Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 825

The corpses and friends were taken away by external members of the special services section of the subordinate section of the Ferry Permit.

The first thing they did when they came to the scene was to properly preserve the body with the highest High Rank equipment to ensure that a trace of fiber from the clothes would not fall.

Because this special dead body is related to [New World].

The place called “New World” by the Ferry Clearance Department is the dark continent.

The corpse was quickly transported to transport and taken to the ferry permit hall, which was set up underground.

The testimony of the friend was combined into a sentence: “He suddenly twisted into a twine in a vacuum in front of my eyes. 】

This testimony will be sent to the Ferry Permit.

There, there are the most advanced high-tech instruments and equipment, excellent talents, the most stringent defensive arrangements, and human beings involved in the disaster brought back by the dark continent many times.

Located on the 2nd floor of the Ferry License Hall, a room filled with green potted plants.

A middle-age person with a 2-cheeked fat mass sitting at his desk, checking the latest information.

New hemp-like corpses were found, which would inevitably shake the upper floors.

The middle age person is one of the administrators of the Ferry Permit Office. The reports from his subordinates at look at have nodded pain.

“At this time, you have to think about how to ‘appease’.”

Each corpse can provide a researchable direction, and it carries unknown risks.

After all, that is the [disaster] symbol of [New World], and each [disaster] has the possibility to exterminate human beings, so there is no room for luck.

The duty of the Ferry Permit Department is roughly 2 points.

The first is to manage the ferry information of the whole world, and to digitalize it, to integrate the ferry risk level according to various types of information, and finally to release the safety index to the world.

The second is to set all-round restrictions for those who want to travel to New World by ferry. To put it bluntly, no outsiders are allowed to leave for New World.

At present, various [disasters] stored in the ferry hall’s negative 5-Layer have been digitalized.

In the future, the conference may be held, or the summit negotiations, these data will be used at that time.

The emergence of a new disaster must be accompanied by an in-depth investigation.

Zoldyck’s home.

The appointed time has come.

Regarding [Wishing Level], it has been emptied under the operation of Silva, temporarily reducing the risk of [Wishing].

Then, following Luo’s request, he took Alluka away from Zoldyck’s house, went to the city where the association was located, and restored Netero to its original state.

The departure time has arrived, but Luo entire group did not leave immediately.

The reason was that the starting Zoldyck family had only three people: Silva, Tsubone, and most importantly Alluka, and Killua was severely banned from participating in the operation.

Will Killua give up on this?

If strength is the voice of the family, Killua thinks he has enough weight to speak.

What’s more, this trip is very important to make Alluka free.

must go, absolutely!

So when the crowd came to the Demon Beast Dragon’s lair, Killua came to the Demon Beast Dragon body in the state of [lightning flint], and acted against the order given by Silva.

The only members of the Zoldyck family who set off were Silva and Tsubone, but both Zeno and Kikyo were present, and they saw the tough attitude shown by Killua.

Kikyo showed concern over Killua’s move, and Zeno didn’t respond.

Judging by the look on his face, Silva did not react like Zeno.

“Give you ten seconds to come down from there, don’t let me take coercive measures.” Silva looks at Killua shrouded in electric light, calmly.

Killua was silent, standing there, stubborn like a rock.

Silva as it should be by rights releases the power of mind, covering the body surface, the white long hair automatically moves without wind, exuding a prominent power.

Zeno, Tsusubone, and Kikyo can only look aside. Although the ten-second period has only passed one second, they can see that Killua will not compromise, then Silva will definitely take coercive measures.

After 5 seconds, Silva was relieved.

Because Luo said something: “Let Killua follow me, I assure you that when the treatment is over, Killua and Alluka will return here.”

Luo’s guarantee runs counter to Killua’s goal, but due to his trust in Luo, Killua even wonders if it will not happen.

Soon, the Demon Beast dragon flew Luo into the air.

Zeno and Kikyo look up at the dwindling Demon Beast Dragon.

On the roof of the Zoldyck house in the distance, Illumi, Milluki and even Kot stood on the roof watching the Demon Beast dragon away.

Eyes at Killua and Alluka accompanied, and Kotna’s beautiful eyes were jealous.

After a while, the silhouette of the Demon Beast dragon disappeared into the eyes of everyone.

Milluki took a look at Illumi at this moment, and for some reason he thought that Illumi was a bit irritating now.

4 Dimension Apartment.

Netero’s location is the 4nd largest room in the 2D apartment.

As a temporary ward, equipment is readily available.

In order to simulate the environment of the ward, Noble specially arranged corresponding furniture.

However, no matter how it is arranged, the appearance of the ground, ceiling, and walls are incompatible with those furniture, giving people a sense of pre-existing space.

At this moment, Lin Nie, Doumen, Nobu, and Morel are all there, also the only humanoid Chimera Ants Nick.

“Well, let’s start watching.”

With the eyes of everyone, Nick took out the Small Fox marbles and turned on the playback function.

A layer of red shimmering light appeared on the surface of the marble, and it suddenly lit up, projecting a screen in the air, and starting to play the stored image.

Nob and Morel have already watched this video. At this time, it was released for Netero.

After the video started playing, Netero and Lin Nie concentrated attention completely at looks.

It turns out … it has reached this level.

looks at the video was half played, and Lin Nie was surprised and couldn’t help thinking of the time when she first met Netero.

Netero is not the same. His looks at Luo and Ant King’s battle, the gloomy within both eyes glowed in vain.

Just like nutrients, nourishing the insights gained from his war, and finally began to take root.

Fight and want to fight.

Want to fight once again with powerful individuals.

Ant King is gone.

But also the more powerful Luo.

It doesn’t matter if it’s not life or death, there are some changes that I want to confirm.

After the battle with Ant King, I also have no room to move forward, can I correct my defeat in that battle?

Morel is a man in the game and has a desire for everything, so he is not as far away as Qiduo and Potter, but he intended Netero to watch the video in order to convince Netero.

But Morel wouldn’t have thought of it.

This image made Netero have a joy that exists in [the future].


Five people including Machi, Uvogin, Nobunaga, Buha, and Menqi got off the spaceship and went to the airport lobby.

Wanted to be able to board a spaceship, in addition to the necessary makeover, there are also the effects of 2 hunter licenses.

They walked towards the gate.

People are everywhere in the hall.

Suddenly, five people who are also Mind Power can’t help but look towards a certain direction of the crowd.

There are masters, and not just a few.

Although the breath is well concealed, the larger the number, the more obvious it will become.

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