Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 814

Killua came to Shuhai deliberately to make a break with Illumi.

At the very least … Illumi’s thought of pinning his head was cut off.

The only way to do this is by force.


The Killua body floated with thoughts, the breeze bulged, the leaves on the ground flying around, spinning around the body.

Zhi zhi ……

Suddenly, the flowing mind suddenly became violent, turning into electric current in the blink of an eye, tearing those leaves flying around the body into black fragments.

Looks at the leaf residue that was torn by the current, Illumi’s mouth Kakuzu slightly raised.

That unabashedly strong offensive means that it is fed back to the mind, which is very destructive, and the changed nature seems to highlight the breath of not recognizing one’s family.

[The ‘output’ balance is not taken into account at all, but everything outside the body will tear apart as soon as it approaches. 】

“Your anger is telling me this in perfectly clear, then I’m … you’re welcome.”

A dangerous smile appeared on Illumi’s face, and before Killua’s offensive, he raised his arm with two beaded needles between his fingers.

Just then, two figures on the left and right sides of Killua behind rushed out of the two figures and rushed towards Killua.

The two figures were two men in steward costumes, dull, and a bead needle was inserted into the back of their heads.

It was Illumi’s needleman, who turned Steward Lie directly into the target of manipulation.

Killua disappeared instantly, leaving the two steward empty.

At the next moment, a ray of light first appeared behind the steward, followed by the silhouette of Killua.

Ka-cha !

The sound of two broken bones sounded almost simultaneously in the forest.

The heads of two steward’s heads were twisted, and they fell to the ground softly, and could not die any more.

Seeing Killua kill the needle man so decisively, Illumi further confirmed Killua’s growth.

“The difficulty is different,” he thought.

At this time, Killua took the initiative to attack Illumi, turning it into a current, flowing through the forest.

Illumi conceded and quickly dodged to avoid Killua’s attack.

“Barely keeping up, supplemented by experience, should not be a problem.”

Illumi’s dark eyes kept flashing electric light, which was all Killua’s offensive trajectory.

His body was dancing in the current, and he could always avoid it.

Since it is not an Enhancer, you will not risk blocking Killua with your bare hands in order to create opportunities.

During the brief time to dodge Killua’s attack, Illumi fired ten beads and needles, divided into 5 batches, but all failed without exception.

Killua’s Speed ​​is too fast, it is quite difficult to evade, but it is difficult to fight back when it is heavenly ascension.

After several counterattacks, Illumi closed it in time and was defeated by Killua’s offensive.

He consciously headed towards the densely wooded area.

“Want to weaken my mobility with trees? Useless.”

Killua’s clothes and hair are all electrified, resembling Anime characters jumping out of 2D.

As Killua thought, Illumi wanted to use trees to limit Killua’s mobility as much as possible.

[Speed] This Attribute often represents tricky.

Even if Killua’s advanced mental skills and Taijutsu are not as good as Illumi, Illumi can be temporarily suppressed by the Speed, which compulsively exceeds the limit of mobility.

After a while, Illumi retreated to what she thought was a suitable environment, with many trees around her.

At the same time, Killua finally stopped the attack and pulled the distance to a safer level, then stared coldly at Illumi, but Kakuzu peripheral vision was memorizing the number, location and volume of the trees.

Within a moment, Killua moved again.

The electric light in the forest rose again.

He wants to kill Illumi before [power] runs out, so that Illumi understands that he is no longer a soft persimmon that can be kneaded.

Even if this doesn’t work, Illumi needs to have a deep understanding today.

Mastery thoughts are passed on to imagination and turned into more rapid currents.

Suddenly Illumi felt a pressure and was surprised.

Although Killua’s Speed ​​is quite tricky, the threat level of offense is very low, and it should not make him feel the pressure.

As a brother, having such feelings is really incompetent.

Illumi thought so, and suddenly pulled out eight beads and needles, and stepped on the [limb] step, his body shaking out a series of phantoms, wandering between trees.

Killua’s current was like a flexible snake, drawing a strange trajectory between the trees, biting Illumi.

Killua’s Speed ​​in [Super Speed] is really amazing, but Illumi can still keep up, and its strength can be seen in Madara.

Suddenly, Illumi fired and threw 8 beads at the same time.

The timing was chosen to be a short pause when Killua avoided the trees.

That was the judgement and attack made after observing for about 30 seconds.

Eight bead needles point directly at Killua’s face and body.

“Get it.”

Illumi thought to himself.

[Snake Live]

However, Killua’s expression was terrifying calmly. Facing the bead needles that stabbed towards his face, he double-handed enlivened like a snake, with a dangerous current in his mouth, he bit it almost in one breath 8 beads.


Seeing that Killua had caught all the bead pins, Illumi was a little bit confused.

Each bead pin is full of thought, not so easy to catch with bare hands.

That is, while maintaining Speed, the force of balance is evenly distributed on the palm, and the impact of the bead needle is offset with the smallest error value.

Most important is the split second’s thinking power and neural response.

When Illumi stumbled, Killua A Tooth For A Tooth threw the bead tip back.

Illumi hurriedly dodged, with blood marks on his face and ribs.

“Converting qi into electricity can not only increase the speed of the body, but also the speed of the neural response?”

Illumi reached out his index finger and wiped off the blood that had leaked from the wound on his cheek, thinking of a possibility.

It seems that the previous evaluation needs to be overturned, and another level is raised.

“With my current strength, it may not be difficult to kill you.”

Killua looked coldly at Illumi, and several currents flowed between the double-handed.

Illumi was silent, and the fluctuations in mental power emanating from the body began to show an unknown and unpleasant atmosphere.

The transparent glass cover named [Desire to Control] appeared to have numerous cracks.

“My hole card is not just Speed.”

Killua did not move at high speed this time, but walked slowly towards Illumi.

He will show Illumi his changes slowly, so that Illumi can step back.

On the top of a giant tree in the distance, Luo stood motionless like a stone sculpture, and the thoughts condensed on his eyes were like a rising flame.

Turning gas into electricity … Mind Power who can be done by the whole world can be counted on one’s fingers. It is estimated that only Killua has used electricity to this extent.

Boda Hospital is the industry of the Hunters Association. It gathers many elites in the industry, but the hospital is not just for the association, and the daily traffic is quite large.

Beds in the hospital are hard to find, but members of the association have priority and have dedicated ward areas.

Netero wakes up in the hospital and has specialized caregivers, including security.

There was a thunderstorm in the afternoon today.

The weather also changes, the dark clouds come very fast, and it rains heavily in the blink of an eye.

Nevertheless, there are still many people in the hospital.

In the Special ward, Netero sat on the bed, leaning his back against the back of the bed, tilting his head at looks at the window blurred by rain.

“May I help you close the curtains?”

The beautiful nurse asked.

Netero shook his head.

“You can’t see it when you pull it up.”

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