Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 818

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Nob was the first to enter the largest room in a 4-dimensional apartment, and everyone else in the room followed closely. (Fastest update)

When the last person entered, the black hole shrank into a drop and disappeared.

Nick returned to the familiar [apartment] again, with a slightly more complex expression, sadly thinking when he would be free again.

Take the cool kill, the show care, the Pam 3 people not at all to see the information content, but from the Master’s response can be seen 2 1.

What’s happening is enough to discolor Morel and Noble.

“Pom, look at President.”

Nob raised his hand and pushed the frame, looking towards Pam.

Hearing Nob’s words, taking cool and show care can not help but associate Master’s response with President’s current situation.


Poom was spiritually shocked. Immediately showed a mermaid Crystal ball that looks like an alien. He immediately scratched the skin with his bare hands and dripped blood into the mermaid’s mouth.

Accompanied by the idea of ​​fluorescent floating, a scene in the ward appeared in the Crystal Ball. It is a wide Kakuzu lens, with Netero as the center point, covering a large area nearby.

Everyone came together, only to see the Crystal ball, Netero was lying on the bed, chatting with Lin Nie next to him, and also day tiger stood quietly aside.

Just after the screen was displayed, I saw that Tian Hu suddenly took out his mobile phone.

Everyone in the apartment had no time to pay attention to this. When they saw that President was okay, Nob and Morel’s expressions of tension tightened slightly. ()

“Boda Hospital has a” killer “sneak in, and the target should be President.”

Nobu explained, raised his arm, and realized the master key that could open all the rooms.

“Pom, you and Nick stay here.”

Tone barely fell, and opened the door, revealing a murky void.

After the passage was opened, Nobu signaled Morel to follow, then he walked into the door first, and his body disappeared inside the murky inside the Void.

At the other end of the door is the staircase of a building in Broad University Hospital.

The Morel 3 people simply walked directly into the door.

Immediately afterwards, the door closed automatically.

Only Pam and Nick remained in the room.

Pam didn’t put away the Crystal ball, and Nick retreated to Kakuzu, with no concern at all.


In the ward, Tian Hu picked up his mobile phone and looked down, his frown frowned.

He looked towards Netero and Lin Nie, who had a good conversation, interrupted in a low voice: “Master, there is a situation.”

As soon as this word came out, Netero and Lin Nie couldn’t help but stop talking and looked towards Day Tiger.

Facing the eyes of the two, Tian Hu said, “Luo sent a message saying that a killer had entered the hospital, and the target was President.”

Hearing the words of the day tiger, Lin Nie’s eyes slowly widened, and an old spirit in muddy’s eyes lit up. (Fastest update)

In contrast, Netero was calm.

“You handle it.”

Lin Nie’s voice became much lower.

They had no doubt about the information sent by Luo.

The day tiger heard the words, without hesitation, directly looked towards the window without the curtains.

The content of the message even indicates the location of the killer, but it is not clear that there are no other killers in the hospital.

As for Lin Nie’s safety, the day tiger was not worried at all.

Because although Lin Nie is old, he is stronger than him.

If even Lin Nie can’t deal with the enemy, he won’t be of any help even by his side.

Following Lin Nie’s instructions, the day tiger went directly to the window, opened the window, turned it outside, and reclosed the window intimately.

Immediately, his feet slammed against the wall, and his body shot like a cannonball, smashing a sag of rain and fog, the target pointed directly at the top of the building 50 meters away.

The moment he touched the wall with his feet, he subdivided his thoughts on the wall with subtle manipulation power to increase the rigidity of the wall, so as not to kick the wall when he borrowed power.

However, it was inevitable that a dull noise was made.

That sound will be mostly canceled out by the rain, but Montma and Tonpa on the top of the building both heard it. It was not clear to both parties whether the person was their teammate. They stopped at almost the same time and distanced themselves.

The day tiger fell from the sky, and when it stepped on the ground, a large drop of water struck, intervening in the battle between two people.

In the rain, within a moment, his hair and shoulders became wet.

Seeing people, Tonpa and Montma reacted differently.

Tonpa lacks offensive ability, so he can only defend defensively in front of Mengma. At the moment, when reinforcements arrive, he does not need to be so passive.

Mengma was very unhappy, and the harmless fatty was really disgusting to him, and she did not know what evil had been created this month. When she chose a place, she encountered this evil.

Probably calculating the teammate’s action time, originally did not want to waste too much time with fatty, but at this time the opponent came to reinforcements.

Looking closely at the day tiger, Monta spit out the lady’s cigarette, thinking that she was a master again.

That split second, his thoughts changed.

You can’t leave here anyway, hold them down first.


The sound made by the day tiger was not only heard by Tonpa and Monta, including the three bodyguards outside the ward, and the two killers waiting for the opportunity in the area near the ward.


A female nurse of lithe and graceful body, wearing only underwear and panties, lay on her back, a small pool of blood leaked from her neck, and her face was covered with blood-red muscle tissue, which looked rather stingy, but was directly stripped. Shaved.

At this moment, the middle-aged woman and yellow-haired young man who came to assassinate Netero are in the dispensing room.

The middle-aged woman was named Aiya, while the young yellow-haired woman was named Deer Helmet.

The performance of 2 people in Heiyanjia can be ranked in the top 20.

While in the dispensing room, I could barely hear the sound made by the day tiger.

“Direction of sound?”

Aiya, who was wearing a nurse costume, was making ** on the spot, and asked without looking up.

Deer helmet eyes were indifferent, said solemnly: “At the target, judging by the type of sound, it is the sound made by the weight of the object, but the path of sound wave transmission is a bit strange. If there is a possibility of correction, it should be the wall.”

Aiya used some medical liquid to eliminate the bloody smell, and then took the human skin to examine it carefully, at the same time, she said, “Is that the Old Man who got in trouble?”

“Maybe, a direct attack doesn’t matter, do it as soon as possible.” Deer Helmet looked towards Aya’s ** on the spot, saying, “How long will you be?”

“Ten seconds.”

Aiya suddenly tore off the mask on her face, exposing a scar-covered face, and then stuck the female nurse’s **, took out a ** medicinal liquid, and rubbed it on the seam of the mask.


After doing this, Yi Rongcheng’s female nurse Aiya held up a tray with some medicine on it.

The deer helmet heard his words and released his mind.

The black snake on the neck suddenly moved up the skin and reached the palm of the deer helmet, and then a snake-like shadow pattern extended from the five fingers, piercing into the shadow of Aiya.

Later, if the snake-like maggot was anti-customer, the deer helmet’s body was forcibly pulled into the shadow of Aiya, and the whole person disappeared in a moment in a vacuum.

Aiya looks at the deer helmet blended into her shadow and walked out of the dispensing room casually.

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