Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 890

Threw away a noun casually, but did not take into account that Kim did not know what it was called. (Fastest update)

A ship capable of carrying 200,000 people, just thinking about it is surprisingly large.

Luo crossed the dark sea and knew that there were many giant sea monsters there.

A ship’s eye-catching giant ship passes through that area of 鈥嬧€媡he sea, and there is no ghost without being attacked by sea monsters.

If it is in the sea area of 鈥嬧€媡he World map, even if the ship sinks, there is a small probability of surviving. However, if it is sinking in the dark sea, let alone the ordinary people, the survival rate of the first-class Mind Power is also zero.

The sudden ringing of the cell phone ringing interrupted Luo and Jin’s conversation.

2 people took out their mobile phone almost at the same time and looked at the caller’s number.

“It’s so much,” Luo said.

“Bean noodles.” Kim also said the person who called.

Luo slightly nodded, walked towards the room Kakuzu, and then connected the phone.

“Luo, there will be an emergency meeting in ten minutes. Please be on time.” There was a calm and steady voice from the other end of the phone.

“Because of Kajin and Bijand?” Luo asked.

“Um.” Qi Duo answered.

“Understood, ten minutes later.”

The phone hangs up.

Luo stowed the phone and looked towards Jin, and the other party just stowed the phone.

“Notice of the meeting,” King said.

“Then let’s go straight.” Luo said, looking towards the door.

Kim was relatively close to the door and simply stood there waiting for Luo to come. (Fastest update)

He looks at Luo, saying, “You haven’t said what the Titanic is.”

Luo’s head quietly slipped into a cold sweat, using the style of the game to explain: “In simple terms, it is a ship with a Passive Skill ‘will sink in the sea.'”


Kim was speechless.

It’s really an easy explanation.

Afterwards, the two walked together and came to the room dedicated to the ten 2 Earthly Branches meeting, which was also the familiar long table and chair

After arriving at the Conference Hall, the other members of the Ten Earthly Branches were already present, and the Douban people were also there.

“The ten-minute hard request was really enough to miss the absent mana.” Seeing Jin and Luo coming in, the thorny Yinhu Kangzai taunted a mockery.

But Jin didn’t seem to hear what Kang Zai said. More aptly, he didn’t notice that there was a Kang Zai person at the scene, which was pure disregard.

He followed Luo and sat in the vacant seat together.

Kang Zai saw Jin ignoring himself, and a faint crossroads floated on his forehead.

Bunny Piyon was lying on the table playing with his mobile phone, and Jin and Luo were sitting on the connected seat, just opposite her.

She stared intently at the phone screen, lazily: “The corrupt little prince resigned and withdrew, and the absent demon came to the meeting on time, tsk tsk …”

King scratched his cheek, and without a word, there was a kind of feeling that the whole world was aiming at himself.

Luo didn’t say a word, and looked down slightly at the ship. ()

Suddenly, he noticed that two eyes glanced over and looked up, but it was Qiduo and Ge’er.

When the sight passed, the two women moved slowly and calmly, as if nothing had happened.

When Luo saw this, her gaze dropped again.

For a moment, the Conference Hall was quiet.

Everyone was doing their thing before waiting for Netero to arrive.

Maybe this is more important. As soon as the appointed time comes, Netero pushes the door of the conference and walks in. Rarely, he is not late.

Netero glanced over the 5 members of the Earth branch present, came to the main seat, skipped the meaningless opening remarks, and said directly: “Just now, v1 personally issued a Special Order to the Association.”

Everyone, including Doumen, was looked towards Netero.

Facing the eyes of everyone, Netero calmly said: “Arrest Biyang De.”

The audience was silent.

After a while, Yinda cautiously asked: “President, is Biyang De really your son?”

Yinda’s problem is what Porter and the others desperately want to confirm.

“Yes, it’s my son. Does he look like me?” Netero answered the question naturally.

It really is …!

Yinda had a weird expression on their faces.

Luo and Jin, as insiders, reacted very dull.

This dullness quickly attracted the attention of others.

“Luo, Jin, have you been understood long ago?” Qi Duo looks at 2 people.

Directly named, Luo and Jin didn’t think there was anything, nodded.

No one else knew what to say, the Conference Hall was quiet.

The amount of information is too large to digest in a short time, and v5 has issued a Special command so quickly.

“Beyond is currently in Kajin State, including Paris Stone.” In the end, it was Luo who broke the silent atmosphere, and with this opening, he barely pulled everyone back to the topic.

Netero slightly nodded.

“Paristone?” Pheasant Crook frowned, expressing obvious doubts that Paristone and Beyond were together.

Similar to Pyoern and Geer and the others, the same response.

Facing their doubts, Netero wondered, “Why, don’t you know?”

Know a ghost! !! !!

Pion and the others looked towards Netero, if they didn’t respect Netero enough, they would have roared together.

Seeing this, Netero could only explain: “Pariston has always been a younger than Young.”


Pion and the others were shocked.

“Wait, President, you mean ‘always’?” Wu Massaqi raised an eyebrow.

In other words, President has long known that Paris Stone is a younger person than Young, but still let him be Deputy President?

Others reacted quickly and thought of it.

“Yeah.” Netero remained calm.

Except for Luo and Jin, everyone’s face turned black.

There must be a limit to act wilfully!

Including Doumen people, I just don’t know what to say.

But soon they were self-compromising.

Only Netero can do such things.

Then, Qiduo silently noticed the two men of serene, fatty said: “Are you guys understood again?”

Luo greeted Qi Duo and others, calmly said: “It was early understood.”

His tone barely fell, and he heard Netero say, “Actually, this information was what Luo told me.”

This sentence successfully ported most of the hatred teleportation to Luo’s body.

“You …!” Qi Duo opened her eyes.

That reaction is quite a question of why you, as a parent, let Brat Hu be allowed!

Luo shrugged, looked towards Netero, said, “Old Man wants to play, what can I do?”


Everyone heard it and didn’t know why. Even if they stood still, they couldn’t reprimand Luo for being irresponsible.

Because only Netero can do this kind of thing.

In addition to Luo and Jin, members of the Ten 2 Earthly Branches and even Doumian are all looking complex towards Netero.

“It’s all a thing of the past. Let’s discuss what we can do to arrest Bi Yangde at the least cost.” Netero looked seriously.

“The key point is not Yang De, but Ka Jinguo,” Luo said.

“Yes, so this commission is for arrest, not hunt.”

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