Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 791

The gray wolf Chimera Ants is named Warwick.

The source of his ability is indeed related to the story of Grandma Wolf. From the perspective of ability effects, he lacks direct lethality.

This ability is deliberately set, mostly because Warwick’s pursuit is more offensive, and belongs to the type that likes to torture prey, rather than giving the prey a happy type.

Taking chase as an inducement, and then triggering the ability effect, the [identity card] is realized in the self and the prey body.

Grandma’s strawberry dress represents the wolf, and red hat represents the little red hood.

Those who are chased will be forced to wear little red hoods, and those who chase will naturally wear women’s clothing and become grandma wolves.

This style of wearing [ID] is not fixed. If Warwick becomes the person to be chased, he will be forced to put on a little red hood to change his position.

This ability is named: Grandma Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood.

If you think so, I can only say that it is totally wrong.

As an aggressive Chimera Ants, Warwick has adopted a special beloved name for his beloved ability. It is called hehe.

Warwick just loves the Mind Power that he developed, so he thinks the name is the most suitable, because it can often hang on his mouth.

After seeing Killua’s rather strange response, Warwick just felt that the pores in his body had been opened, and he was very comfortable.

“That’s it, that’s right, this is what I want to see, hehe.”

He wants to look at the prey to fall into the abyss of fear, and then slowly die in fear.

Just as Killua is now, the emotional appearance will only make him completely excited.

Young Gon also felt Killua’s extremely obvious flinch.

Although I don’t understand what happened, Killua like this is strange.

Killua’s Speed ​​slowed down, and Young Gon also slowed it down, almost side by side with Killua.

The pressure from behind has always been clear, and Killua seems to have lost the fighting intent.

If you continue like this …

Young Gon stopped suddenly and turned to face Warwick after him alone.

“Young Gon?”

Killua saw Young Gon’s move and subconsciously wanted to stop with him.

But … the body is still running forward.

I really … I want to stop!

Killua turned back, looking at Young Gon’s back, only feeling that his heart had been dug out.

One was still running, and the other stopped, and the distance was suddenly pulled away.

The distance is getting farther and farther …

[Will I leave Young Gon alone and escape? 】

Killua’s lips splattered with blood, but they bit out hard.

Young Gon couldn’t see Killua’s expression, his only eyes were Warwick with his tongue out.

His idea of ​​stopping was simple. Killua, who made his body heavier, ran as far as possible, and he was responsible for holding back, and he would catch up later.

“This is not good.”

Seeing Young Gon’s face stop without fear, Warwick’s eyes were cold, and his body muscles suddenly swelled, covering his body with strong gas.

Young Gon took a deep breath, and made a gesture style of rock-paper-scissors, facing Warwick coming straight.

A lot of gas accumulates on the fist pressed against the side, emitting bright rays of light.

Warwick didn’t seem to see the accumulated gas. Speed ​​suddenly skyrocketed, and a flash came to Young Gon.

“Since it is a trick that requires energy …!”

Warwick shot Young Gon in one hand and interrupted Young Gon’s trick.

“It shouldn’t have been so arrogant in person.”

Look at Young Gon flying upside down, Warwick’s eyes glowed with coldness, and he chased after his feet.

In fact, for him, only one prey is enough, and Killua’s performance is irreplaceable, so it doesn’t matter if another kid is dead or alive.

Young Gon flew out a dozen meters and landed heavily again.

“The other party can attack me.”

Young Gon got up quickly, the charge was just completed at not all, so there was still plenty of energy to defend before bearing that palm.

It’s just … Compared to Speed, which is a very exaggerated increase, this palm doesn’t seem to be strong.

Can’t think too much about it, the other party is coming again.

In just a few seconds, Warwick shot Young Gon again with an absolute Speed ​​advantage.

In a short period of time, Warwick overtook and shot Young Gon several times.

Such a strong offense did not seriously hurt Young Gon, let alone take his life.

“It always feels weird.”

Young Gon noticed the weirdness, and was shot again, and spit out a small amount of blood when he fell to the ground.

His body was dusty and looked rather woeful, but not serious enough.

“Is it a deliberate effort to satisfy interest, or is it not strong enough?”

Young Gon rolled over and stared at Warwick as he pursued.

Although the opponent showed great strength, Young Gon always felt that there was a chance to defeat the opponent.

“Try to find a way to hit him again!”

Young Gon was thinking in his heart.


But it was shot again by Warwick, and he smashed into a big tree immediately.

That many palms didn’t kill Young Gon, but Warwick was not surprised at all.

This has nothing to do with Young Gon being Enhancer, simply because Young Gon can face him without fear.

Negative emotions such as fear can weaken the speed, strength, and even damage of the prey. On the contrary, if the prey is fearless, the damage caused by the hunter will not only be weakened, but it will not give the prey a fatal blow.

This is the Strength of Rule contained in the Mind Power effect, and it is also the power of restriction.

However, even if the damage is weakened, as long as the number of attacks hits the target.

Shoot Young Gon alive, and have fun with Killua for a while.

This is Warwick’s plan, and there is no fear that Killua will run away. The red line connected to each other will allow him to track to Killua’s position.

As Warwick continued to move towards Young Gon and approached, Killua, who had been fleeing before, suddenly stepped in and got in the middle.

oh? ”

This scene surprised Warwick, and based on feedback from his ability effects, Killua seemed to be fighting a previously uncontrollable fear.

Seeing the misery of his companions and then vowing courage?

But to this extent, even without relying on the effect of the ability to amplify negative emotions such as fear, he can turn Killua into a vulnerable group.

Warwick was able to grasp Killua’s mental state clearly, and immediately coldly smiled, suddenly opened his mouth wide, exuding a momentum of Rin’s anger, and hurriedly pressed towards Killua.

The prey was so frightened that he could play Strength several times with just one punch, but he would not easily destroy the toy of Killua.

“Come on, attack me with your poor courage!”

Warwick just came to Killua’s face like no other, like a big mountain pressing on Killua’s body.

Killua’s eyes widened, his chest undulating and Kakuzu’s mouth exuding blood.

After seeing Young Gon beating in succession, he finally couldn’t stand his actions.

Leaving things like Young Gon … even if you die, you can’t do it!

With this in mind, Killua growled low, and the nails of the right hand suddenly became sharp and the current rushed like a snake.


Right hand stabbed Warwick’s chest like electricity, and with a low snoring, the pointed fingernails did not even puncture Warwick’s skin.

Killua paused for a moment, and finally the courage to summon the scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

Not far away, Young Gon, who saw this scene, also paused.

How could it be ineffective?

“hehe 嘿.”

Warwick’s face looked comfortable.

How can a prey that has been labeled as a “disadvantaged group” hurt the hunter?

Warwick certainly didn’t deliberately explain why.

Suddenly, the look on Warwick’s face freezes suddenly, and a bloodline appears inexplicably around his neck.

“Killua, why not escape?”

When Warwick lost control of his body, he heard a voice from behind.

When is it

He wondered in confusion.

“Brother, Elder Brother …”

Killua looks at Illumi standing behind Warwick Behind, with a look of panic on his face.

Illumi raised his hand and flew Warwick’s head away.


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