Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 864

Regarding Nobunaga’s request, Netero has no reason to decline. (Fastest update)

Uvogin was paralyzed, but he was already monster-level in physical fitness, and forcibly got up.

Seeing this scene, it may be due to the love of sandbags. Netero’s eyes flashed a deep appreciation, and then went to the seat in the rest area to pick up the phone.

Power on and dial.

After a while, the call was connected.


On the other end of the phone is Luo, and the words Kaidou: “The roof of the Wudou Pavilion.”

“Come here.”

After getting the exact location, Netero hung up.

He turned around, looked towards Nobunaga and Uvogin, raised his finger and moved towards the ceiling and clicked a few times.

“Luo on the roof?” Nobunaga asked.

Netero nodded.


Nobunaga’s smile suddenly appeared on his face, and the hand holding the handle burst out a few faint blue tendons.

Netero and Uvogin looked at Nobunaga’s reaction, thinking that this grievance was about to break through the ceiling.

Three people quickly reached the arc-shaped roof, and the wind at the end of June passed by from the top, with annoying irritability.

They saw a man standing on the edge of the roof with their backs facing them, the black kimono being blown by the wind, fluttering like a flag.


Uvogin and Nobunaga shouted Luo’s name.

The former is happy, the latter is resentment.

Listening to this distinct cry, Luo turned around and looked at the Netero 3 people from the other side, chuckling in the wind.

Uvogin, despite being exhausted, still stretched his arms and strode forward, habitually trying to give Luo a big hug. uctxt. com

However, Nobunaga’s strides were quicker and more hurried than he was. The hand was holding the handle tightly, and a smile of a retreat floating on his mouth Kakuzu.

Uvogin’s nerves are a little thick, but not stupid. They slow down like conditioning, looking at Nobunaga aggressive moved towards Luo.

“Luo, I miss you so much.”

Nobunaga came to Luo and bowed slightly.


Luo looks at Nobunaga, who started to breathe out, raising her fingers and scratching her cheek.

Ten seconds later, Nobunaga had a large swollen bag on her head, sitting on the other side of the Wudouguan roof with her knees, looking up at the blue sky, her eyes full of thoughts.

Uvogin squatted beside him, extending the hand pats on his shoulders, and sighing, “He’s until now is a monster, and you don’t know it.”

Nobunaga turned his head mechanically, faintly looking at Uvogin, and almost made Uvogin think that something was on his face.

Then Nobunaga turned his head back mechanically, and sighed deeply at the blue sky.

Ah, you know what a fart.

Lao Zi’s knife was dried before it was pulled out.

Can you feel that feeling? !!

How can you understand an idiot who is abused and laughs like you! !! !!

Uvogin couldn’t see what Nobunaga was thinking, but just felt that Nobunaga now exudes a deep breath and a sense of vicissitudes that is difficult to describe with his language level.

At the other end of the Wudouguan roof, Luo and Netero stood side by side, watching the traffic on the road ahead.

Luo said, “I met Bi Yang De and talked about something.”

Netero asked calmly, “What did you talk?”

“What happened in the dark continent, and the restrictions you placed on him. (Fastest update)”

“Oh, it looks like you guys are having a good time.”

“Neither, but the idea came up. I should meet the conditions given by him, in other words. Now I have a contract spiritual relationship with him that is not too formal.”

Netero heard no response, and turned his head and looked towards Luo, saying, “Let me guess, he wants you to come forward and come to me to solve the restriction that I cannot go to the dark continent?”

“Yes.” Luo deserves to be extremely crisp.

Netero’s eyes suddenly deepened, and he sighed in utter sigh, saying with emotion: “I stopped my son and also stopped Kim, but I couldn’t stop you. Now I want to come, I should have seen that you would be the most terrifying fuse.”

“You can’t stop. As the Hunters Association President, you should be the one you know best, and I just played a role in speeding up the process, not the most critical fuse.”

Luo stared straight ahead, his tone very flat.

What is a hunter?

Netero impossible.

However, Luo also knew why Netero had to stop the hunter from going to the dark continent.

Netero was speechless about Luo’s remarks, and he looked at Luo’s side face, silent for a long time before he said, “The 5 major disasters are still pending. If we start a new exploration of the dark continent, 80% will bring back at least The same disaster. “

“You have been in the dark continent for so long, and no one knows better than you.”

Luo subconsciously touched his left shoulder, nodded and said: “Indeed.”

Luo’s approval seemed to give Netero a boost of momentum. He took a step closer to Luo and said in a very serious tone: “Every disaster has the potential risk of destroying the human world. This is not an exaggeration. . “


Luo agrees with Netero again.

Because the disaster sealed in his left arm has the ability to destroy the entire human world.

Netero took it a step further, said solemnly: “Even so, haven’t your thoughts changed yet?”

Luo laughed, saying, “Did I just say that? You’re the one who knows what a hunter is.”


Netero was speechless again.

Looks at the silent Netero, Luo earnestly said: “Netero, the trend is here, you can’t stop it.”

The so-called general trend is the card country that is now ready to launch. Even if Yang De is not the leader, there will be another person with high reputation who is willing to take over.

When Kakin’s national strength was on the table, let alone a president of the Hunters Association, even 5 could not prevent all this.

Netero doesn’t know what the general trend in Luo’s mouth means. The need to stop it is not so obvious. He stared at Luo, calmly said, “But I can stop Biyangde and Jin from going to the dark continent.”

“I’ll let you get rid of the constraints,” Luo said seriously.

Netero laughed a few times, and although he did not laugh at it, he laughed at the moment, but there was a mockery.

His most worried capable hunter went to the dark continent.

Because, the weak hunter goes to the dark continent to be dead end, and naturally impossible brings back disaster.

But masters like Luo, Bi Yangde, and Jin are not the same. They have a much higher survival rate in the dark continent than others. As long as they live back to the 6 continents, they may bring disaster.

This is why Netero only targets Bi Yangde and Jin. As for Luo, he also wanted to dig a pit for Luo and jumped, but he did not succeed.

Now think about it, I really regret it.

Netero converged and laughed, looking at Luo, also said very seriously: “I will never take back the constraints, that is not something that can be solved by fighting one or more.”

This sentence clearly shows Netero’s attitude.

He is so eager to fight with Luo, in order to avoid the potential risks of the dark continent, he is even willing to give up self-satisfaction.

Luo frowned, also seeing Netero’s determination.

Therefore, Bi Yangde and Jin thought that this was a very difficult mission. After all, Netero, who could challenge Ant King alone to satisfy his selfishness, gave up the opportunity to better satisfy himself.

Netero, with a beard, has a look of how you can take me, quite arrogant.

Luo stared at Netero with a quiet look at you, then said, “Old Man, now I want to exercise the request you owe me.”

didn’t expect it, ha ha ha ha!

In my mind, it seems that a very classic picture emerges.

Netero suddenly felt dumbfounded, shit, and forgot about it.

He did owe Luo a request, but that was how many years ago? !!

At this moment, Netero, who has been digging pits for a while, has the feeling of digging pits and jumping down.

“Will you cheat?”

Netero thought silently.

Luo seemed to see the mind of Netero, fatty said: “If you want to play tricks, the so-called conventions and restrictions will become child’s play.”


Netero mouth Kakuzu twitched slightly.

He often walks by the river. How can there be non-wet shoes?

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