Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 843

It should be the first time that we have gathered together.

Everyone has something to do with his own life, and it will never go away, just like the typeface engraved on a book.

Speaking of books, I thought of the hand of God.

There are many strange things recorded in that book, and it is also an important material for writing adventure biographies.

Unfortunately, the mobile phone that saved many photos was destroyed by the “Electric Disaster” in an ancient ruin. Only a few photos were left in the end.

Otherwise, those photos can be used as illustrations of adventure biographies.

Luo suddenly thought of this, slightly bowed his head, looked at his missing left arm, and couldn’t help but fall into meditation.

The familiar voices in my ears slowly diminished and eventually disappeared.

As the thoughts swirled, the scenes of those dark continents were vivid.

At first, a few people set off on a sea-going ship. Because it was [smuggling], they had to avoid the warning circle set up by the V5 at the sea line.

After a few weeks of sailing, she left the area under the World Map and officially entered the dark sea.

A worm boat carrying the “mermaid” was encountered there, and after the destruction, the “crystal of life” was obtained, and then the terrible heavenly ascension tide was encountered.

At that time, if you did n’t use [God Character] to increase your mental strength, and strengthen the ship ’s blessing [Zhou] to strengthen the hull ’s rigidity, you might have been torn to pieces.

When the heavenly ascension reached the airspace, it was found that the airspace was more terrifying than the sea. Countless behemoths were wandering in the airspace, and the ocean-going ship was not as large as the eyes of a giant bird.

It was at the crucial moment, then fell into the sea and entered within the body of Rock Island Crab.

It can be said that if it is not the rock island crab, it is difficult to cross the dark sea and then reach the dark continent without the leadership of the Demon Beast [Leader].

If human beings want to go to the dark continent, then the dark sea area is the first dangerous level, but the danger level on the dark continent is higher and there is almost no upper limit.

There are 10000 swarm-like swarms on the land, and there are swarms from the sky.

Below the land, there are bone groups with different forms from the long dark companions, as well as various creatures living on the bottom of the lava sea, also moved towards ancient humans that are evolving in another direction.

But whether on or below the land, there are too many places that have not been explored.

Incomparable gigantic crater; countless gems and stone essences.

The land is vast enough to overlook the horizon; the hair Titan is larger than the mountains.

恍 If you come to the black giant palm of the Buddha’s palm; maybe it can penetrate the atmospheric World Tree.

Huge aerial creatures hovering not just; an unknown Demon Beast emitting a thunderbolt and holding a giant mountain.

The forest where the mist never leaves; the fascinating ticks; the strong and fierce Demon Beast family; the cruel beast that brings bad luck.

The defensive creatures of the ancient plant weapon, the tentacle sea Aoi tree; guarding the remains of electrically sensitive copper mechanical organisms; unknown organisms that can transform organisms into plants; as if they can devour 10000 things.

Will there be life in the decaying dark earth?

How should the suspended mountains break through the magnetic barrier.

Countless replicas seem to be swimming in the Great Lake of Mirror World.

There were too many places that could not be achieved, but at that time also took countless precious photos.

Unfortunately, if not, those photos are almost gone.

Although there are no photos, these experiences can still be typefaced and written into adventures.

During this time, you can take the time to write it and then release it.

Come to think of it, even if the books of this kind of content are labeled with characters’ travel notes, they will be regarded as fantasy books.

But it doesn’t matter. This is just the first volume. When the next volume is released, it will be the second time to set foot on the dark continent.

2 volumes into a book and then finished.

That was the time to stop.


In the free and divergent thinking space, it is like a TV broadcasting various fantastic pictures.

However, the familiar sound that gradually came back to the ear caused the TV to power off instantly.

Luo came back to his senses from contemplation, and the strange expressions of his friends around him came into view, apologizing for saying with a smile: “I thought of something, accidentally became fascinated.”

“Woman?” Uvogin asked subconsciously.

The next second, Uvogin hit Machi on his stomach.

“Don’t you think about delicious food?” Bu Ha’s mind was full of food.

Luo shook his head slightly and said, “I came up with a book.”


The crowd looked at Luo with a strange look.

Originally, 7 mouths and 8 tongues were talking about the sky, and Luo suddenly fell into contemplation. He couldn’t even say anything, but he was thinking of a book.

“Is it strange?” Luo chuckled indifferently.

“Quite weird.” Sabo touch the chin, looking serious.

Later, he was put on the back of his head with the palm of Saling.

Sa Ling looks at Luo, with a good smile, and said, “Well, what kind of book?”

She is a pure book hobbyist and is quite interested in what Luo wants to write.

Moreover, she is proficient in various languages, and may also be able to translate various versions of Luo’s book.

Luo replied, “Biography.”

“En? Similar to d. Hunter’s books?”

Sa Ling reads a lot of books and is very complicated. She uttered a book for comparison.

d. Hunter is a personal biography of the main character, hunter, and the book that Sheila carries with him.

As a biography, in fact, much of the content in the book is fabricated, not real experience.

What Luo wants to write is a biography, but it is actually a travel book. The main content is to record his travels on the dark continent in style, which is the same type as that of Dong Fuli’s travel notes.

Originally I wanted to refute the comparison cited by Saling, but when I thought of the title of the book to be traveled, Luo was slightly nodded, said with a smile: “Almost.”

He wanted to name his book: l. Hunter.

He will publish the book before going to the Dark Continent for the second time.

The contents may touch the sensitive nerves of the V5 crossing bureau, which may cause the book to be blocked, but Luo was not worried at all.

The information transmission of the entire world is not what V5 said. Books published in reality will be blocked. Let Ikusube help and transfer the books to the Internet.

For Luo’s book, everyone is curious.

Nobunaga asked with anticipation: “Will I be written in a book?”

As soon as this kind of problem came out, the voice in the field stopped.

Luo looks at Nobunaga.

Nobunaga was a little embarrassed at once and said, “What’s wrong? I said something strange?”

“Will do.”

Luo extend the hand and patted Nobunaga’s chest lightly.

“I don’t expect anything at all,” Nobunaga said seriously.

Everyone surrounded Luo, throwing each and everyone’s questions about the book.

In response, Luo one after another, from time to time looking through the crowd, Menci and Kurapika body who fell on the sofa.

He thought about how to let Menqi enter Lin Nie’s door, and also thought about Kurapika’s position.

Even though Machi and the three of them withdrew before the destruction of the brigade, and did not participate in the extermination incident, Kurapika still has difficulty removing the last mustard.

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