Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 801

Qi Duo is a 3 star hunter, and she has a great accomplishment in medicine.

Among other things, the theoretical and practical experience is world-class.

But because of this, she is active in the medical system, and even if she is physically capable, she cannot jump out of the entire modern medical framework.

For example, [Archangel’s Breath] on the Island of Greed can heal any injuries to players, even broken arms can be recovered in split second.

This ability effect has nothing to do with medicine, it can be called a fantasy force.

Not to mention how harsh the constraints are, such capabilities are not created by professional physicians Mind Power.

Because the knowledge about medicine is already in the minds of physicians, when developing these types of Mind Power, it will naturally be affected by related knowledge and put on a framework.

Qi Duo belongs to this group of people, so she added the word [modern] to the word describing the current situation of Netero.

Wouldn’t it be if the Broad University Hospital and top physicians, including her, were helpless, would they be willing to wait for the news of King.

Luo wanted to get detailed current information about Netero from Qiduo, but Qiduo gave a straightforward answer as a doctor. In desperation, Luo asked: “Is there any danger in the near future?”

“It can’t be guaranteed, because President’s vital signs are very unstable.” Qi Duo’s eyes could not help expressing anxiety, and her white-gloved hands clenched.

“I’m understood, you go back.” Luo nodded, said he understood.

The current state of speaking through Qiduo really shows that Netero’s situation is not good.


Qiduo turned around, and suddenly came over, stopping.

No, what is the tone and attitude of this guy as it should be by rights? He is not his subordinates, nor is he reporting the work to him.

“What’s wrong?”

Seeing Qi Duo stop as soon as he turned around, Luo couldn’t help asking.

Qi Duo was silent for a while, thinking that it would be pointless to take care of such a thing at this moment, and then uttered a sentence: “Nothing.”

After that, she strode towards the entrance.

Before sliding the door into the corridor, she quickly glanced at Young Gon not far away.

King’s son?

In the outer corridor, Young Gon looks at Qi Duo, then trot up to Luo and Tonpa.

“Mr. Tonpa.”

Young Gon greeted Tonpa.

Tonpa moved towards Young Gon nodded, then looked at Luo, and asked, “Is this over?”

Luo looks at the closed door, thinking about the current situation of Netero and Hunters Association, calmly said: “Not yet.”

“Is there any place where I can help?”

“Not available for the time being.”



Tonpa shivered, thinking about you actually explaining it.

Look at Luo without explanation, Tonpa sighed in his heart and said, “I’m understood.”

When saying this, Tonpa’s real thought in his heart was: I know a fart!

“In short, I stayed at a nearby hotel and called me when something happened. I couldn’t stand the atmosphere inside and left first.” Tonpa turned to her side and pointed her thumb to the door not far away.

“it is good.”

Luo agreed.

Tonpa heard that and patted Young Gon’s shoulder, and left.

Luo and Young Gon stood here watching Tonpa leave.

“Luo …” Young Gon stopped talking.

Luo pats his head and said, “Be patient.”

Young Gon was slightly nodded, and then said: “Then … can I go in and visit the Netero President?”

“It can be, but you heard what Tonpa said just now, and the atmosphere inside is uncomfortable.” Luo said, looking up suddenly, looking towards the empty corridor ceiling.

He felt a peep-like sight, but looked up, not at all within the range of cameras and mental power.

“Luo, I’m also a professional hunter, don’t underestimate me!” Young Gon immediately said that he was okay, and then noticed that Luo was looking at the ceiling behind him, and he couldn’t help showing doubt.


Luo did not immediately respond to Young Gon’s doubts. He quietly looked at the empty ceiling, his lips moved slightly, he said a name silently, and then said to Young Gon, “Nothing, come with me.”

Then, he walked towards the gate not far away.

Immediately after Luo said a name silently, the faint trace of peep sight disappeared, confirming Luo’s guess at the same time.

Although the peep was light, Luo would not doubt his feelings, so he immediately thought of Poom’s ability, and then silently said Nob’s name into the void, and then the sight disappeared instantly.

From this point alone, Luo affirmed his guess.

Young Gon was weird, but didn’t ask much, and kept up to date.

In a hospital storage room where cleaning tools were piled up, Pam sat on his knees, a plastic bucket was buckled, and a crystal ball with a special shape was placed on it, supported by an unknown creature resembling a mermaid.

The lower body of the unknown creature was indeed the structure of a mermaid, but the skull looked more like a goblin, with no hair or eyebrows, and a pair of pointed long ears.

A few seconds ago, the crystal ball reflected the picture of Guang Kakuzu in the place where Luo was, but it was dark at the moment.

“He He!”

Poom was horrified.

Peeping was noticed, and even when Noob’s name was read from Luo’s wriggling lips, Poom quickly turned off the ability mapping.

“What to do if the Master knew …”

“And he knows my capabilities?”

Pom lowered her head slowly, her eyes open and covered with fine blood.

Then she snapped at the white placket and caught the cloth with her teeth, rubbing left and right, up and down.

The Master once said that my abilities are an irreplaceable precious source and can only be used by him.

Then why tell my abilities to “outsiders”!

They, they … Absolutely no secret!

Corridor outside the intensive care unit.

The arrival of Young Gon, however, has attracted the attention of the members of the Tenth Earthquake.

Seems like gold.

Everyone thought silently.

“Hello, you’re King’s son?” Pheasant Crook asked politely.

Young Gon looks at the exposed, Crook body with a lot of white feathers, honestly nodded.

“Actually King’s son.”

The crowd stared at Young Gon, who couldn’t help feeling a pressure, but seemed quite natural.

Young Gon didn’t forget to come, and after a polite gesture to the Seniors, he moved towards the glass window.

Seeing Young Gon being so polite, except for Paris Stone, the members of the Twelve Earthly Branch could not help but look weird.

They just unknowingly replaced the image of Jin into the Young Gon body. Now, it is without the slightest hesitation to separate the two people cleanly.

How could that guy know how to write the word “polite”!

Paris Stone was interested in looks at Young Gon. After paying attention for a while, his eyes circulated in Luo and … Nick’s body.

He finally noticed something strange about Nick, that was the change immediately after Luo came in. In short, it was a deep-seated fear.

In this regard, Qiduo also noticed.

In fact, Nob and Morel have not yet made a detailed report on the crusade, only confirming the collapse of Chimera Ants, and the rest has to wait for the President to wake up.

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