Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 810

Zoldyck sent out such a lineup to welcome, and Luo split second thought a lot.

The other side is so solemn, it is possible that he has mastered the content of his previous communication with Killua, so this level of defense will be available.

If so, things will get more troublesome.

Of course, this is the only possibility.

Luo stopped in front of the Zoldyck crowd one meter away, with a smile on his face.

Maha’s eyes narrowed, and double-handed meddling stood there not say a word.

As the oldest member of the Zoldyck family, Maha has now retired from behind the scenes, and rarely intervenes in the family’s affairs. He will stand here at this moment.

Tsubone and Silva’s positions are slightly behind, showing the identity order.

Zeno was double-handed, looks at Luo, and took the lead in opening the mouth and said: “We probably know where you are coming from.”

Luo heard the probed calmly: “Well, I came for Netero.”

Zeno shook his head slightly and said decisively, “I can’t help.”

Seeing Zeno answer so decisively, Luo looked different.

[They don’t know the specific content of my communication with Killua, they only know that I came for Netero. 】

[Only, the friendship between Netero and Zoldyck’s family would be rejected decisively. 】

[It seems that the Zoldyck family does have a serious fear of Alluka’s ability risks. 】

[But on the one hand, there is the fluke of controlling Alluka, so he chose to imprison rather than erase the root cause. 】

Luo thought 100 turns, looked towards Zeno, and tried, “I take the risk, can’t I?”

Zeno shook the head.

Seeing this, Luo sighed in his heart, didn’t he give any room?

At this time, Zeno said, “Even if the family members are seriously injured or accidentally lose their hands and feet, we will not use Alluka’s capabilities. Do you understand what I mean?”


Luo is silent.

The meaning of Zeno is very clear, that is, even their own family will not use it, even more how is an outsider, even if the friendship is good, it is useless.

Luo’s recovery of Baha’i ’s arm was also a drill of Zoldyck ’s uninformed family. There is no chance to put it now.

Seeing that Zeno’s entire group was very resolute, Luo knew he could not keep it, and said directly: “There is a rule about Alluka’s ability that you don’t know.”

As soon as the words came out, except for Maha, the faces of the other three people changed slightly.

Regardless of whether the unknown rule is true or not, this kind of remarks made by outsiders really make them a little bit uncomfortable, and soon thought of Killua.

Luo looks at everyone, straight out the rule: “When you make a wish to repair something, the risk you need to bear is almost zero, and the repair here includes a healing wish.”

“You only need to perform periodic tests to verify the authenticity.”

Healing wishes are almost zero risk …?

Hearing the rule, the hearts of the Zeno people shook.

“So, are you willing to verify the authenticity of this?” Luo continued.

Zeno calmed down the inner shock, instead of responding immediately, but to ask a question, when already knows the answer, “How did you know this information?”


Luo didn’t hide it, and knew Zeno could guess it, and the reason he asked it was just to be sure.

After hearing the answer, Zeno sighed softly, looked at Maha who had no response, and then looked towards Luo, inviting: “Come in and sit down.”

Still did not respond to Luo’s previous question, but first invited Luo to sit in the house.

“it is good.”

Luo did not continue to press, but responded.

Visiting this time is completely different from usual.

If this information they didn’t know was not revealed, I’m afraid we won’t be able to enter Zoldyck’s house today.

In that case, the only remaining method is violence, which is almost the worst.

ten minutes later.

Luo sat on the sofa in the living room, and a cup of hot tea was made on the table.

Tsubone was standing not far behind the sofa, with a young maiden beside her.

The girl named Yuyin is the great-granddaughter of Tsusubone and one of the stewards of Zoldyck’s family.

There were only 3 of them in the entire living room.

The mission of Tsubone and Yuyin is self-evident, it is to monitor and limit Luo’s range of movement.

Luo didn’t care, drinking tea with each minding their own business.

He has patience.

In his opinion, as long as the information was verified, there should be no reason for the Zoldyck family to refuse, in a situation of almost zero risk.

Let Alluka help Netero get it back, then help Killua solve Alluka’s freedom problems.

Throughout the operation, one piece of information must never be known to the Zoldyck family.

Little time passed, and an hour passed quickly.

During this period, Tsubone and Yuyin stood like statues and remained motionless. They even controlled their breathing very delicately. If they didn’t pay attention, they thought they were two wax figures.


The wooden door of the living room was pushed open, and it was Killua who came in.

Seeing Killua coming in, Tsubone and Yuyin’s bodies finally moved slightly.

Killua glanced at Tsubone and Yuyin before heading straight for Luo.

Luo looked up, and his gaze moved with Killua until Killua sat down on the sofa on the other side of the table.

“My phone was seized,” Killua said.

This is very important information, so you must come and tell Luo.

Luo didn’t say anything, but made a cup of tea for Killua.

Killua looks at Luo with a calm face, biting his teeth slightly, and then smelling the scent of tea never smelled at home.

“Drink tea.” Luo pointed to the steaming tea cup.

Killua lifted the tea cup subconsciously, then took a sip.

Obviously hot, but the mouth of the drink was as cold as mint in the head, and the fire-like restlessness in the heart calmed down.

“This is my own tea, including water.” Luo laughed.


Look at Luo at a short distance, Killua suddenly felt relieved.

Just like before, you can always rely on Luo for anything.

Thinking of this, Killua took another sip of tea in silence.

As long as Luo is around, things can be resolved.

He believed for no reason.

Tsubone and Yuyin quietly look at the two people on the sofa, because the other party has not crossed, they can only watch.

Two hours passed, and the wooden door was pushed open again, this time by Silva.

Seeing that Killua was also there, Silva didn’t respond, walked directly to Luo and said, “It’s verified.”

When Luo heard about it, he put down the tea cup and immediately got up. Looks at Silva, “What happened?”

“As long as it is a healing wish, the price paid back is really incalculable,” Silva said.

“So, do you agree with the cure for Netero?” Luo asked.

Silva nodded, now that it has been verified that healing vows are risk-free, there is no reason to refuse.

However, he suddenly looked towards Killua, indifferently said: “Before curing Netero, I need to know the content of the transaction between you.”

Hearing this, Luo was unmoved, but Killua’s body was slightly trembled.

Silva’s eyes are like wolves, staring at Killua quietly

Kardinia, a city that blends Arabic and Chinese styles, has quite a large number of buildings.

In a red mansion, Bi Yangde was sitting on a wooden floor, leaning on a gold-plated low armrest in his left hand, holding a small wine glass in his right hand.

The paper-framed door with the window paper was pulled open, and a slender woman with several serve heads stepped on the lotus steps.

Bi Yangde looked up and saw the woman whispered softly: “I have already acted.”


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