Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 886


When the breakthrough of the 20% mental force value for the first time, the seminal pores were forcibly closed, and at that time, he had been conducting imaginary training to open the seminal pores.

Over time, the fine pores are slowly opened, exuding thoughts.

When the process is half way, minimal entanglement can be maintained.

Subsequent improvements of 40%, 60%, and 80% were achieved.

When Special broke through 80%, it said that it was actually available from the beginning of the countdown. This time to break through 100%, maybe the fine holes would not be closed too hard.

And if you remember correctly, the time limit for breaking 80% is 3 years. Later, through hard work, the time limit was reduced to one year.

And if you want to break 100% this time, according to the usual rules, the time limit for entry is at least 5 years, and even 1 years, Luo is not surprised.

If it is ten years, then he can’t wait anyway, even if he is suffering, he has to start in 2 years.

If it is 5 years, it will take one year at the earliest?

Starting from the 6th continent, it takes about 2 months to calculate the time by more normal ferry means, and the non-normal ferry means also takes about one month.

“Assuming that the time limit is 5 years, even with the assistance of Cookie Miss, it is possible to completely open the fine pores within 3 months.”

“Conclusion is too late.”

Luo raised his hand and pressed on the score, a little unwilling. (Fastest update)

The smoke-like black power moved on the palm of his hand, and the white smoke font was like a ringing alarm clock.

How big is the difference between 80% and 100%? Luo didn’t know until there was a real breakthrough.

However, based on past experience, each breakthrough can bring a strong improvement, let alone the ultimate improvement.

When we reach the final upper limit of our strength, we can reduce the risk of going to the dark continent for the second time, and may even completely explore the dark continent.

That’s why Luo was unwilling to compromise.

If conditions permit, this digestion can be completed before reaching the dark continent.

Luo slowly closed his eyes, thinking of Bisji’s cookie Miss, thinking of the gold game space, thinking of Noble’s 4-dimensional apartment, thinking of the black cat as a bodyguard.

In this state of mind, any idea will be forcibly used as a reason or excuse.

Thinking of this, Luo realized that his choice was to absorb the dark sonatas, so he was unable to make a decision. In the end, he even thought about how to use the game space of Jin.

despite this……

Luo looked towards the black cat with not say a word on the side, picked up the sheet music and threw it over, and said, “Close it up.”

If it tends to absorb, the sooner the better.

But Luo was still not ready.

The black cat put away the sheet music and said, “Are you ready?”

Luo walked to the window and calmly looked at the night scene outside the window and said, “Not yet. Uctxt.com”

“You’re not that indecisive type.” The black cat paced to Luo and jumped to the windowsill.

“There are too many things to consider, but in the end, we have to wait.” Luo said.

“What are you waiting for?” The black cat’s eyes were in doubt, thinking that he was waiting for you to go to prison.

“Beijing and Kajin’s momentum.” Luo indifferently said.

Wait until the result comes out before you decide whether to absorb it.

The price is about half a month wasted, but a more secure result can be obtained.

“Whatever you think, you have to take me to prison anytime soon,” the black cat said seriously.

“Will do.”

Luo slightly nodded.

The next few days, calm and tranquil.

He and Nit dropped Paris Stone’s hole cards, and the hawks naturally couldn’t make any waves, let alone Paris Stone had resigned as Deputy President.

Luo had no interest or need for the struggle for rights within the association, and did not pay special attention to it, but Qiduo may consider him as his own, and from time to time he will tell him the trends within the association.

Luo didn’t deliberately explain this misunderstanding.

Luo is waiting, many people are waiting.

About ten days from the day that Bijand said.

During this time, Luo wrote the manuscript with the help of Ikushobe.

The following day, the publishing editor Luo met with was a mature woman, about 30 years old, wearing a black work clothes and a large figure.

She has simple and clean hairstyles, black-rimmed glasses and light makeup. The lipstick is slightly darker, and there is a beautiful mole on the edge of her lips, Kakuzu.

“You are Xiao Ai, fortunately.”

Luo extends the hand towards Xiao Ai.

He only heard Sabo say the name of a co-editor and how smart and capable he was, but never said he was a beautiful woman.

“Hello, Luo Boss.” Xiao Ai reached out and gave Luo a small handshake.

Sabo has been involved in it, so they do n’t need to introduce themselves to know each other ’s name and identity.

“Please sit down.”

Luo pointed to the sofa with a smile, and when Xiao Ai sat down, he followed.

Xiao Ai puts the briefcase on her side, looks at the young and promising Boss, and enters the theme directly and vigorously.

“With regard to publishing, Mr. Sabo has already explained clearly, and we are very much looking forward to working with you this time.”

“This is the manuscript.”

Luo was also very straightforward, took out the manuscript directly on the table, and said, “I personally have no requirements, as long as you can make this book published.”

Xiao Ai flashed a strange color, nodded, and gathered the manuscript over.

She will not always make a hasty impression and perception of an unfamiliar stranger, but when she learns the specifics from Sabo, it is only a rich person playing tickets.

Because of the identity of the other party, the company will certainly not refuse this cooperation, let alone the other party does not ask for any profit.

Although there is a risk of losing money, it is nothing compared to the cooperative relationship between the company and the Luo Ling Museum.

Based on this, Xiao Ai thought that Luo would satisfy some wealthy people with a sense of vanity, and then made many embarrassing requests in person.

For example, to provide the best sales channels and promotion for this book whose content is not clear, such as the highest exposure rate, in short, to give the best treatment to your book.

In this regard, Xiao Ai and his boss have long been psychologically prepared, and they have considered the meeting many times, from which they have prepared various responses and wordings that have been planned in advance.

However, what Xiao Ai didn’t expect was that Luo actually had only one of the simplest requirements, no, not even that.

She was puzzled, but she wouldn’t ask more.

However, she suddenly became interested in this pile of manuscripts.

She looked towards Luo, said with a slight smile: “Luo Boss, can I see the manuscript on the spot?”

Luo laughed, saying, “Please.”

After receiving the promise, Xiao Ai looked at the manuscript on the spot.

When negotiating publishing, Sabo did not disclose the type of book.

“this is……?”

Xiao Ai read several pages, her face slowly showing surprise.

Fantasy-type adventure novel?

Yes, the type marked on the title page is travel!

Confused, Xiao Ai didn’t stop reading.

However, she was more and more surprised.

Isn’t this a personal travel journal at all?

But the strange things in the book … really appealing.

She decisively put down to read half of the manuscript, looked up towards Luo, and stopped talking.

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