Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 823

Tonpa called and told Luo the current situation and results of the hospital.

Through Tonpa’s narrative, Luo learned that three killers had come, and eventually two died and one ran away. The four professional hunters responsible for security also died.

In fact, no one would expect someone to eaten a bear’s heart and a leopard’s gallbladder, dare to come here in this city, and even stare at Netero.

The reason why 4 bodyguards are arranged is not targeted defense.

If it wasn’t for Lin Nie and Tian Hu who came to visit Netero, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Although the opponent missed, but will definitely make a comeback.

One thing that made Luo care.

If this was sent by Yang De, how could it be so hasty if Paris Stone did the internal response.

It was the man who would never give Netero any respite.

Even with Tonpa and Lin Nie, it should not stop.

Luo was puzzled, but he would find out later.

Putting down the doubt first, he turned to ask about the situation of Day Tiger and Lin Nie.

“Day Tiger is being treated. It shouldn’t matter. When will you come back?” Tonpa said.

“Departure tomorrow, the night after tomorrow is the fastest.”

“Oh, I’m worried the killer will make a comeback.”

“I will come again, but there is no need to worry, this time is the only chance for the killer, but they missed.”

“Can you make sure that you don’t lose 10000?”

“Of course, because there is Nobu, even if there is no Nobu, the association and the twelve Earthly Branches are furnishings, knowing that someone is following Netero?

Tonpa heard that it made sense, and immediately chuckled, “in other words, I don’t need to take this insurance, right?”

At first, he felt that Luo was a bit overwhelming, and even wondered if Luo was too busy to see him, so he just made an excuse to let him stay at the hospital for a post.

Who knows that there are really killers to do things, because Luo also said casually when he ordered him.

If he was instructed by another person, he would have started to fish.

Because of Luo, he didn’t dare to take small things. After all, he was used to Luo’s style when he was in the dark continent.

“Well, you worked hard during this time, and then you go wherever you want, and do whatever you want.” Luo slightly smiled.

“I have no plans for the time being, but I really want to see a few places.” Tonpa’s tone was slightly excited.

“Oh? Where?”

“I choose to keep it secret.”


Luo was silent for a moment, and suddenly asked, “Are you interested in boarding for the second time?”

“Dark continent?” Tonpa asked back.


Tonpa stood in the corridor, looking at the rain curtain outside the window, and fell into silence.

Seeing the end of the phone for a long time, Luo did not speak, just listening to Tonpa’s gentle breathing.

The second trip to the dark continent …

Just because I’ve been there, I know that environment is really not human.

Tonpa refused, but for some reason, he always felt that it was not appropriate to reject Luo directly.

It wasn’t because he was afraid of Luo, but he couldn’t tell why.

Is it because the subconscious is actually irresistible to the trip to the dark continent, or do you want to see the vast and unknown land with Luo again?

Tonpa started to face the problem squarely, but the feedback was blank.

“I think about it.” Tonpa did not directly refuse.

“it is good.”

Luo responded, paused, adding: “I hope that when you think about this, you just need to decide whether you want to go or not.”


Tonpa Kaidou.

The call then hung up.

Tonpa silently looks at the phone, and Kakuzu smiles wryly.

He knew what Luo’s words meant, nothing more than let him not think too much, let alone consider the consequences of rejection.

“You gave my heart back early.”

Tonpa shook his head slightly, then folded the phone and walked towards Netero’s ward.

When I arrived in the ward, I found that the ward was almost full.

There were 2 Earthly Branches on the tenth, and I wanted to know about the assassination.

Tonpa didn’t expect these people to come so soon. I wanted to say goodbye, but saw that they were having a fierce discussion. After thinking about it, they turned away.

As Luo said, with this group of big guys, there is no need for him.

Next, it is free time for men.

Tonpa walked in the aisle with a faint smile, thinking that it would be nice if the sun came out.

He walked outside without even holding an umbrella.

According to his thoughts, it was already wet anyway, and it was nothing to get wet again.

“Find a hotel first, have a good meal, and then recruit a girl, uh, two, anyway, there is money.”

Tonpa walked towards somewhere in the city center, already thinking about what to do for a while, and also what spaceship will he take tomorrow.

Pedestrians on the street had an umbrella in their hands. When they saw that Tonpa did not support the umbrella, they looked at Tonpa one more time.

Walking through a street, even if the rain is not stopping, many people can still be seen on the street, showing the prosperity of the city.

The to-and-fro on the street is full of multi-colored umbrellas, so that those who do not support them stand out.

Tonpa did not support an umbrella, and then he easily saw an “acquaintance” who also did not support an umbrella, and that “acquaintance” also saw Tonpa, forcibly stopped the faster pace, his face was as black as dripping ink.

This “acquaintance” was Montma.

It was a surprise to meet Tonpa here.

Tonpa was actually surprised, so why did he run into it?

Montma paused for a moment, the shadows in her heart began to spread, and with that bitter sorrow, she felt a little urge to kill.

Can’t afford to offend still can’t afford it?

Montma turned decisively and ran, also worried that Tonpa would follow.

“So nervous about what to do, I’m not Luo.”

looks at Montma escaped so decisively, Tonpa asked a question mark.

He felt that his Mind Power was green and harmless, in other words, the threat was quite low.

To put it nicely, it is 5 5 open.

To make things worse, he can’t kill the enemy, but the enemy has a chance to kill him.

Looks at Mengma fled in no time, Tonpa was too lazy to deal with it, but still sent the news to Morel and the others.

Luo’s estimate is correct, and the other party will make a comeback.

However, this has nothing to do with him.

Tonpa headed for the tall building in the rain.

From this moment, he is about to enjoy life.

Many people came one after another in the ward.

Regarding the identity of the killer, someone has been sent to investigate.

Because there were too many people, Lin Nie left first to see the situation of the day tiger.

Until Luo returned, they would stay nearby and prepare medicated meals for Netero daily, but the day tiger was injured and Lin Nie had to do all the chores.

Before the killer identity and the killer behind surface, the next security issue must be determined.

In fact, there is nothing to decide, just send it to Nob’s 4-dimensional apartment.

Compared to this, Nobu and Morel care more about the follow-up of Chimera Ants.

They arrived in a hurry just after receiving Luo’s message, just after watching the images stored by the fox marbles.

It’s just that there are many people here now, it’s not easy to move this out.

As for President’s follow-up safety, they don’t have to worry about actually.

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