Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 896

According to Luo’s prior estimation, the dark sonata can also be improved by at least 3%, so the value obtained should be overflowing.

Is this the reason that the time limit for entering the “absolute” is shrinking?

Luo is unclear because the white smoke font not at all gives the answer.

3 times? 5 times? 7 times?

The speed is gradually increasing, like a stopwatch that is ten times faster.

Keeping an eye on this process, Luo has no time to care about the changing environment around him.

It is not known at all how much the six-year time limit will eventually be reduced to the remainder.

If it can reach zero seconds, it is the best result.

If not, find out why.

The sooner the time limit is zeroed, the better, it will be an incomparable aid for the second exploration of the continent.

Luo’s heart was agitated, and he was sure that his face must be excited and expectant at this moment.

But in fact, in the eyes of Black Cat and Jin, he just stood still and closed his eyes, his body remained motionless.

“Did it start …”

Jin calm looks at Luo. The previous black gas has been condensed within the body, leaving only a layer of air film on the body surface. As Luo said, the fine pores only open a small part of the result.

It’s not surprising that you get into the utter death without thinking.

It’s the strangest thing to get rid of thoughts.

This is one of Luo’s fast and strong styles.

At this moment, Luo’s somatosensory to the outside world has completely disappeared, and he is immersed in the space of consciousness.

Just watching the time limit being cut so fast that it was not clear how long the time had passed.

“Minus one year.”

Looks at the white smoke font with only 5 years left, Luo is looking forward to it, as the accelerated countdown continues.

However, the time limit returned to the normal countdown Speed ​​at 4 years and 5 months.

“Just subtracting one year and seven months is unexpected surprise, but what causes it?”

Luo pondered, thinking that it might be due to the overflow of absorbed thoughts.

With 20% as a frame, his promotion process is divided into 5 frames.

At present, the reading force value has reached 100%, which is in the fifth frame and is also the limit value.

In terms of data, there is no room for promotion.

However, Luo hasn’t tried to contact the incidental items in 100% of the mental ability.

What if we can continue to absorb it?

If so, what else could be improved?

Is it possible to reduce the remaining time limit?

The doubt could not be resolved at this time, and Luo’s attention finally moved away from the countdown number, and immediately looked towards the black and white environment.

The place is a gloomy stone chamber. The wall is hung with a lifelike stone carving, a naked man holding various utensils **, the details of the carving are quite in place, and I thought it was True if I didn’t take a serious look Master.

The area of ​​the stone chamber is not small, but there are not many things in it.

In addition to the stone carvings on the walls, the stone chamber has only one stone platform and dozens of candlesticks lit by candles. It looks very empty.

The flame of the candle is shaking slightly, but the picture Luo sees is black and white. If it was not the dynamic of the flame, Luo would almost think he was in a static black and white painting.

On the stone platform in the center of the stone chamber, there is a female corpse that is more than 80% rotten.

I want to say why I can immediately judge that highly rotten body is female, because the body is wearing a clean white as snow dress.

Luo walked around the stone chamber as an onlooker and not at all found any entrance.

“This is the tomb?”

Luo speculated.

However, halfway through the candlelight and brand new clothes on the body, these two points can obviously be used to refute his guess.

Also, Luo knew that he was now a bystander of a piece of memory.

So, where is the master of the memory segment?

There is only one body in this stone chamber.

Luo suddenly looked towards the rotting corpse on the stone platform.

Although he was a bystander, he could not interfere with the ongoing memory segment, but he still had his own eyesight and judgment.

With one glance, he could see that the body was normal.

There was no sound, let alone a heartbeat, and there was even a pronounced Death Aura.

There is no one else in the stone chamber except this corpse.

Luo approached the stone platform and looked at the face of the corpse up close.

The rotten face can’t see the difference between men and women, and even can’t see the nose, only a twisted deformed meat ball.

The corpse’s eyes were tightly closed, but judging from this rotten condition, it seems that it’s empty in the eye sockets.

Luo calmly observed the corpse, glanced down, and landed on the corpse’s head, with only a few strands of hair sticking to the scalp with pus.

Because the colors seen were black and white, Luo could not tell the true color of the silk.

Although it is a memory segment, it is not much different from being there.

Normal people are suddenly teleported into this environment and face a rotting corpse.

Luo wouldn’t, but as he approached the body, there was a bit of coldness in his senses.

There is wind flowing in the stone chamber, but it is faint and almost incalculable.

The slight coldness came from the corpse.

Is the bearer of the memory fragment the corpse …

When Luo thought so, the body’s eyes suddenly opened.

As Luo thought, there was a hole in his eyes.

But looks at this eye, can clearly see the sight.

Luo was within the sight of the corpse, and the corpse turned a blind eye to Luo, straightened his upper body, and stepped off the stone platform with the action of a normal person getting out of bed.

From the body’s sudden eyes opened to his next stone platform, Luo remained indifferent, his gaze moved as the body moved.

“What does this body have to do with the flute solo?”

Luo thought silently.

He was not really interested in this memory, he just wanted to know the power effect and cost of the flute version of the solo.

Later, he saw the corpse walking under the stone carving, sticking out the rotten palms of his nails and putting it on the bottom of the stone carving.

After a while, retract your palm.

Luo saw that there was some white, thick, unknown liquid on the palm of the body, a bit like some kind of grease.

Then the corpse raised its hand and stuffed the greasy liquid into its mouth.

“wu wu ……”

Crying like weeping.

“ga ga ……”

The next second, it turned into an unpleasant laughter.

Crying and laughing like this, the corpse circled all the stone carvings and took a sip of unknown oil and fat.

Then Luo closed his eyes subconsciously, because the corpse took off the white skirt.

The reason why he closed his eyes was not how gentleman Luo was, but … too hot eyes.

Maybe it ’s nice to not have any tapeworms on the body, but it ’s still hard to see.

After closing his eyes for more than ten seconds, Luo heard the roar of a rock moving, and opened his eyes subconsciously.

The surface of the stone platform is moved away. Inside lies a red-haired blond beauty, double-handed holding a flute, and sitting safely on his chest.

The same undressed corpse stood beside the stone platform, staring quietly at the man who almost slept past.

After a long time, the body picked up the flute and played it.

The long and penetrating flute sound instantly passed through the entire stone chamber.

The sound sounded like a heavy pair of hands soothing your head.

However, the flute sound turned sharply, as if the big hands turned down sharply, and his neck was broken sharply.

Luo looked startled, only to see that the blond man’s body in the stone platform was turning black at the speed visible by naked eye, and at the same time, the rotting body of the female body was recovering at speed visible at naked eye.

Then Luo’s ears caught a powerful heartbeat.

It was the female body.

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