Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 803

Old white.

Kim, including the technician Ikushobe, used to call him old.

However, Lao Bai doesn’t look old, and he is only about 30 years old, but he is actually older and he is very old-fashioned.

He wore a yellow bucket hat on his head, and a body draped in palm leather, but he was wearing short-sleeved shorts and straw shoes under his feet.

With a vermilion pipe in his mouth, a simple fishing rod made of bamboo on his shoulders, a fishing basket on his waist, and a golden behind, he was half short.

From entering the hospital, old Bai’s clothes seemed out of place.

2 people one after the other came to the corridor outside the intensive care unit, and Luo was waiting for them.

Before coming, King notified Luo in advance, and Luo not at all told others about it.

However, I’m afraid it won’t be long before those people come by themselves.

“Hello there.”

Luo looks at Lao Bai, this is the first time he has met Lao Bai.

“Are you Luo? Do you smoke? Come on?”

Lao Bai came together within a few steps and took out a pack of dried cigarettes from his pocket, looking very enthusiastic.

“Thank you, I have.”

Luo gently accepted Lao Bai’s enthusiasm and immediately took out a homemade cigarette from the black cat space.

Old Bai’s gaze shifted down suddenly, freeze the smoke in Luo’s fingers, his nose twitched slightly, and a surprised look flashed in his eyes.

“Lostweed, Solurium, 3 Dingshijian, Horseshoe … Is this a combination?”

Staring closely at the smoke that Luo brought out, Lao Bai murmured to himself the materials for making cigarettes, and was thinking in his head what kind of effect this combination could form.

Seeing that Lao Bai said the material of the smoke based on the scent, Luo raised his eyelids. In a sense, this is a more powerful capability than the identification system of white smoke fonts.

Jin leaned over, reached out and snatched the cigarette from Luo, and then inserted it directly into the mouth of the big red pipe of Lao Bai, like the incense stick.

“Do the business first.”

Inserting the cigarette, Kim moved towards the entrance of the ward.

Lao Bai came back to his senses, but his first action was to light the smoke, and then he took a deep breath, squinting his eyes as if he were tasting some kind of food.

“It turned out to be this effect, did you do it yourself?”

Lao Bai looked towards Luo while keeping up with Jin.

“Well, I did some in my spare time.” Luo nodded, then pointed to the sign on the wall prohibiting smoking.

Lao Bai glanced at the warning sign and ignored it, saying with interest: “Laddie is terrific. If this cigarette is sold on the market, I am afraid that there will be countless enemies carrying a kitchen knife to your house.”

When you smell the material, you know that the smoke is harmless. After you smoke it, you know the specific effect of the smoke.

Since it is harmless, there is no need to pay attention to the warning signs that prohibit smoking.

“What?” Luo pretended not to understand.

Lao Bai blinked and said earnestly: “This cigarette can refresh drug addiction. When it is thrown on the market, it will break countless people’s wealth.”

“So it is.” Luo suddenly realized.

Seeing how he could see that Luo was pretending to be stupid, he looked at Luo’s empty left arm and said, “Give me a few packs of cigarettes, and I will cure your arms.”


Luo simply responded.

Old white chuckled, no more words.

As wise as he is, how can he think that Luo simply doesn’t think he can cure his arm.

A group of 3 people came to the door of the ward, and the female doctor of Vatican Medical University was standing “armed” by the door.

The mask covering her nose and nose could not cover the scar on her eyebrow Kakuzu. At this moment, she looked at Jin 3 and frowned deeply.

Her name is Cin Yin, and she has a long-term cooperative relationship with the association. She is also the team leader of the Chimera Ants operation.

“No disinfection or changing clothes, also smoking, give me a reason to put you in.”

Cin Yin looked coldly towards the old white, showing a different kind of Rin 冽 murderous aura.

“This smoke is harmless, can’t you smell it?” Lao Bai was surprised.

Kakuzu, an inch of eyebrows, picked up, with obvious anger, apparently annoyed by Lao Bai’s light-headed appearance, and thought of the next treatment to be given to such a person, she could not accept it.

Luo collided with the air field circling in the air with Kim looks at the field, and it was wise to choose silence.

Lao Bai ignored Cin Yin’s anger, walked over and said, “Jean.”

In Yin was silent for a while, said solemnly: “Can you afford the consequences?”

“Then you have to ask these two.”

Old White raised his thumb and poked at behind.

Luo and Jin came over in time and looked towards Cin Yin.

“Please cooperate,” Luo said politely.

He didn’t need to explain or give Cin Yin a reason, because Cin Yin knew what to do.

These things were handed over long before the treatment.

The reason why Cin Yin couldn’t help but speak out was to smoke.

But in fact, the cigarette is really harmless, whether it is the party or someone else.

Silent for a while, Cin Yin still compromised to let go.

“Not good, ah, my unorthodox will cure President soon.”

Old Bai left a big word before entering the ward.

But compared to smoking and sterilizing, this sentence is not worthy of being incited. On the contrary, if Lao Bai can cure Netero, it is also what Cin Yin wants to see.

A group of 3 people entered the ward, came to the bedside, and looked at Netero at close range.

If it weren’t for the data fluctuations on the instrument that showed Netero was alive, it would really make people suspect Netero was dead.

“Sure?” Luo asked.

Looks at such miserable Netero, old Bai silently took off the vermilion pipe, bitterly: “I knew it was so serious, I just stopped talking about it.”

Hearing Old Bai’s words, Luo and King were speechless.

Lao Bai sighed, and put the fishing rod and pipe on the ground, but it was simple and full of thoughts.

Nianli rushed into a ball, and a millstone and an iron pestle emerged.

“This time is the millstone and iron pestle.” Lao Bai took the millstone and iron pestle in his hand.

“Impact?” Luo was slightly surprised, thinking that it would be Enhancer.

“I’m going to start. Just go outside and wait.”

Lao Bai didn’t explain, sitting directly on the ground holding a millstone and iron pestle, focusing on the Netero who looked spiritually at bed.

Luo heard that looked towards Jin, which was nodded.

As a result, the two of them walked out of the ward and followed Cin Yin to the glass window.

In Yin stared at the tool that suddenly appeared, her eyes were dull and she didn’t know what she was thinking.

“Old Bai’s ability is called the means of the fool.” Jin used the power of mind as a medium, and then attached his voice to Luo’s ear.

When Luo received the sound, he glanced at Cun Yin, and when he saw that there was no response, he sent the sound to Jin’s ears in the same way: “Listening to the name alone, it feels very good.”

Having said that, Luo looks at the old white in the ward that was already ground with a pestle.

“Yes, that ability is like a prayer. Judging from the tools that have been realized this time, it should be to grind the iron pestle into a needle to achieve the treatment conditions.” Jin said.

That’s why it’s called.

Luo thought of the card on the Island of Greed and asked curiously, “What is the relationship between Archangel’s breath and the ability of the old white?”

“It all starts with old Bai’s luck.”

Kim said meaningfully.

In the ward, the old Bai suddenly trembled while mopping.

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