Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 899

Luo can sneak to the dark continent, but Jin cannot, so he wants to go to the dark continent, the giant ship by normal means.

Because this is a formal channel.

In the information held by Luo, Ka Jinguo has officially become a member of v6. At the same time, Ka Jinguo agreed to the conditions proposed by v5, and the destination of the number was changed to a huge land in the border area.

The so-called borderline sea area is the boundary between the World Map sea area and the dark sea area, where there are many unmanned land, and v6’s approach is to define these land as dark continents.

It was a sense of sight that played with the people in their palms.

As long as v6 doesn’t say that, when Lander landed on a certain continent on the border line, in the eyes of the people, it is the so-called dark continent.

The reason Ka Jinguo would agree to this condition is probably because King Ka Jin did not intend to explore the dark continent from the very beginning. What he wanted was only the reputation of a pioneer in studying history.

be that as it may, under the premise of Carkin’s acceptance of this condition, when No. 1 landed on the imaginary continent, Biyangde would depart from there and go directly to the dark continent.

As for the Hunters Association, Luo has understood the result of the commission, with the association’s unilateral passive idleness, in exchange for v5 disappointment.

Regarding these things, Luo was at best going to understand, but he would not interfere.

He has been thinking, if in the imaginary continent and gold meet, and then take gold directly to the dark continent, in nominal terms, is not a violation of the agreement at all?

The destination set by No. is the dark continent. Since v6 defines the imaginary continent as the dark continent, the real dark continent is also the dark continent. The two do not conflict at all.

Despite this, Luo and King did not decide where to converge.

Should it be on the imaginary continent, or farther away?

All in all, No. of Kokin must go.

At first, Luo thought that the ship carrying 200,000 people would become the Titanic, and now it seems that it should arrive safely on the imaginary continent.

Anyway, he doesn’t have to worry about how to go to the dark continent, let alone worry about receiving gold.

Because he brought back a turtle from the dark continent.

That turtle lived a long time.

He can hold his breath for a long time in the sea, or fly in the sky.

It was a very reliable turtle, able to take Luo to and from Dark Continent and 6 Continents.

If there are disadvantages, there should be two.

For one, he swims slower and flies slower than vehicles such as airplanes.

Second, he only provided Luo with a round-trip [ferry ticket].

The first disadvantage is nothing, but the second disadvantage is that Luo has not been able to fix it.

If he can, he really hopes that the [ship tickets] he receives from the turtle are unlimited, but unfortunately there is no such thing.

According to the original words of the turtle, that is: I am stubborn, stand by one’s word.

In other words, the turtle can only take Luo to return to the dark continent. No matter what happens later, the turtle will not take Luo to leave the dark continent, or return to the 6 continents.

“There is still one month.”

That evening, Luo woke up with a cookie massage.

Bi Siji was sitting on the sofa in the room. When Luo woke up, he retrieved the cookie Miss within the body and closed the magazine in the book.

From the moment Luo found her, she knew that Luo had entered the state of being forced to close her pores.

I remember when she was chasing clansman territory last time, but she was very impressed.

“At this time, I don’t know how much Luo can improve.”

Bi Siji thought, while throwing the towels at hand, said: “Let’s take a bath first, Kim is waiting for you, also, you will not give Machi a reasonable explanation, cookie Miss may be forced to become the third person Now. “

Luo caught the towel and gave a helpless smile to Bi Siji, thinking that this was too exaggerated.

“I know you don’t want to take Machi to the dark continent, but some things need to be clear as soon as possible, otherwise it is more rational and chaotic.” Biji moved toward the door and waved back to Luo.

The previous sentence was a joke, but the latter sentence was a serious suggestion.

Luo didn’t say anything, quietly looked at Bissy left, then went into the bathroom to take a shower.

After a while, he came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped in his lower body, and saw that Kim was already sitting on the sofa, just like Bisji, and would read a book while waiting.

The book that Jin is reading is the l. Hunter published by Luo.

How many days have it been, and I don’t know how many times Kim has watched it, and still watching it? Or is it research?

Seeing Luo coming out of the bathroom, Jin put down his book and said, “I got the qualification.”

“Really, then I’ll watch you board the ship on the day of the sailing ceremony.” Luo wiped his hair, and when he was almost wiped, he threw the towel away, and went to the refrigerator to take a cold drink.

“Then how will you pick me up then?” King asked.

“Ride the turtle to pick you up.” Luo Kaidou.

“I believe it tentatively.”

Kim was lightly nodded, and then said, “You don’t know something, right?”

“What intelligence?”

“The prince of Kakin is recruiting talented men.”


“What motives do you think the princes are in before choosing to recruit talented people at this time?”

Luo thought about it and said, “Well, Junjun?”

Jin took a moment, said with a bitter smile: “Not so exaggerated, I think Twice Cooked Pork will decide the heir on the voyage.”

“What does this have to do with us?”

“The relationship can be big or small, don’t forget that when there are sailing ceremonies, there will be landing ceremonies. At that time, it may be a very sensitive and critical period, so if you come to pick me up, it is best to keep a low profile.”

Honestly, Luo didn’t care about those at all, but since Jin said so, he would be nodded, so it should be done.


A message sounded from the phone in the room.

Luo glanced at the mobile phone on the bedside table, walked up and took a look at the information content, frowned slightly, and then put the phone back to the bedside table.

Jin saw Luo frown, said curiously: “Who sent you a message?”

He was quite polite, asking only the subject, not the content of the message.

“I’m disciple.” Luo replied.

“Oh, that promising young man named Kurapika.”

“Well, it’s him.”

Luo said, coming to the window, looking at the night scene underneath.

How to … solve some troubles?

Jin looks at Luo standing in front of the window, resisting curiosity and not asking more

A month later, the eve of the sailing ceremony came.

Literally, it was the day before the sailing ceremony, which was part of the ceremony.

On this day, Kakin celebrated with the nation.

Since Twice Cooked Pork ascended the throne, only this day is the most famous moment.

The sound of the helicopter’s propellers hovering in the air, so that it cannot hide the powerful voice of the host.

Countless people gathered in the square in front of the stage, and on the huge screen behind the stage, the picture of the port was played.

There, a giant black ship moored in the shape of a whale.

No. Only the Laboon in One Piece.

In fact, the size of the number is even larger than Laboon.

After all, it’s a ship that can carry 200,000 people.


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