Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 880

7fb1e5e87176a176d9a4e329a54dce70 恍 If the park is hidden land of peace and prosperity, it is full of acrid blood. (Fastest update)

The torn corpses abound, and the flowing blood gathered in streams.

One glance looked terrible.

Luo got the information from the associates and came at the fastest speed. During the period, he did not even consider the consumption of mental energy, so he kept using it to hurry.

Still, it was late to Pakari Park.

A large number of Chimera Ants are rampant, not knowing how many people have been massacred.

Immediately, Luo entered the field without the slightest hesitation, opened the field, and wanted to test Chimera Ants’s power of mind.

As a result, this temptation took dozens of Chimera Ants.

“So weak?”

This result surprised Luo.

It’s actually not that Chimera Ants is weak at all, but that he is too strong.

You know, Chimera Ants, which can face the submachine gun Bullets, will be weaker in terms of defense.

Normally, if a Mind Power person with similar strength wants to use Bully body to resist Bullets without injury, at least he must also use condensation to condense air at the position where Bullets shoot down.

After trying out Chimera Ants’s defensive Power, Luo was also rude, and went straight to kill.

You don’t need to worry about your own defense, you can spread the field directly.

The smaller the scope of the field, the stronger the accuracy, control and lethality. ()

Therefore, the upper range released depends on the power of Chimera Ants.

The final result is 50 meters.

As long as Chimera Ants steps into the edge of 50 meters, Luo can pinch Chimera Ants’ head instantly, or cut off his head directly.

Compared with the former, the latter will spend less mental energy.

So, Luo strode, Chimera Ants each and everyone included in the 50 meters range was cut off.

The first Chimera Ants who had their heads cut off did not respond at all, and they did not have the life strength of Chimera Ants that were orthodoxly bred. After their heads were cut off, they died shortly after.

The Chimera Ants, who were farther away, stared at Luo gradually, with a look of fear on their faces.

If someone with knowledge of these Chimera Ants stood here, they would be surprised.

Normally, these artificial monsters lack a clearer emotional system, in other words, and the strength shown by Luo alone is not enough to scare them.

However, they are truly fearful.

Not fearing the power shown by Luo, but fearing the breath sent by Luo.

It was a more terrifying atmosphere than Ant King. To be precise, it was a murderous aura accumulated from countless dead bones.

Chimera Ants came up with such a word in their heads.

Piggy and Piano saw Chimera Ants standing still and wanted to take this opportunity to teleportation to a safe place.

However, the body was seriously injured, and I can only pray that these monsters should not focus on their bodies again. ()

For the crowd at the scene, if the previous pig was a life-saving straw, Luo who had launched a war on Chimera Ants would be the proper savior.

Not a level at all!

Coupled with that group of monster unfathomable mystery, the guests and the staff in the park have not been stupid enough to stay with the monsters. It is not like Zizhu and Piano were seriously injured and difficult to move.

So, they took the opportunity to escape.

I don’t know where to run, but just stay away from the damn monsters.

As for the pigs and Piano, how can they manage.

“pēng pēng pēng ……”

The bodies of dozens of Chimera Ants fell to the ground.

This phenomenon, not at all immediately brought back the souls of the Chimera Ants.

Luo walked past the corpse pile, closed the field, and immediately released a large circle.

“this is!?”

The round gleam glanced over the pigs and Piano’s bodies, shocking their 2 expressions.

What a terrifying circle!

No, this is really exaggerated.

2 people have an incredible looks at that circle moved towards the distance.

They have also worked hard, but the range can at most only break through ten meters. After all, this is a difficult skill to improve. If the benefits are not high, try hard to repair not at all.

However, the circle released by Luo is at least over one kilometer?

Is there anything that humans can do to see and hear?

With the circle, he grasped the general situation in the park. Later, Luo quickly withdrew the circle. He didn’t know how his circle had touched the pig and Piano.

“500 twenty three, plus corpses on the ground, the number is about 600, in other words, Netero may have to deal with 1900.”

Luo is currently focusing on the exact number of Chimera Ants in the park.

After knowing the power of Chimera Ants, plus the ones in your pocket that can restore mental energy, it is not a problem to solve these 500 Chimera Ants.

What’s really tricky is how to clean up the mess.

Luo glanced at the numerous human bodies on the ground.

“No time to think about it.”

Luo turned his thoughts and stared at the remaining Chimera Ants monster.

He was aware of the presence of Zizhu and Piano, but he chose to ignore it because the two wounded could not provide him with any form of support.

The Luo body’s mental strength emerged thinly, his body flashed, and after a few breaths, like a light wind, he came to the middle of dozens of Chimera Ants.

After stabilizing his body, Luo expanded his mind circle sharply, keeping it within 50 meters, and also included the dozens of Chimera Ants around him.

It wasn’t until Luo’s thoughts came out that the Chimera Ants realized the danger and escaped from their stasis.

Almost at the same time, every Chimera Ants moved.

They did not choose to fight back, but escaped without the slightest hesitation.

chi …!

However, with the countless gazing eyes around them, they just stepped out, and their bodies fell out, because their heads were cut off by an inexplicable Strength.

Pēng pēng pēng ……!

A body fell to the ground, making muffled noises.

After killing this batch of Chimera Ants, Luo incarnation again for a light breeze, heading for the next batch of targets.

The information detected by Yuan is not only the specific number of Chimera Ants, but also the location of the Chimera Ants.

They are like a floor plan with 500 twenty three stars, which is left in Luo’s head.

Then, Luo picked out a route that could be quickly hanged, based on where they stood.

Like a rubber band with a range of 50 meters, every time you choose a landing point, you must include as many Chimera Ants as possible.

On this basis, in order to improve Speed, each landing point must be reasonably connected in series to form a subtle route without going blank.

Several precise landings passed, and Luo seemed to be a breeze that brought death, killing 100 Chimera Ants in a short time.

The remaining Chimera Ants are not bastard to be slaughtered. When seeing this scene, who would continue to stand stupidly, they chose to escape.

“Can you run away?”

Luo’s eyes were cold, and the road map in his head changed as Chimera Ants moved.

Still on the wind, take away at least 30 Chimera Ants.

Overwhelming gap, one-sided slaughter.

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