Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 789

For two full days and two nights, the gray wolf Chimera Ants did not attack at all, just hanging Young Gon and Killua from behind.

The gray wolf Chimera Ants has not weak strength, but he is not rigid and straight to the end, but a posture to torture the spiritual and sexual prey.

That seemed to be his interest, to slowly force the prey into the desperate situation, and then leave the prey with only 2 options.

Either die in silence, erupt in silence and die.

He didn’t know which of these two small prey would choose, and he was not in a hurry, but was enjoying it.

Young Gon and Killua saw this and attacked the gray wolf Chimera Ants several times, but the other party would only hide, even if they were hit in the front, they would only show a comfortable look, not even a bit of trauma.

You can’t run away, you can’t fight.

The behavior of the gray wolf Chimera Ants almost killed the Young Gon 2 people.

But is there any way to do this?

Who made them head-on was just this big wolf.

“There is no end to this bastard!”

Killua ran swiftly and glanced back at the following gray wolf Chimera Ants.

“He’s going to exhaust us,” Young Gon said.

The enemy has obvious wolf characteristics. The hunting style is quite similar to the wolf. They follow the prey and then attack when the prey is tired or slack.

The problem is that the wolf’s strength is not weak at all, and there is no need to do so.

“I want to kill him!”

There were several intersections on Killua’s forehead.

The deterrence shown by the gray wolf Chimera Ants is stuck at a point that cannot be missed.

It’s like tickling, but it doesn’t look deep enough.

So they gave Killua a sense of sight that they wouldn’t be killed by the other party, but they wouldn’t be killed either.

If not, the needles in Killua’s head would have worked, but there would still be the idea of ​​killing the other party.

“calm down!”

Seeing Killua’s expression, Young Gon quickly persuaded.

Killua certainly won’t mess around, moved towards Young Gon nodded, let him not worry.

Over the past two days, Killua and Young Gon had several unexpected attacks that did not work, and realized that the other side’s tricky.

In the end, Killua’s electric power was almost used up, and there was no time to recharge.

If this continues, 2 people are likely to be dragged alive.

To get rid of this crisis, one is called reinforcements, and the other is to cities with high population density.

The former can only call Luo, but maybe a slow remedy does not address the current emergency, because there is no news on Luo’s side like throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea.

The latter is that Young Gon can’t survive the hurdle in his heart. If the gray wolf Chimera Ants is introduced into the city, it will obviously kill a large number of people.

In desperation, the two could only run away with their heads fortunate, but fortunately their stamina was strong enough, and they could last for a while.

The gray wolf Chimera Ants stared at the two teenagers who were fleeing in front, with a grim look on their faces.

“2 cute little bunny, it’s time, hehe …”

The exaggerated tongue swept over most of his face, and the overflowing saliva was a bad stench.

In the sharp teeth, blood-red shreds could be easily seen.

A sense of thought emerged from the body of the gray wolf Chimera Ants, and instantly turned into a pink dress over his strong body.

The dress is dotted with a lot of red strawberry patterns, and the fluffy head is also covered with a pink turban, which is also clothed with strawberry patterns.

At the moment when the mental power fluctuated, Young Gon and Killua glanced back. After seeing the gray wolf Chimera Ants wearing a women’s clothing, they suddenly felt cold.

Noting the sight of the two people, the gray wolf Chimera Ants made another hehe laugh.

“This guy is so disgusting!”

Killua’s body shook slightly, and then expression changed, realizing that something was wrong.

He suddenly looked towards Young Gon, and Kakuzu suddenly drew.

I saw Young Gon wearing a red cloth hat on his head.

Young Gon also noticed that his body was getting heavier, and he immediately saw a red hat on Killua’s head.

2 people looked at each other in blank dismay, and immediately thought of Mind Power of the gray wolf Chimera Ants.


No need to remind each other, both of them gathered in their eyes, then saw the red hat extended with a catkin-like red silk thread, connecting the eyes of the gray wolf Chimera Ants.

“What is this ability?”

Killua looks at Gray Wolf Chimera Ants The beast’s eyes became a little reddish, his brows frowned.

The Mind Power used by the other party seems to be an instant system, but it also has the effect of Emitter. The preliminary guess should be the ability created by using the characteristics of the two types.

“His ability seems to be related to the story of Grandma Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood?” Young Gon remembered listening to a story told by Aunt as a child.

“What’s that?” Killua wondered.

“A fairy tale.”

Young Gon said as it should be by rights as he ran.

“Can a fairy tale be so perverted?” Killua said with a black face, and said quickly after the trough. “What is the story?”

“I don’t remember well.”

Young Gon stuck his tongue out.

Killua almost fell to the ground with a puppet.

Suddenly, the two people’s bodies trembled, gathered their feet at almost the same time, and then burst out, pushing their bodies forward.

But the wolf Chimera Ants split second who wore women’s clothing touched behind, and then stimulated them.

During that brief period, they even smelled the stench of the wolf Chimera Ants Paulie.

2 people are still at large, but they feel different.

There was sweat unconsciously on Killua’s face.

In the previous chase, the sense of threat from the gray wolf Chimera Ants was not strong. It was still acceptable, but it is different now.

At this moment, as if he was breathing poison qi, he could die at any moment.

This more intuitive and stronger sense of crisis made Killua completely eliminate the previous anger that wanted to kill the gray wolf Chimera Ants.

The enemy’s level is too high for him to fight.

Can only escape, escape …

“It’s a good thing to know how to be afraid, hehe.”

A cold voice came suddenly from my ears.

Killua’s face suddenly changed.


At the next moment, his body’s breath turned into a current, and his backhand swept to his side.

The gray wolf Chimera Ants has seen Killua’s ability long ago, paused to avoid this attack, and then smoothly followed.

The ugly face was printed on Killua’s face again, and then Killua heard what the other person said.

“It will drive you to make the right decision, for example you are so scared that you can only think of running away.”

“That’s right, hehe.”

The gray wolf Chimera Ants did not know why, and still did not attack Killua.

However, his actions created an illusion for Killua.

Just then, a ray of light was reflected from his side.

Young Gon’s fist wrapped in fancy moved towards Grey Wolf Chimera Ants.


The grey wolf Chimera Ants avoided his fist, but was rubbed a bit, and at the same time his belly was slightly bulging.

Young Gon saw this scene, but strangely, he didn’t have much time to think about it, and he hurried Killua.

The two barely distanced themselves again.

The Chimera Ants has been hiding, and has not actively attacked, but has constantly created the illusion that the two people can shoot at any time or attack at any time.

Creating constant pressure between life and death …

Young Gon can bear it, he thinks Killua can do it, because these 2 days and 2 nights are like this.

“Killua, maybe we have a way to defeat him!”

Young Gon was thinking about the bloating of Chimera Ants, the gray wolf, but he didn’t notice the current situation of Killua.

In just over ten seconds, Killua’s face was wet with sweat.

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