Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 808

That room is located underground, with 2 heavy steel doors, like the most secure bank vault in the world.

Despite the blue sky and white clouds wallpaper in the room, and the room full of toys, can not change a fact prison.

Alluka’s [wish] ability is too buggy and at the same time has considerable risks.

Rather than taking advantage of Alluka’s capabilities, the Zoldycks don’t want to take risks easily.

They knew that if their abilities were out of control due to excessive greed, Zoldyck would probably be destroyed in an instant.

Therefore, they imprisoned Alluka here.

In Silva’s eyes, Alluka is [darkness] from other places, not his son.

“Elder Brother, I want to play toss!”

Alluka’s face was filled with a happy smile in the room.


Qi picked up Alluka and threw him into the air.

Alluka made a series of laughter and laughed happily.

I don’t know how long it has been so happy.

Since staying in this room, there is no time to feel fluid.

Above the walls of Kakuzu and the ceiling, several cameras are monitoring everything in the room.

The images were transmitted to the monitoring room in real time, Silva and Kikyo were there, and Milluki was sitting in front of the console.

The biggest screen in the middle of the three people looking at that is the picture transmitted from the ceiling-mounted camera, which can monitor the entire room.

Because the father mother was there, Milluki didn’t dare to be too impudent, otherwise the ground in the monitoring room would be full of garbage.

“What exactly is this guy trying to do?”

It looks strange to have fun with Alluka in the picture, Milluki muttered quietly.

Originally, he didn’t need to sit in this position, but Qiqi found Alluka as soon as he returned, so he was called by Silva to monitor the situation in the room.

This sitting is about ten days.

From the time Kiki had named Alluka, including Milluki, all members of the Zoldyck family knew that the needle in Kiki’s head was pulled out.

Silva wrapped her arms around her eyes, staring at the screen.

He heard Milluki’s mutter, but he didn’t talk, but gave an answer in his heart.

What do you want to do?

He is aware of it.

That was to take Alluka out of that room.

Compared to Silva’s seriousness, Kikyo always looks at Qi with a loving look, the red electronic eye always trembles from time to time, showing her emotional fluctuations.

Little time passed, and hours passed quickly.

On the monitor screen, Qi and Alluka are like a pair of brothers who can’t get tired of it. They don’t get tired or tired at all.

“Father, let me say, simply prohibit Qi from contacting Alluka.”

Milluki’s grievances kept accumulating. As a member of the Zoldyck family, his patience as a killer was the worst in the entire family.

From the bottom of his heart, he can’t stand this errand, everyday all is sitting here looks at Qi and Alluka playing a boring house game.

Silva didn’t even see Milluki, his gaze was always on the screen.

Ignored by father, Milluki curl one’s lip can only look honestly at the screen.

At this time, the door of the monitoring room opened.

Silva didn’t look back, but Milluki and Kikyo looked towards the door.

The one who came in was Illumi.

“Are they still in the room?”

Illumi, wearing a casual dress, came next to Silva.

“Look at it myself.” Milluki’s tone was grieving.

Illumi looked towards the screen, glittering with strange rays of light in his dark eyes.


Illumi tilted her head and looked towards Silva, saying, “If you find it difficult, just help me with the pins.”

Maybe the weight is different, Silva will ignore Milluki but not Illumi.

He tilted his head to Illumi’s serious gaze, calmly, “I won’t interfere with you, so I’m also possible to assist you.”

Illumi regrets shrugging.

Just then, Milluki suddenly became nervous and said, “Father, look at it.”

The attention of the crowd was immediately attracted by Milluki’s words, and he quickly looked towards the screen, but saw Qi took out his mobile phone from his pocket and glanced for a few seconds before putting the mobile phone back in his pocket.

After that, Qi Ruo continued playing with Alluka.

“Go back and zoom in,” Silva ordered.

When Milluki heard the words, he immediately followed suit. Within 2 seconds, he called up and enlarged the picture just now.

The content on the screen of Qi ’s phone was so impressive that it was a text message sent by Luo.

[Qi, I’m on my way to your house. 】

After watching the text message, everyone in the monitoring room suddenly fell into silence.

“Luo is coming.”

Milluki cautiously looks at side Parents and Illumi always feel that the atmosphere has changed a bit.

He clearly saw the distress on Silva and Kikyo’s faces, and Illumi’s faint jealousy.

“Well, Luo might come to me for money, because I owed him several 100000000 million.” Milluki cautiously said.

Silva glanced at him suddenly, scaring him to shrink his neck.

Luo, Luo, don’t you come to this muddy water.

Milluki thought silently in her heart.

“Father, do you think Luo came to the house to find strangeness or Alluka?” Illumi looks at Silva.

Milluki stared at the screen, but raised her ears.

Instead of answering Illumi’s question, Silva said, “Netero was seriously injured to defeat Ant King.”

“Then you think it’s the latter,” Illumi said.

“Basically correct.” Silva Kaidou.

“Luo is one of the” informed “and an outsider.” Illumi reached out and twisted his hair, calmly said: “He has always been very intuitive about Alluka, but also because he has not encountered anything worth crossing the line, But now. “

Until now, Luo was an “informant”, including the matter of inserting a needle in his head.

In order to minimize the risk, in the style of Zoldyck’s family, Luo should be killed.

However, they impossibly shot at Luo.

On the one hand, Luo is very strong, on the other hand, Luo has a relationship with the family.

Fortunately, Luo has never touched that sensitive boundary, despite knowing that a needle was inserted in Qi’s head, and despite knowing that Alluka was imprisoned, Luo did not tell Qi about this, and did not help Qi pull the needle.

This approach satisfied the Zoldyck family, and even Luo not at all turned to Alluka for help with [left arm].

But this time he came, for Netero’s sake.

“In order to prevent the situation from further expanding, let Qi forget Alluka again, and let me make a wish to Alluka to kill Luo. What do you think of this suggestion?” Illumi said.

“It’s not good,” Milluki couldn’t help but say.

Illumi just gently extended the hand on Milluki’s shoulder, and the latter immediately shuddered.

Silva looked coldly towards Illumi, who was calm.

“The risk of wishing to kill Luo is far greater than the risk of wishing to cure Netero.”

“Can the family reject Luo?” Illumi continued.

Silva is silent, and on this issue, he is no longer in charge.

When Luo comes by then, he can only ask Maha to come forward.

At the same time, Qi left the room.


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