Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 847

To confirm the promotion, Luo and Kurapika came to the office of the association.

Every member of the association writes busyness on his face and movements, but this is not the point.

As soon as they walked in, Luo and Kurapika felt a serious atmosphere.

Kurapika thought it was the day-to-day working environment of the association, but Luo knew why.

When it comes to the replacement of President, the association is the most sensitive period in the near future. Each section member is holding a spiritual percent of spirituality to meet the rapid changes in the situation.

Luo has no interest in this struggle for power between factions and is unwilling to participate.

Even with Lin Nie’s request, Luo could do very little.

At this moment, Doumian people have been so busy that they are buried in many documents.

Luo and Kurapika came to his desk.

“Luo, also Kurapika.”

Doudou people looked up at 2 people, looking tired.

He knew where the two were coming, and without waiting for Lou’s voice, he rummaged through the file pile and quickly found the confirmation receipt for promotion.

Pushing the document to the edge of the desk, Doumen said weakly and without strength: “It is sufficient to take the document to the review department.”

Seeing Dou Nian who was so tired, Luo suddenly wondered what Netero was doing now.

If Netero’s Old Man is still leisurely somewhere during this sensitive and critical period, then Luo really can’t say anything.

In terms of the importance of the replacement, normal people are prioritized, but if that person is Netero, it is not necessarily the case.

Luo shook his head slightly, picked up the confirmation receipt, and said goodbye to Doumen, then took Kurapika and turned away from the office area to the review department.

Coming to the review department, compared with the tense and serious atmosphere of the office area, this section seems quite leisurely.

The censor in charge of receiving Luo and Kurapika was a middle-aged woman wearing heavy black glasses and black professional attire, with a heavy book in her arms.

That seemed to be a book with all the rules and regulations of the association, and it was actually carried around.

The middle-aged woman took the receipt, confirmed the content, and said to Luo and Kurapika, “Please take out your hunter license.”

Luo and Kurapika heard that they each took out the hunter license and handed it to the middle-aged woman.

“Slightly wait.”

The middle-aged woman took the hunter’s license, returned to her desk, inserted the license into a card slot instrument, and began to enter information.

The whole process is not troublesome and will be completed soon.

After the middle-aged woman hit the last Enter key, Luo and Kurapika were promoted in this brief moment. The former is a 2-star hunter and the latter is a one-star hunter.

With Star Title, you can enjoy various privileges and give priority to the resources in the association.

The middle-aged woman pulled out her license, returned to the reception desk, and returned it to Luo and Kurapika, saying: “The fastest one- and two-star licenses will be made in the evening as soon as possible.”

“If you don’t want to run short, it’s best to come back tomorrow to get a new license.”

Luo nodded, said, “Trouble you.”

“Within the responsibilities.” The middle-aged woman differently said.

After helping Luo and Kurapika get promoted, the middle-aged woman turned away and returned to her desk.

The matter was dealt with, and the two of them did not wait long and left the review department directly.

Walking in the hallway of the Association Building, Luo looked ahead and said, “I will let my friends investigate as soon as possible about your business.”


Kurapika complied.

In fact, if Luo’s friends can find out the whereabouts of the last batch of eyes, it doesn’t matter if they are up or down.

Because as long as you can get all the clansman eyes back, you don’t need to need the resources of the association.

Two people decided to come back to the review department tomorrow to get a new license and return to the Luo Ling Museum together.

Kurapika asked Saran to borrow a few books to see, and Luo entrusted Ekushobe to the eyes, and greeted Netero and Qi Duo, calling him for help.

Netero didn’t have any special response to Luo’s call, but Qiduo felt ashamed of a sense of security, no, rather, peace of mind.

The day passed quickly.

At noon the next day, Luo and Kurapika went to the review department and took the changed star hunter license.

But they did not leave the review section immediately because a man stopped Luo.

The man had white hair and was combed simultaneously, with a lot of wrinkles around his eyes.

He is wearing an azure suit and a yellow tie. He looks like a fifty-sixty-year-old, but the spiritual is full, giving him a sense of vitality.

“Luo, can you borrow a step?” The man looks at Luo, polite.

“do we know each other?”

Luo hadn’t touched the man at all and said casually.

The man didn’t care about Luo’s attitude at all. He habitually raised his right hand and pressed it lightly on his chest. Said with a slight smile: “It was just a sudden blunder, please forgive me, I’m Tradin, a 2-star talent hunter.”

2 star hunter …

Luo was slightly surprised in her mind, looks at Tradition, calmly said: “Is something wrong?”

“Yes, it’s important,” Teradin emphasized.

“lead the way.”

For a moment, Luo couldn’t think of why Talatin came to find himself, so he asked Kurapika to go back by himself, then followed Talatin, trying to figure out what the other party was doing.

Many members of the Association Building have been rented by members. As a 2-star hunter of the Association, Tradition naturally has its own room in the Association, which is a very elegant office.

From the perspective of decoration and area, we can see the identity and status of Teradin’s self-management, and also the ambition of Teradin.

As soon as Luo stepped into the office, he probably knew that Teradin had come to him, and probably knew Teradin’s identity.

There are not many members of the 2-star Title in the association, and every 2-star hunter has the qualification to serve as the president of the association. Apparently, Teradin is one of them, and it is also a hawk committed to reform.

“Please sit down.”

Trading asked Luo to sit on the sofa and pour a cup of hot tea for Luo himself.

This was supposed to be done by a secretary or assistant, but the secretary and assistant are not visible in the office, and there is no reason why.

After pouring tea for Luo, Teradin unbuttoned his blazer and immediately sat across from Luo.

Just as he was about to opened the mouth and said Minglaiyi, Luo asked, “Are you hawkish?”

This question directly got the words of Teradin ready to say in his throat.

“Yes, or not?”

Luo didn’t look at Talatin, but looked down at the teacup with white smoke, and the air wave of the body exuded a momentum of Rin.

Shrouded in this momentum, Teradin’s face with many wrinkles was involuntarily slipping down a few sweat beads.

He looked at Luo, who was so oppressive, realizing that he thought things too simple.

This man in front of you…

At the same time, Parleystone wandered the corridor, with a spring-like smile on his face.

He went in the direction of Tradition’s office.

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