Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 856

The sailing boat broke the waves, and the sound of the waves was near.

The hot sun shrouded the many boater bodies on the deck, and the noise of not just talking could not be eliminated.

Luo sat in a Kakuzu along the boat and looked up at blue sky and white clouds, as if he could not hear the noise around him.

He was thinking about the flute version of the solo he just got. Compared to the unknown ability, he thought more about whether he should absorb the thoughts on the score.

If you absorb it, you do n’t know how long it will take to enter. Absolutely, it will take at least 3 years, right?

Even if practice is used to shorten the duration, the starting point is only one year.

In this way, you must carefully choose a point in time.

“It’s best to ‘digest’ it before going to the dark continent.” Luo thought silently.

A few hours later, the sailboat docked at the port of Whale Island.

Luo stepped off the sailboat and headed towards the island, aiming directly at the volcano on Whale Island.

One of the reasons for choosing the meeting place on Whale Island was the Fire Element life body enclosed in a volcano.

Although East Ricoh uses [lichen] and [God character] to build a not weak seal array, letting it go is still a potential risk.

Luo wants to try to eradicate the Fire Element life body. If successful, he can also remove the [lichen] near the volcanic crater.

Walk through the lush forest and come under the volcano.

Luo glanced at the smooth slopes of trees, stepped on his feet, flew into the sky, then stepped on the air, and walked towards the top of the volcano.

When he came to the top of the volcano, Luo didn’t see gold, nor did he know when it would come.

He walked alone to a ground and wiped away a thick layer of volcanic ash with his feet, exposing a light brown ground.

The light brown ground is called [lichen], which is a plant with a very strong life strength. If you simply process it, you will have the effect of restoring mental energy.

Luo squatted down, extended the hand against the ground, and Pengbai’s life strength kept twitching his fingertips.

“That many years, life strength has not weakened at all.”

Feeling the life strength from the lichen, Luo whispered to himself, then retracted his hand, slowly got up, and looked towards the volcanic crater that kept smoking.

The black cat got out of the back of his hand and hovered beside Luo.

“It’s been a long time.”

The black cat also looked at the smoking volcanic crater, and unconsciously thought of the original painful experience.

At that time, he was kicked into the volcano by Luo, and his butt was burned by the Fire Element lifeform.

Luo glanced at the black cat and said, “Follow.”

Having said that, Luo came to the volcanic crater and opened the field to isolate the acrid taste.

The black cat squatted directly on Luo’s shoulder, looking down towards the boiling lava in the volcano, not at all to see the Fire Element life body.

“What about that thing?”

The black cat’s eyeballs kept turning, trying to find the trace of the Fire Element life body from the lava.

Luo raised his hand to condense a small air bomb and flung it away.

The air bomb shot into the lava, producing a small-scale explosion, and then calmed down after a while.

Suddenly, the lava that just calmed down turned into a huge bubble. In a moment, the lava that rolled not just turned into a bird shape, there was no change in appearance, there was a phoenix shape, and the bottom connected to the lava like a ribbon Pool.

The lava bird looked up, staring at Luo and the black cat next to the volcanic crater, his eyes were fierce, but he did not behave exceptionally.

Because it knows that it can’t meet these two uninvited guests, at best it can only be intimidated, which is meaningless at all.

Feeling the fierce look from the lava bird, Luo had no response, and the black cat didn’t care if the lava bird understood the meaning of the international gesture, and kept erected the middle finger to the lava bird.

“It seems it remembers us.”

Luo pinched his chin, thinking about how to solve the lava bird.

Any physical damage is not effective for lava birds.

In the same way, even the hand of God cannot hurt the lava bird.

There are currently only three ways that can be thought of.

1. Let the black cat swallow, the success rate is low.

2. Use the harp version of the solo, but the extent of the cost is unknown, and there are certain risks.

3. Use the disaster enclosed in the left arm. With the current strength control and [God character], it should be barely manageable, but it may not be successful.

Of the three methods, Luo is most willing to try the first one, but the results are basically conceivable.


Luo took out her phone and it was Jin’s call.

Pressing the connect button, the voice of Jin came from the phone: “Where?”


“I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

The call hangs up, Luo puts his phone away, leaves the volcanic crater, and waits for the gold on the slope.

Ten minutes later, Kim came to the top of the mountain on time.


Kim greeted with a smile.

After slipping away from home, he did not actually leave Whale Island, but he deliberately created the illusion that he had left Whale Island, and then hid on the island for 2 days.

Luo didn’t know about it. If he knew, he would inevitably have to talk again.

“Do you have a solution for that?”

Jin came to Luo’s side and raised his hand to point to the volcanic crater.

The reason for the confluence was to discuss how to get the qualification to access the dark continent in the fastest time, but Luo mentioned that to solve the Fire Element life body in the volcano, it was a surprise to Jin.

“Not sure, but you can try it,” Luo said.

“What are you going to do?” King asked.

Luo glanced at the black cat and said, “The first method is to make the black cat try to swallow the lava bird.”

As soon as this word came out, the black cat was choked.

He responded quickly, protesting loudly: “No way! Don’t expect me to cooperate!”

Luo ignored his protest, looks at Jin said, “Try this method first to see if it works.”

“Even if it is useful, it only serves the effect of teleportation?” King expressed doubts. He knew that the space of the black cat was used by Luo to store things, and the teleportation of the lava bird into the space was only a temporary solution.

Luo explained: “There are two types of space for black cats within the body, one is a conventional round-trip storage space, and the other is a one-way space that cannot be accessed.”

“That’s it.” Kim Jiran.

For the black cat’s two spaces, the former is a super-weakened 2-dimensional apartment, and the latter is Shizuku’s convex eye fish, provided that Shizuku forgets what was sucked in, and those sucked in do not know where to go.

“Hello, haven’t you heard? I would never go swallow the bird.” The black cat stared.

Twenty minutes later, Luo and Jin looks at the black cat screaming and rolling on the ground because of severe burns.

“Failed,” King said.


“What is the second method?”

Luo thought about it and decided to skip the harp version of the sonata and said, “Take away the disaster sealed in the left arm.”

“you sure?”

The golden eyes changed, after all, Luo said before that the disaster sealed in his arm had the possibility of destroying 6 continents.

Luo nodded, then shut the black cat with 100 black pages.

With a 100-page black page promise, the black cat decisively wastes his mind to treat severe burns.

He secretly made up his mind in his heart, and next time whether it was intimidation or temptation, he would definitely not do this kind of work.

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