Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 873

Not to mention Chimera Ants, which is born with Mind Power, even if you do not know Mind Power, the number of 2500 is enough. (The fastest update of uc book league)

There are too many. If you want to solve it, you must send at least 500 elite hunters. However, there are less than 1000 professional hunters in the Hunters Association, and more than one third are still associates. .

Most importantly, they didn’t know how much Stoner had control over Chimera Ants eggs.

If it was before the eggs had hatched, Paris Stone drove the members of the associate who knew the Manipulator ability to release the control conditions, then it was troublesome, but the scalp was numb as soon as he thought.

That is already an army that can easily crush a country!

And, as Qi Duo said, if Paris Stone releases a dozen Chimera Ants in a city, the consequences are unimaginable.

The worst result is that Netero will carry an inaction hat. No, more than one hat may be 3, or even 5. At that time, hawks will give it a shot, and Netero will probably step down. .

“How could this be, how could this be!”

Yinda scratched her hair hard and looked very suffocated.

On the other hand, although the situation is not optimistic, it looks calm.

“The President is also understood. He asked us to find out the whereabouts of Chimera Ants eggs.” Qi Duo said.

She concealed a message that Luo asked her for it.

“Either way, the threat has to be completely eradicated. ()” Porter mood grave.

Qi Duo 3 could not help but be silent.

There is no easy way to eradicate it.

That’s not 200 5 but 2500, the number that can make any Mind Power scalp numb.

But in fact, does every Mind Power scalp numb?


Nick got into the crowd on the dance floor.

Uvogin and Nobunaga didn’t go to the dance floor for a long time. They didn’t go to dance, but to go to their sisters.

As an energetic man, from time to time, we need to address our physiological needs.

In the end, Bisji went in without exception and wanted to come to the goal.

As a result, a group of people came in to play, but Luo and Machi remained on the deck.

The two of them occasionally accompany Uvogin and Nobunaga to this occasion, in fact, they usually will not enter the dance floor.


Machi pushed a glass of wine in front of Luo, reminding him softly.

“I know.”

Luo slightly nodded, right hand drooping, reaching into the ground.

Under the table no one could see, the black cat came out like a smoke.

“What to do?”

The black cat crouched on the table, and his voice passed into Luo’s ear.

“Judge for yourself, it’s okay to kill.” Luo indifferently said.

“Judge? What’s that? It’s enough to have the sentence that comes after you. (The fastest update of uc book league)

The black cat stretched out its enchanting long tongue and looked energetic.

Killing intent with a little hair, rendering him into a lively demon cat.

He can kill, he will never be polite.

If Luo made him act wilfully tonight, he would without the slightest hesitation to kill everyone in the nightclub.

Immediately, the black cat turned into a plume of black smoke, meandering like a snake on the ground, moved towards the position of the peeper.

There are 2 voyeurs. They are 2 middle-age persons who look very ordinary. They have wireless headsets in their ears and are covered by long hair.

The clothes they wear are all light shirts, and the buttons on the shirts are not ordinary. They are relatively sophisticated intelligence hardware.

The black cat quietly approached as black smoke, came to the two men behind, and immediately heard what they were saying in a strange language.

The black cat couldn’t understand, but the tone was not like reporting something, but recording something.

What exactly was being said, the black cat wasn’t interested at all, letting out two strands of energy, silently piercing the back of two middle-aged men, reaching directly to the heart, piercing a small hole.

After doing this, the black Matatabi carefully destroyed the eavesdropping equipment carried by the middle age person body, and then returned to the original smoke.

After returning to the deck, the black cat not at all retracted into the back of Luo’s hand, instead sitting on the deck.

“It’s over.”

The black cat said, just picking up the appetizers on the table and eating.

Luo nodded, without asking deeply.

Most of the voyeurs are members of an intelligence organization and will keep an eye on them. They should be directed at Uvogin.

Whenever there is any disadvantage, Luo will not be polite, so let the black cat kill directly.

“Machi, you almost have to leave here.”

Luo looks at the dance floor, as if to find the traces of Uvogin and Nobunaga.

“I am where you are.” Machi calmly said.


So this is the biggest problem.

Luo is silent.

After all, time is running out, and the plan from Kajin State has surfaced …

Before going to the Dark Continent, Luo would only be relieved if Machi was placed in Lin Nie.

The question is how to do it.

At the same time, the Association Building was on top.

Jin was originally drunk, but not long after, Lao Bai also came, and he was drunk.

“Lao Jin, I want to ask you a question now.”

Lao Bai looked at the prosperous night scene under the night sky. The long stream of lights was brighter and denser than the stars in the night sky.

“Ask for advice?” Jin squinted, a little frowning.

“How can we be abandoned without pressure?” Lao Bai sighed.

“Grit your teeth and pass.”

“that’s it?”

“Well, otherwise?”

“Do you think it’s constipation?” Old Bai was startled.

King suddenly said in earnest: “Take the first step, the back will be much lighter, man, must have courage!”


Lao Bai sighed again and immediately emptied a wine.

Jin slowly turned his head, looking at the old white with a sullen expression, said with a smile: “You are tempted.”

At the same time, he was curious what Luo had said to Lao Bai, so that the hard stone Lao Bai could start to soften.

He knew that the reason Lao Bai had not agreed was because of his family.

People are free before they start a family, but once they have a family, they naturally take responsibility.

The difference between the two has always been clear. When you are alone, you can run around without pressure, but after you become a family, it is different. You need to consider more things.

“After all, I’m a hunter.” Old Bai smiled bitterly and said in a tone of broken jars and tiles: “So, I’m really tempted.”

“What did Luo tell you?” Jin couldn’t help asking.

“What else can be, of course, a cigarette.” Old Bai raised his finger and flicked the vermilion pipe on his mouth. Even if he was drinking, he would not put down the pipe.

Jin reached out to Pats’s white back and said, “There’s still plenty of time, so think it over before making a decision.”

Don’t know why, he felt a little guilty at the moment.

Of course, this guilt is not directed at the old white, but against the old white’s family.

However, the decision-making power is in the hands of Lao Bai, and if the team is in danger, should any one of his teammates’ life be saved, or he and Luo should die at the front.

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