Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 829

Saling came over and Bruna sat on her shoulder.

Always afraid of his younger sister, Sabo dare to speak back, a timid look.

After making Sabo low-key with actual actions, Saling suddenly looked towards Baha 剌, who was slightly stiff and cautiously put the snacks that were about to be delivered to her mouth back on the table.

Sa Ling did not speak, but moved with her eyes moved towards the bookshelf.

Bhajan couldn’t help but look towards the bookshelf area. Various books were scattered in a cluttered manner, which was a familiar scene.

Immediately, he laughed bitterly, and he didn’t need to say clearly to Saling, and went to the bookshelf honestly, ready to classify the scattered books.

Sa Ling’s arrogant big sister’s behavior has caused Uvogin, Nobunaga, and Menqi to subconsciously converge a lot.

Bi Siji continued to watch if no one looked at the beautiful men’s magazines. Before Luo came back, he could only use this kind of thing to kill time.


Bruna’s tentacles twitched slightly, leaving Salin’s shoulders and floating towards Machi.

The black eyes with big black hair exude a joy of reunion.


Machi stretched out double-handed and gently held Bruna, then let Bruna stand on her shoulders.

“It’s been a long time, okay?”

Bruna greeted her in a soft, soft voice.

“Well, your lingua franca is getting more and more standard.” Machi stroked Bruna’s smooth and cool body, slightly smiled.

“Not only lingua franca, I currently have 120 languages,” Bruna said softly.

When hearing Bruna’s words, Machi, Uvogin, Nobunaga, and Menqi’s expressions are as follows.

(⊙o⊙) …

What is this?

Uvogin and Nobunaga were thinking in shock.

Menki immediately judged: this is not ingredients.

After a brief silence, Nobunaga said curiously: “Machi, is she?”

“Luo’s friend, Bruna, is a resident of Rock Island Crab within the body, and her hometown is on the dark continent.” Machi replied.

“Dark continent, is that the place Luo mentioned before?” Uvogin asked.


Machi nodded.

Dark continent …

Menki looks at Bruna with a cute face, lost in thought.

As a food hunter, she knew something about the Dark Continent.

After all, for gourmet hunters, unknown seas and unknown continents represent countless unknown ingredients.

However, the dark continent is taboo.

Menqi couldn’t think of it, and he would see the aborigines of the dark continent with his own eyes.

In words and deeds, it looks a lot like the Demon Beast family with advanced intelligence.

Association Building, Deputy President’s Office.

Paris Stone has been busy lately, but the move to collect Luo intelligence has not stopped.

It is clear that the killer was not sent by him or Bi De.

However, right now, it is the time when different factions in the association are fighting, and conservative and steadfast people will inevitably detain [black pot] on the hawks.

But no matter where the buckle is, it is the result of Paris Stone’s opinion.

Because he will not lean towards any one result.

Compared to the trends of the association’s stability and hawks, Parrystone paid more attention to Luo’s movements.

All the progress he has been following.

Includes 3 a-level wanted persons who have just entered the Association building.

“How did Potter lose his arm? I never forget.”

Paris Stone whispered to himself, then slowly looked up towards the ceiling, suddenly sighed.

“President is healed, would this be what you want to see? So, what is the original intention of you to see Luo later?”

[You] here means Bi Yang De, and believing that the President was cured is the unreserved trust in Luo.

“Since the people on that side can’t wait to send out a killer, there is an urgent reason for explanation.”

“If the plan fails, the pressure will fall on your body.”

“And the worst result is negotiation failure.”

“One thousand, how can people find ‘alternatives’ there?”

Paris Stone was talking to himself, as if talking to the air, as if talking to himself.

There are many high-rise buildings in the city.

The towering figure bathed in dazzling light will inevitably reflect the shadow.

No matter how prosperous, there will be narrow alleys shrouded in shadows.

Oh la la.

The light sound of chain friction sounded in the quiet and dark alley. After a while, the sound of steady footsteps gradually became apparent.

A handsome blonde boy walked out of the alley Kakuzu and went deeper.

Between walking, the pendant glittering under the earlobe of the teenager was a little bit shiny.

This boy is Kurapika.

“zhi zhi.”

At this moment, several fat mice lined up and ran past Kurapika’s feet, bypassing the messy box with mold Madara, and went straight to the two trash cans at the Kakuzu wall towards the wall.

On a box not far, there was a shirtless Baldie man, smoking a cigarette and swallowing the clouds,

There are several red boxes stacked with empty bottles next to the man, making them 4-5-Layer tall.

Kurapika, the man looks at, came with a very focused look.

Facing the man’s sight, Kurapika raised his hand and showed the man a small black and white card sandwiched between his fingers.

After seeing the little card, the man looked away silently.

Kurapika walked through the place where the man was, towards a darker place.

Soon, he came to a wooden door with an old-style street lamp hanging on it, which illuminated the ground in front of the door, but was completely clean.

Kurapika raised her hand and was about to knock on the door, but the wooden door made a light sound and opened automatically, exposing a descending step.

Kurapika did not respond to this, and immediately retracted his hand and walked in.

Stepping down the stairs to the negative first floor, there is a duplex bar with a dim light.

Standing at the bar is a middle age person wearing a bartender service, and the bar’s business at this time is quite deserted, with only 2 guests, one man and one woman.

The man had a conspicuous exploding head, and the woman looked very young, wearing fashionable clothes and wearing a cap.

These two people are the blackheads and sweets of the Black Rock family.

When Kurapika came in, immediately glanced at the layout of the bar, keeping the scene environment and characters in his head.

This is a habit that he has gradually developed. Every time he arrives in an unfamiliar environment, he must collect information instantly.

Those 2 guests were Mind Power.

Kurapika not at all paid too much attention to those 2 guests and focused directly on the bartender’s body.

“I’m starting to wonder if it’s the off-season now.”

The bartender looks at Kurapika, with a salty smile.

Kurapika walked straight up and pressed the card shown to the Baldie man on the table.

The bartender put down the wine glass that was being wiped, took the card to the bar and glanced at it, said with a slight smile: “Please wait, before you drink anything?”

“No thanks.”

Kurapika sat directly in the chair in front of the bar.

The bartender heard no more words, and put the card into a secret box.

Kurapika’s ears moved slightly, and a slight sound of the card sliding towards the pipe was heard.

At this moment, a woman with several scars on her face came out of a Small Sect, holding a tray in her hand, and went straight towards the first guests in the bar.

When I came to the table, I put down the folded paper on the tray with Cocktail, and immediately turned away, leaving a scent.

Blackhead took the Cocktail and drank it. He put the paper in his pocket and followed the candy towards the ladder.

“Welcome again.”

The bartender politely saw off 2 guests.

After a while, the bartender apologized to Kurapika: “Unable to complete your commission. In view of the depletion of human and material resources, we still need to charge 5% of your commission.”

Kurapika flashed disappointment in his eyes, nodded, took out enough Jenny from his pocket, and walked towards the door.

He is currently searching for information on the whereabouts of the red eyes.

In fact, he didn’t have much expectation this time. Compared to the other two things, this incident is a good thing.

The bartender accepted Jenny without any psychological pressure, and the back of looks at Kurapika said: “If you have the exact news, you will be exempt from the 5% amount if you still have the will.”

“it is good.”

Kurapika didn’t stop.

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