Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 852

The two people sitting face to face did not know that there was a line of sight from the outside.

Maybe I just left the work environment, and maybe I haven’t seen Luo for a long time. Sambika, who has always been silent, opened the conversation box unconsciously.

Every sentence she said asked Luo about her experience during this time.

Luo can see that Sambica is very relaxed now, just pick out some interesting experiences to tell Sambica.

Talking and chatting, I turned the topic back to the past, talking about leaving from Ellie’s house a long time ago, walking on the mountain road and taking a girl’s ride, and talking about once to find out the source of the virus In the mountains, a comprehensive examination of the faeces of unknown beasts was carried out.

The last topic that ended with Syria is when they first met.

In the end, the two looked at each other and smiled, feeling the change brought by time.

At that time, Luo was just a brat.

Today, it has become an uncle who allows the stubble to grow.

“Haven’t your arm found a solution?” Sambika suddenly looked towards Luo’s empty left arm.

“Actually there are always methods, but the time has not yet come.”

“What do you mean?”

Luo looks at Suspicious Sambika, said with a smile: “I brought back the ‘culprit’ from that place, and I can solve it by returning for a while.”

Listening to Luo’s set of [return to the original owner] words, Sambika seemed to understand the nodded.

She may not understand, but she can tell that Luo has a solution.

“Are you busy at work? Isn’t it 3 meals a day?” Luo put teleportation on Sambica’s work. He reminded Sambica many times before, not to overlook other things because of work.

“Well.” Sambika would not lie, explaining: “Recently, an unknown germ that could multiply on the corpse was found in the laboratory. The risk factor was initially assessed as b, so including me, People are busy analyzing the germs. “



“Can’t you find out exactly?”

“Well, the risk factor for that germ also has the potential to rise, even my body may not be able to withstand it,” Sambika said.

“What if you can’t find out in the end?” Luo asked.

The germs that allow Sambica to give such an assessment are by no means a common existence.

Sambika was silent after hearing the words.

Luo looks at Sambica, who was suddenly silent, solemnly: “Even if you can’t find out, you can’t mess around.”

“My career and work will determine my approach, just as you can set foot in places where human beings have never been, regardless of the danger.” Sambika looked seriously at Luo.

Luo couldn’t refute Sambica’s claims.

Zambia then spoke of the unknown germ.

Luo is getting more and more shocked and feels that this germ is very dangerous.

Although the infectivity is relatively weak, even normal high temperature cannot be killed, which has become a very tricky characteristic.

The main thing is that the infected deceased will be powderized, and each particle is a source of infection. If it starts to spread from somewhere, it may spread all at once.

Fortunately, this germ is only effective for humans, which is good news and bad news.

The good news is that the route of transmission is curbed, and the bad news is that the potential risks of germs to human society are high.

“No one knows where this germ came from, and it is initially inferred that it may have been brought to sea level by some deep-sea creature.” Sambika always revealed a topic related to his career. Attentive attitude.

Nowadays, human technology is developing rapidly, and there is also a Mind Power system.

However, some places in the depths of the sea are still difficult for humans to explore, even on land, and some Demon Domain and Secret Realm have not been fully explored.

“This possibility is quite high.”

Luo said, suddenly thinking of Queen Chimera Ants drifting from the dark continent.

Subsequently, Sambica kept talking about the possibilities.

Luo listened quietly, and replied occasionally.

Just chatting for days like this, unconsciously passed 2 3 hours.

It was late, and Luo heard Sambica’s voice became more and more exhausting. He understood that Sambica had not taken a good rest during this time, but he actively interrupted the topic and proposed to send Sambica home to rest.

Sambica looked at the time before realizing that it had been two and three hours and it was very late.

She thought that she would rush to the institute tomorrow morning, so she did not reject Luo’s proposal.

The pair walked out of the 2-hour Silver Arch and walked towards the residence.

In the distance, Machi’s eyes were a little bit resentful, thinking about what Luo and Sambika were talking about, and they could talk for so long.

She hangs quietly behind, following the 2 people in front.

Twenty minutes later, Luo sent Sambica to the door.

Sambica opened the door with the key, walked in, and turned to look at Luo, who was standing at the door, paused, and said, “Hurry back and rest.”

“OK, good night.”

Luo said goodbye to Sambika with a smile, then turned and left.

Instead of closing the door immediately, Sambica listened to the sound of footsteps that drifted away.

Until the footsteps could not be heard, this closed the door slowly.

She settled at the closed door, not sure what she was thinking.

In fact, she has been suppressing her deep in one’s heart tonight.

Because of the past, there was some kind of impulse.

She wanted to be in the experience that Luo said tonight.

Luo leaves the community and walks on his way back to the association.

Suddenly, a weak evening wind blew from behind.

As the wind blew forward, Luo’s expression was faint, and then he smiled dumbly.

He smelled a familiar smell, and didn’t stop, and moved on.

Before walking to a drink shop open until midnight, he went in and packed a bag of snacks and 3 hot drinks.

Out of the beverage store, Luo turned abruptly, holding up the packaged drinks and snacks, and dangling into the night in the distance.

In the distance, Machi saw Luo’s movements and knew that he had been found.

She ran without turning, appeared directly, and came to Luo with a calm complexion that made nothing visible.


Luo handed Machi a hot drink.


Machi took hot drinks while Kaidou.

“That’s good.”

Luo gladly accepted Machi’s answer.

Then, he hit Machi’s elbow on his waist.

Luo puts the packed things into the black cat space, and then pulls Machi into his arms, said with a smile: “I’m still not jealous.”


Machi coldly snorted and asked, “What are you talking about for so long?”

“It’s old.”

“Oh, then am I tempted?”

“Nothing, just a little emotional, I feel that time is passing fast, accidentally is almost 3.”

“It’s boring.” Machi didn’t say anything to his face.

Luo didn’t care, looks at the night road ahead, and suddenly said, “Will we have a child?”


A paper drink cup filled with warm milk was squeezed flat.

“You, what did you just say?”

Machi panicked at Luo with a splash of milk on his face.

Luo raised his hand silently and wiped off the milk on his face, seriously, “Would you like me to repeat it again?”


Machi’s free hand clasped Luo’s mouth tightly.

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