual.

Lin Su bowed in greeting and said: Your Majesty has set a time for the first day of August, how dare you forget it? I've been away for two months, my lord, how are you doing?

Haha, it's still like that! Zhu Shiyun said: The return of the number one scholar to his hometown is probably an unprecedented event. Is he okay if he rests at home?

Sir Zhu, I have already taken up my post in the Supervision Department. Sir, please stop calling me Zhuangyuanlang. Just call me by my first name.

Well, I will no longer be called the Number One Scholar. Mr. Lin, if you take office today, it will be considered as your formal joining. The current errands are a bit busy. When leaving the mansion in Xizhou, hundreds of squires jointly informed the mansion that they He abused his power and competed with the people for profit. You should leave Beijing immediately and investigate this matter.

Leaving the mansion in Xizhou?

Lin Su has already made up lessons on various prefectures across the country. He knows Lifu. Lifu is a very complicated place. The squire is very powerful and has close ties with the court officials. The previous prefects all had the same pants as the squire and got along very well. , so the prefect was promoted. As soon as he left, the successor prefect filled the vacancy.

Lin Su, the prefect who filled the vacancy, had not known about it, but hundreds of country squires jointly appealed, so he should not be in their line.

Lin Su immediately felt conflicted, what? Now you want to use my knife to eradicate dissidents?

I know that the Supervisor is a knife. I can't kill the people you like even if I want to. If I find the slightest bit of misdeeds about the people you don't like, you will magnify them infinitely and finally take them down.

That's not how a knife is used.

On the first day I take office, I will change the rules. If I don’t follow the route you designed, I will let you follow me.

What? Mr. Lin doesn't want to obey the order? Zhu Shiyun's face darkened slightly.

Lin Sudao: How dare you? Your Majesty is on an errand, and your subordinate is following orders. How can there be any price to pay? It's just that I have just investigated a very important matter, and I want to report it to your Majesty.

oh? What's the matter?

Lin Su raised his hand and handed a supervision report to Zhu Shiyun.

The supervision report is a special report reported to the Supervision Department when the supervisor discovers a problem.

Zhu Shiyun unfolded it and took a look, his expression suddenly changed...

Qin Fangweng, the magistrate of Quzhou...

Use the Medicine God Valley to refine the Five Evil Waters...

Eliminate the Taoist seal and open the place where demons are sealed...

Violated the first rule of Da Cang Iron Rule!

The first report of the inspector was against a second-rank official of the imperial court, and the charges were serious enough to punish the nine tribes!

Zhu Shiyun suddenly raised his head: How do you know about this?

The report makes it very clear. Why don't you ask after reading it?

Zhu Shiyun continued reading...

On that day, Yaoshen Valley committed a serious crime by killing officials and killing soldiers. Qin Fangweng secretly released a group of thieves, and the people who were harmed by Yaoshen Valley rose up to attack, killing more than 800 people in Yaoshen Valley. Yang Wenze, the prefect of Haining, also After capturing the more than 20 people who were sent out by Yaoshengu to conspire to destroy the river embankment, Qin Fangweng sent Qin Zhong to capture them the next day. Magistrate Yang broke the Dantian Qi of these people, who were worried that they would fall into disgrace as soon as they went out. They were killed, so they confessed all their crimes, and Magistrate Yang sentenced them to death on the spot.

After the death penalty was approved, Qin Fangweng sent a killer to the prison to kill people and silence them, which aroused the vigilance of Magistrate Yang. During the interrogation of key figures on Wednesday, Wednesday confessed everything...

Zhu Shiyun raised his eyes: With just one Wednesday's confession, you directly put Qin Zhizhou in such a big position? Do you want to destroy his nine tribes?

Lin Su's face darkened: Master Zhu, what do you mean by giving Qin Fangweng a hat? Are you sure your words have gone through your brain?

Presumptuous! Zhu Shiyun was no longer pleasant at this moment.

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