Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 838

Immediately after giving Mengma to Qiduo, Luo arranged to “treat” Netero.

Ask Silva to come to the hospital before telling Nobu by phone to get out of the 4D apartment.

After the notification, Luo hung up the phone and put away the phone.

During his 2 phone calls, Montma had been taken away by Potter and there were also several Association Hunters leaving, only Qiduo and Yinda remained.

Luo looks at 2 people, saying, “Once arranged, you can start treatment soon, but you cannot be on site during treatment.”

“Why?” Yinda’s words didn’t go through the brain.

“This is the request of the treating party.” Luo Kaidou.

“Oh.” Yinda sounded nodded.

Qi Duo covered her forehead and said nothing.

At this time, Kurapika came to the scene.


He greeted Luo.


Luo faced Kurapika nodded.

“Kurapika is your disciple?”

Qi Duo was surprised when Kurapika called Luo.

“Yes,” Luo replied.

Qi Duo could not help but look towards Kurapika. She knew that Kurapika was a supernova hunter in recent years, and asked, “Are you able to be promoted to one star?”

“Well, I’m here to change the hunter’s license,” Kurapika said.

Qi Duo listened and looked towards Luo instead.

From this point of view, as long as Kurapika is officially promoted to a one-star hunter, Luo is a nurturing meritorious one who can be promoted from a one-star hunter to a two-star hunter.

But thinking about it, Luo didn’t take these seriously.

While Qi Duo was thinking about it, Luo didn’t say a greeting, and moved towards the ward building.

“Come up.”

After walking a short distance, Luo dropped a sentence.

That sentence was to Kurapika, but it also gave Chito came back to his senses, and Luo had already taken more than ten steps.

Looking at Luo’s back, Qi Duo gritted his teeth, always felt that he was a little bit violent with this guy and it was easy to get angry!

“Qi Duo, what are you still standing for?”

Yinda has followed, and looked back in wonder at Qiduo who was standing still.

After hearing Yinda’s words, Qiduo didn’t say a word, and quickly followed.

A group of 4 people entered the ward building, and the end of the battle tonight would be cleaned up without them to worry.

Going straight up to the tenth floor, Nob was already waiting for them at a staircase.

After seeing Luo, Nobu couldn’t hide his excitement, quickly greeted Luo and said, “Luo, you’re here.”

“Well,” Luo said to Nobded, and said, “They’ll be here in a while, and wait here.”

In the words, they refer to the people of the Zoldyck family.

“Okay!” Nob responded immediately, standing beside Luo, slightly restrained.

Is it a bit abrupt to suddenly sign?

He thought so, he couldn’t speak for a while.

When a person has an object of worship, he wants to get a symbolic object from that object, and then solemnly save it.

After much thought, Nob only thought of autographing.

Luo didn’t know what Nob thought, he took out his mobile phone and sent Silva a location message, then put away the phone.

Kurapika and Yinda stood silently.

During the waiting time, Qiduo had time to pick up her mobile phone and check the content of the message sent by Luo.

After browsing the information, Qi Du stared at Luo with a strange look.

The content of that message indicates how to use Monmar to buckle the black pot, and the target of the black pot can be Paris Stone or hawkish.

When he noticed so many eyes, Luo looked confused.


Kakuzu twitched slightly, feeling that Luo’s confused look was deliberately shown to her, as if the message on his phone was not from him.

Feeling helpless, Qiduo put away her phone.

Honestly, if the person entrusting Black Rock is not hawkish or Parisian, then Qiduo will not take that approach.

Ten minutes later, Silva led the crowd to the scene.

Qiduo, Yinda, and Nobu all looked towards Silva entire group.

Those who can restore Netero President are among these 4 people.

Their eyes drifted away in Silva, Killua, Tsubone, Alluka body.

Norbu and Yinda guessed that the person in charge of the treatment was Zisubone, who had no reason, was older, and had a strong look at.

“Is that the little child?”

Qiduo looks at Alluka.

The reason she thinks it will be Alluka is because Alluka body has no mental fluctuations.

Generally speaking, Alluka is most likely to be the person who can restore Netero President, but it is because Alluka stands among the group of Mind Power that he is the most likely person.

Alluka nestled beside Killua. Even if she saw that many outsiders at once, she did not show cowardice, but was curious to look at everyone.

Killua looks at Luo.

What will happen afterwards, he has no idea.

“People are here.”

Luo temporarily ignored Killua’s sight, and instead looked towards Noble, who understood and opened the entrance directly.

Everyone drilled into the black hole-like entrance one after another and came to the largest room of the 4D apartment.

In the room, Netero was lying on the bed, and Lin Nie were all there, including Nick, who was standing at the wall of Kakuzu.

After seeing Luo come in, Nick quietly turned around, looking like a maze.

It was time to heal Netero, and Morel knew how to pick the time, and didn’t take out Nick’s image marbles on the spot.

Luo walked directly to the bed and greeted Lin Nie and Day Hu, and immediately looked towards Netero, saying, “Are you ready?”

“Let me prepare? From heaven to hell, or from hell to heaven?” Netero asked flatly.

“Of course from hell to heaven,” Luo said.

Netero raised his eyes and did not speak.

Luo laughed, and then looked towards the people in the room, glanced over, and finally stopped at Nobu body.

He was like the person in charge of the scene, saying, “Nob, take someone else to another room.”

Noble was simply nodded.

Pam looks at this scene, subconsciously biting on the placket, the unimaginable master always has a proud master will have a gesture of sending someone …

It mattered. Everyone was very cooperative and didn’t ask much. They were taken to another room by Nob, including Nob himself.

Only 7 people ended up staying in the largest room.

Netero, Lin Nie, Luo, Killua, Alluka, Silva, Tsubone.

“Killua, let’s get started.”

The person in charge of the treatment was Alluka, but Luo told Killua to start.

Silva and Zisubone could not help but glance at Luo, then looked towards Killua.

On the bed, although Netero is expressionless, he is full of expectations.

Aside, Lin Nie also hoped that Netero would be restored.

The two of them had some contact with the Zoldyck family. When the hope of restoring the original was placed in the Zoldyck family, they actually thought of something.

Facing everyone’s eyes, Killua took a deep breath, and at this moment, he couldn’t think about what happened next.

Killua took Alluka’s hand, walked to the bed, and said, “Alluka, let Neniga come out.”

“Okay, Elder Brother.”

Alluka laughed and complied. After a while, his face suddenly changed, his eyes were dark and hollow, and he sent cold shivers down one’s spine.

“Nania, get Netero back to where it was,” Killua said in a commanding tone.


Naniga’s lips pursed, like a smiling black arc.

He then stretched out double-handed to hold Netero’s hand.

Suddenly, an extremely strong Strength wave spurted out from the double-handed of Naniga, filling the entire room in a blink of an eye.

In the other room, Nob’s expression suddenly changed.

Aside, Qi Duo and the others saw Nob’s response and couldn’t help asking.

Norbu didn’t know how to answer them.

Just now, he had a feeling that a 4-dimensional apartment was experiencing a strong earthquake, and it was not physical, but spiritual.

It felt weird, as if an unknown Strength was rampant in his apartment.

Netero’s room, except Luo and Killua, was shocked.

“Some kind of Strength from the dark continent, even if I saw it with my own eyes, I can’t tell if this Strength is a thought, if it is explained by the insights of a for a long time, it will feel more like a grudge.”

Feeling the oncomingly strong Strength fluctuations, Luo had an unspeakable emotion in his heart.

If it hadn’t been seen with your own eyes, who would have thought that this Strength had erupted from Alluka’s ordinary body.

Only Killua can exercise this Strength without worries, so as long as he controls Killua, he can also obtain this Strength.

If the Zoldyck family knew it, they would be happy to control Killua.

Although Luo is an insider, he has no such mind, which is why Killua is willing to be close to him.

Strong Strength waves come and go quickly.

The crowd has not recovered from the Strength wave, Netero has returned to its original state, and the withered body is no longer there.

Netero looks at his double-handed, Rao is him, can’t help but be excited.

After helping Netero to his original condition, after returning his body to Alluka, he slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Killua hugged Alluka in time.

Whenever treatment ends, Alluka will fall asleep tiredly.


Netero suddenly looked towards Luo.

“En?” Luo frowned.

“To verify that there is a complete recovery, come and play.” Netero said with a slight smile.

“…” Luo.

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