Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 870

When Qi Duo was worried that Paris Stone would secretly make something, Luo thought of Chimera Ants’ eggs and went on to say it. (The fastest update of uc book league)

That sentence was like a fuse that started to burn, and the end was tied to Qiduo’s forehead.

Then Qi Duo was puzzled, tremored, and unbelievable.

With this kind of emotion, Qiduo wanted to ask specifically, and at this time, Lao Bai opened the door and walked out.

Of course, this seems to Qiduo to be a trivial episode.

Rather than coming out and looking at the current situation of the President in the room, Qiduo thinks that the first priority is to follow the conversation just now.

She had to ask something that she didn’t know, and that might be an important factor later.

“Old white, come with me.”

However, she only heard Luo say such a word, then Luo threw her a firm back, and led Lao Bai to another room, leaving her messy in the wind alone.

“Isn’t it more important to me? Alas, it’s more important to me!”

In response to many, it was the sound of closing the door.

She could only watch at old Bai and Luo entered the room.

And she couldn’t stop Lou.

Because she saw that Luo paid more attention to calling Lao Bai, not the one she was trying to understand.

In desperation, she can only suppress her doubts to the bottom of her heart. (The fastest update of uc book league)

She walked into the room and immediately saw Netero sitting on the bed, looking up at the night outside the window.

The sound of not at all when I walked in attracted Netero’s attention.

Qiduo closed the door gently with his backhand, came to the chair beside the bed, and sat down slowly.

Netero didn’t go to see much, didn’t speak, and still looked quietly at the window.

So Qi Duo didn’t speak, she was sitting upright, wearing double-handed white gloves on her knees, quietly looking at Netero.

Among the members of the 2 Earthly Branches, except Luo, Jin, and Paris Stone, the others changed their physical characteristics in order to correspond to the zodiac signs.

It may be worship, it may be respect, it may be yearning, or it may be something else.

Qi Duo doesn’t know how other members think of Netero. She only knows that she respects Netero. Although Netero is always nonsense, she always thinks that Netero is the most suitable person to lead the association.

As it should be by rights, she probably understands what Netero is after.

Every hunter has a goal to pursue.

However, it was Ant King first, and now it was Luo.

From the strongest ever to this point …

Do you feel frustrated, or any other feeling?

Qi Duo lip looks at Netero. From entering the room to sitting down, she knew that she could not speak the first words. (The fastest update of uc book league)

If Netero doesn’t want to talk from start to finish, she will remain silent until she leaves the room.

In the other room, Luo and Lao Bai stood opposite each other.

Before Luo had spoken, Lao Bai said one step ahead: “I arrived yesterday and was called by the guy from Jin … well, he cheated.”

Seeing that Lao Bai was one step ahead, Luo could only wait in silence.

Lao Bai took down the pipe, knocked at the bottom of the hand, and then choked on his mouth, calmly said: “These 2 days, Kim has been in my ears chirp chirp twitter twitter, want me to follow him to the dark continent Once. “

“This is also the second time I have seen him like this, um, the first time he invited me to be an island of greed.”

At this point, Lao Bai raised his head slightly and exhaled a smoke.

The deep and unknown eyes quietly penetrated into the diffused smoke.

He stared at the smoke, and then said, “Then I refused. There was no Special to count the number of rejections. About 25 times, because I have no interest in the dark continent. Then, after listening to these words, you plan to continue Speak? “

He clearly guessed the reason why Luo called him to the room, so he showed his attitude before Luo spoke.

25 times …

Luo was a little surprised, not immediately speaking, but staring at the pipe on Lao Bai’s mouth.

Perceiving Luo’s gaze, the old Byakugan paused, almost guessing what Luo wanted to say in the next sentence.

After a while, Luo said, “I know you like cigarettes.”

As Lao Bai thought, he teased: “So what? Is it possible that you want to tell me that the Dark Continent has a lot of Special tobacco?”

“That’s right.” That’s what Luo wanted to say.


The old white stunned for a moment, totally didn’t expect Luo would simply accept this sentence, shaking his head and saying: “You have seen my thoughts, so you should know that I don’t like others to doodle flat cakes in front of me.”

The fool’s method is essentially to kill time and patience. Although there is a very low chance of heavenly ascension, it is generally a type of step by step.

And this type of person hates vain speech most, so when Luo should make a joke about Lao Bai casually, Lao Bai was unhappy, but he didn’t show it.

“In fact, I did see a kind of tobacco on the Dark Continent, which looks a lot like sawtooth.”

Luo did not see the dissatisfaction in Lao Bai’s heart, but at this moment, he has a convincing seriousness in both expression and tone.

He looked intently at Lao Bai, then went on to say: “Its growth environment is generally in the lake and marsh area, as long as it is in the lake and marsh area, there will definitely be a kind of aquatic and aquatic creatures with green leaves on their heads.”

“Those amphibians would wrap the crane crane leaves with saliva and then roll them up and pump.”

“At that time, I didn’t see any trace of flames, but they were indeed swallowing clouds and misting.”

Having said that, Luo regrets it.

He also smokes, but it is not the Old Smokey gun of the old white type. Moreover, the cigarette he smokes is not addictive, but it can sometimes be used for refreshment.

So, when he saw the frog-like water and land 2 inhabitants in the dark continent smoking cigarettes, he did n’t take the risk to snatch unknown tobacco that looked like jagged from them.

If you had collected some at that time, why not bother to just talk it out now.

After all, with the ability of the old white, you can definitely identify the special characteristics of the unknown tobacco at once.

After listening to Luo’s words, Lao Bai calmed down his discomfort slightly. He wasn’t sure of the truth of Luo’s words, but he didn’t think that Luo was the type that exaggerated.

Moreover, with his knowledge of tobacco and even plants of various subjects, he has never heard of this aquatic and amphibious organism and unlit tobacco, which is a bit blind.

But will Luo be blind?

Regardless of the tone and expression …

Lao Bai suppressed the doubts in his heart, looked seriously at Luo, and asked, “Have you ever been to the Dark Continent?”

Luo nodded said, “You can’t believe it is the best, but the kind of tobacco I just said, if you want to prove, then I can’t give evidence.”

“But as long as you want to go to the dark continent, I can assure you that it will definitely take you to find that kind of tobacco. Moreover, I don’t think there is only one kind of tobacco in the dark continent.”

“So, do you want to verify this with your own eyes?”

Old white was silent.

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