Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 862

When Bi Yangde said the identity of the partner, Luo’s many doubts were immediately resolved. ()

It may be a bit exaggerated to say that the maggots are exaggerated, but it is like a silk thread that opens the lock in response to it and untwists it with a slight pull.

Black Rock’s killer, than Yang De’s proposal today, has a one-month deadline.

All kinds of information were explained when the partners came out of the water.

Since the Black Rock Killers have nothing to do with Paris Stone and Beyond, they are most likely sent by King Cardin.

The deep reason is unknown, but the shallow reason is very clear, that is, the constraint of Yang De’s body.

The dark killer failed in the assassination, and soon Biyangde asked to see him, and mentioned a one-month period. I am afraid that this period was proposed by King Cardin and was also under pressure from Bijande’s body.

Just saying the identity of a partner reminds Luo of that many.

This point, Bi Yangde did not know, he was talking about the plan while eating the rest of the food.

“V5 signed a treaty not allowed to Incursio Dark Continent more than 2 100 years ago, and compliance with the treaty is an obligation that all participating countries must fulfill, but the Kartin not at all joined, in other words, the Kakyn need not abide by this treaty.”

“And our plan is to force V5 on board!”

Luo and Jin listened silently, and at the same time a word emerged in their hearts: the power of the country.

6 Of the many countries on the continent, only the powerful Kart country can do this, and he is far more visionary than Yang De. A long time ago, a seed was buried in the land of the Kart country and carefully cultivated. To this day …

“What do you … want to do?” Luo asked. uctxt. com

Bijand’s eyes glinted into light, extending the hand holding turns into a fist, saying: “From King Cardin to declare the existence of a dark continent to the whole world, as for advocating the countless names that can be used.”

“For example, inexhaustible resources, inexhaustible food, Dream Continent, which represents the future of mankind …”

“What we have to do is to pass this information to the whole World, so as to form a special” fishing gold tide “, and there is no limit on the number of people and the portal relationship. As long as it is a person, you can participate in it.”

“When people are encouraged, it will not be a situation that v5 can control.”

“If v5 really wants to control, there is only military means left, so as long as v5 does not compromise, it is very likely that there will be a war that affects the entire world!”

Speaking of the war, Bi Yangde’s expression and tone remained unchanged.

The war that affects the whole world … This is not a casual story. If it really causes a world war, I don’t know how many people will die.

After realizing the potential risks of this plan compared to Yangde and Kardino, grave expression emerged from the depths of Luo and Jin’s eyes.

“But v5 will definitely compromise!”

Than Yang De gave a hammer, filled with incomparable confidence. (Fastest update)

As if, the extremely strong v5 will follow his palm step by step.

“Did you reveal everything in this way, wouldn’t you be afraid we would ruin your plan?” Luo looks at Yang with a more confident expression than Yang De, with a calm tone.

Bi Yang De only reacted when he heard the words. Accidentally when it came to Xing’s interest, it was based on this General plan.

He laughed and said indifferently: “You won’t do that, because you and my destination are the same, so you will only stand on my side!”

Luo said after a moment of silence, “Excessive confidence is not a good thing.”

“Really?” Bi Yangde stood up and said seriously: “Then I look forward to the day when the results come.”

Luo and Jin Jie did not speak, looking up at Bi Yangde who stood up.

Bi Yangde glanced at the empty wine **, complimented: “This wine tastes enough and is very rare. I hope I can drink it next time.”

With that said, he turned without the slightest hesitation, striding forward, leaving the last word.

“I will take the initiative to contact you after half a month, or you will take the initiative to contact me within half a month.”

Two people watched silently than Yang De, and finally disappeared into sight.

“What do you think?”

Jin Miou looked towards Luo with a calm face.

Luo stared at the lonely forest in front of him and said, “He just mentioned the words” big ship “and” 200,000 people “. The planning has been fully prepared for 10000, and it has been planning for a long time.

A ship capable of carrying 200,000 people is not something that can be manufactured in a short time.

It is also inaccurate to infer the time when the ship was made than the time planned by Yang De and Ka Dingguo. That is definitely an earlier event.

“Then what do you have in mind?” King asked.

Luo looked towards Kim, asking in return: “What about you?”

Jin pinched his chin for a while and said, “Since you have already met Yang De’s requirements, of course, you must first find a way to solve the constraints.

“Then you still ask?”

Luo showed dead fish eyes.

“I thought to myself, you might have plan b.” Jin said seriously.

Luo paused, looking thoughtful, said: “Listening to you, it’s really reliable to have a backup plan.”

“Well, I just talk casually.”


A few days later, Luo and King returned to the Hunters Association.

As soon as Jin landed, he separated directly from Luo and went to an agreed place to meet Lao Bai.

Because Luo told King that Nobu had decided to join the team, and offered to persuade Lao Bai to join the team.

After all, the combination of Nob and Lao Bai’s thoughts is simply an invincible logistics system.

On this point, Kim also felt the same. When he left Whale Island, he started to meet Lao Bai today.

Whether he can persuade Lao Bai is still unknown, but he will do his best to persuade him.

Luo returned to the association and went directly to the Luo Ling Museum.

Sabo is still busy, while Saling and Bruna are together to study various ancient books.

Continue this way, maybe Bruna will be influenced by Saling and become Scholar.

I briefly talked with Sabo about the company’s recent situation, and learned that the big money remittance that has not changed recently.

“By the way, Ellie called yesterday and wanted to borrow some money from us,” Sabo said suddenly.

“Then borrow me.”

Luo replied casually.

Despite knowing that Ellie’s company is basically facing a shortage of funds, Luo didn’t care about the reason for borrowing money.

Sabo was silent.

“What?” Luo wondered.

“She wants to borrow 50 billion, and may also follow up, so I didn’t immediately agree, and wanted to wait for you to come back to discuss it,” Sabo said.

Luo heard a surprise that unimaginable Ellie would need such a huge sum of money. Is the company facing a serious problem?

Looks at Luo unexpectedly, Sabo explained: “According to her, the reason for borrowing money was to take an extremely large order.”


Luo was even more surprised.

Are there any orders that will make it difficult for Ellie’s company to eat?

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