Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 902

v5 asked the association to arrest Biyang De, but the very individualistic Netero not at all cooperated.

When the association was passive for a while, V5 ignored the association’s existence and sent a private combat unit of the Ferry Permit.

Their main job is to monitor Beyond’s subsequent operations on the Dark Continent.

No., led by Netero, will go to the dark continent in a sneak style.

If you want to sneak, you must have a ship that is strong enough. The transportation of the association is mainly spaceship, so Luo helped Netero a favor and brought Ellie’s shipbuilding company to him.

Tonight, Ellie and Strange come directly to him, just to tell him in person that the association’s commission has been processed.

According to Luo, this kind of thing can be solved with a short message …

But now that Ellie and Spears are here, it doesn’t make sense to say more at this time.

After having two people sit on the bar, Luo gave two hands to the bartender, and then bounced his glass.

The bartender knew, and set about mixing immediately.

“It’s quite lively here.” Ellie couldn’t hide the excitement on her face, and looked around in four places to get a good rare treasure.

She usually attends cocktail parties, but the elegant and quiet environment, the bar boiling with this atmosphere are two extremes.

Si Ji was sitting quietly beside her, staring sideways at Luo’s side face, with unemotional in her eyes, as dark as Kakuzu’s where the bar was, so nothing could be seen.

Kim was looking at Stanley. From the moment she met, Stanley gave him a special sense, which was extremely powerful and weird.

Luo looks at The bartender is mixing, already thinking about how to get Ellie back.

Because the association needed a ship, he learned what the big order that Allie had received.

That’s the order that Ka Jinguo placed, No. 2, b3 … parts needed.

“Luo, let’s go dancing!”

Allie suddenly pulled Luo’s sleeves and asked to dance.

Because the music in the bar suddenly changes, it is a song that people can’t help but want to dance.

“I can’t jump.” Luo declined.

He does not know how to dance, but his physical coordination is very strong. It takes a while to learn how to dance, but he doesn’t want to go to the dance floor to mess around.

Rejected by Luo, Ellie muttered her mouth unhappy.

“Beauty, what’s the point of playing with this old man, go to the dance floor with me and pack you up to heaven.” There was a sudden, flowing voice beside him.

Looking around, three young men with dyed hair and many earrings and face nails.

They chewed chewing gum, and looked towards Ali and Shi Yanji’s eyes undisguised, Chi Guoguo’s **.

This look has always existed since Ellie and Sergey entered the bar. They came from all around, but these three guys are all right and ready to ride on their faces.

Luo and his team of 4 people all heard the bastard youth, and they all chose to ignore it.

Ellie shook Luo’s arm and coquettishly said, “Let’s play with me, just this time, OK!”

“Good, next time.”

Luo withdrew his hand, and touched Ellie’s head as before.

That kind of intimacy is like Elder Brother treats younger sister.

But this feeling, Ellie didn’t like it.

She is no longer the little girl more than ten years ago. Outside, she impressed the mall elites as a powerful woman. Only in front of Luo would she be a little girl.

The three bastard youths suddenly saw that Allie and Shi Ji hadn’t even looked at them, and their hearts burst into anger.

Who doesn’t know that this is the territory of their Porcupine Page?

Evil Thought together, they want to knock Luo and Jin down in a similar way, and then bring 2 fairy-like women into the box and have fun.

The men who have been paying attention to Ellie and Stokey are basically regulars in the bar. Knowing the identities of the three bastard youths is regretful.

At this moment, Luo glanced across the three bastard youths.

Then the three of them trembled and fell to the ground under the gaze of many eyes.

Lights from time to time illuminate their bodies, faintly visible white foam seeping from their mouths.

The men who have always thought of Ellie and Sergey see this scene, and they are afraid of teleportation.

Many ordinary people are unaware of the existence of Mind Power, but have a general understanding of some strange people in the society.

They thought to themselves, this is a encounter, and how dare they have delusions.

Inside the bar, the bartender’s hand holding the bottle stiffened in the air, a flash of unknown fear flashed deep in his eyes, and then the other hand quietly moved under the bar.

“If I were you, I would choose to turn a blind eye.”

Luo flicks to shoot with the finger wine glass, the crisp sound seemed to cover the sound of the music on the spot, and the bartender trembled in shock.

Threatened by such saltiness, the bartender smiled at Luo more ugly than crying, raised the double-handed, and signaled that he didn’t want to do anything.

“It’s getting noisier here, let’s go.”

Luo’s eyes moved, looking to the side Ellie, taking advantage of this opportunity to make a suggestion to leave.

In fact, he didn’t want to be dragged crazy by Ellie to the dance floor. Someone came to find something, and he could use it as an excuse.

King and Stokey had no comment on the suggestion to leave, but Ellie was a bit reluctant.

But this couldn’t help Ellie, dragging her directly out of the bar.

Out of the bar, the sea breeze was sent in, hitting his face with a cool wave.

“Where are you staying tonight?”

Luo asked Ellie with an unhappy face.

“Zidapez Grand Hotel.”

“Well, I’ll send you back,” Luo said.

“Now?” Ellie opened her eyes.

“Of course, what else would you like to do?”

“What time is it now? I’m not going back, I’m hungry and want supper!”


Luo covered her forehead.

Jinrao has interesting looks at Luo and Ellie.


At this time, Luo’s mobile phone heard a message.

Luo took out the phone and took a look, his eyelids drooped, and then put the phone back into his pocket. Indifferently said, “Go, go to Zidapez Hotel.”

“I won’t go!” Ellie protested strongly.

However, the protest was invalid.

The entire group came to the Zidapez Hotel, with police and military vehicles parked outside, and was surrounded by water.

Standing outside, you can see the red light flickering in front of the hotel door.

Everyone around was whispering, as if a prince of Khakin had died in the suite.

“What happened?” Ellie strangely said.

“Dead to someone.”

Luo Serene said.

Subsequently, 4 people turned to another hotel one kilometer away.

Under Ellie’s gaze, Luo didn’t go to the front desk to check in. Instead, he went straight up to the 20th floor to No. 2012.


Luo raised his hand and only knocked on the door.

After a moment, the door was opened a gap, and when the people inside saw the door, they immediately opened the door completely.

The door was opened by a beautiful woman, who looked rather embarrassed at the moment and dazzled.

“Who is this woman?”

looks at the woman who is not inferior to her, and her eyes widen again.

ps: Grey often thank the murderer sheep for the 50000 reward ~ Although I do n’t pay attention to my birthday at all, I have such a huge sum and decided to buy a Mocha cake today ~ with a cup of lemon tea, great ~!

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