Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 784

spaceship braved the wind and rain, and then all the ant cocoons in the meat tree garden were transported away at the fastest speed.

At the end of the whole process, it was neat and clean, as if rehearsing countless times.

After a while, the spaceship went away.

Hunters Association, Deputy President’s Office.

Paris Stone slowly hung up the microphone, double-handed crossed against the chin, with a look of thought.

About the current situation of the Chimera Ants incident, he had about 70% of the intelligence, and Netero President was seriously injured and then teleportation, and he soon got first-hand news.

“It turned out … that survived.”

Paris Stone whispered to himself, not at all feeling sorry and sorry.

“As it stands, it’s better to die.”

This sentence is pun intended, and living in that state is a pain, and only when Netero dies will the restrictions on Biyang De’s body be lifted.

Paris suddenly got up and walked outside the office.

Regardless of whether Netero is dead or alive, with the advantages of the current situation, Paris Stone needs only a little operation to force the Netero President to step down.

And the ant cocoons running from the palace can be used as a hole card or as a toy. What determines this is the future trend.

The scattered Chimera Ants division Captain, 4 unknown firefighters, Chimera Ants directly under 3 guards, Ant King, roses in Netero’s body …

Everything is seen by Paris Stone

The flames went out in the rain, and the remaining smoke was quickly broken by the rain.

The corpse of Meru Aim turned into a pile of ashes.

Luo glanced up at the sky and said, “I’m back at the palace, how about you?”

Jin stood beside Luo, also looking at the sky, and said, “Go find a friend first, and the matter of President cannot be delayed for a long time.”

“Okay, then I’ll go to the palace.”

Luo moved towards the palace, waving his back to Jin.

Jin Minshou looked at Luo away, and then moved towards the opposite direction.

After this incident ended, Luo didn’t thank Jin because some things just need to be in his heart.

The pace of moving forward is gradually accelerating, as if the gears are accelerating, Luo was originally walking, but now it becomes a silhouette running in the rain.

After a while, he returned to the empty palace, and suddenly noticed that the prominent ant eggs in the meat tree garden were gone.

In this regard, he just glanced at one more and went directly to the welcome building where the wheat was.

Because in his opinion, it is more important to thoroughly digest the obsession left by Meru Aim.

No one can be seen in the grand palace. If there is no wind and rain sound, I am afraid it will be very cold and cold here.

Luo walked in the corridor and came to the gate after a while, then pushed in.

Before he went in, he used his ability to drain all the rain from the body, and he would not be rude at this moment.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, Wheat suddenly awakened from contemplation. He didn’t ask if he was back, but adjusted his posture, and immediately entered the state of chess.

Luo stepped up to the chessboard and immediately sat down, looking closely at the girl in front of which allowed Melu Aim to leave an obsession.

Wheat felt that someone was sitting in front of the chessboard, thinking that he was the commander in chief, but he didn’t know why he didn’t speak, so he took the initiative to say, “You are back.”

He can’t come back.

Luo thought silently in his heart, instead of responding to the words of wheat, he mobilized the muscles in his throat, changed his voice as much as possible, and then said, “The game is over.”


Despite the change in voice, Merueim couldn’t be perfectly reproduced, so Wheat suddenly heard it wrong.

After all, people who have lost sight have always been sharp.

Luo didn’t want to take the time to explain it, he just insisted on falling and said, “6-2-4, shoot.”

This is a chess game that has reached the middle of the game, and it is only a few steps away from the dead game. As long as the wheat does not make mistakes, it will lose no matter how it is played.

Honestly, I have received Ant King ’s obsession and chess skills. Now I ’m sitting here and looking at this game that is not far from the dead. Read.

But no matter what, what Luo had to do was finish the game and then digest Meloim’s obsession.

The chess game resumed, and wheat was in doubt, but he could only restrain it first, and held down.

“5-4-1, falling.”

Crackling, the sound of chess pieces falling crisp and sweet.

Luo not at all After thinking too long, immediately persevered.

Every move after this game is in Meru Aim’s thinking.

That was the thought of Meru Aim during the process of Nianlong taking him away, but it was a glimpse of vitality, but it was quite remote.

Soon, both sides played around 5-1 hands.

Wheat’s doubts melted like Haruyuki, and the person sitting in front of her was undoubtedly the General Manager.

Although it’s unclear how the sounds are a little different, conclusions can be drawn from a game of more than ten rounds of confrontation.

This is indeed the chief commander of authentic.

Then it was about ten hands, and the wheat drove Luo into a dead end.


Luo looks at the situation of the generals, somehow, but with a little regret.

Facing the iron-walled high wall built by wheat, Meru Aim really tried his best to think about all the ways, first of all found a line of vitality, and then stared at the winning opportunity.

Unfortunately, his opponent is wheat, with zero turnovers, which is a seamless chess game.

In the face of that kind of opponent, although Meru Ai took an extremely amazing step from the dead end, it is difficult to try to turn the tides.

Just as against Luo in that barren mountain, no matter how struggling and resisting, he can only be defeated by the stronger technique.

“Ah, the commander-in-chief’s 82nd move was really great. I almost broke my left wing. At that time, if I took a wrong step, the situation would immediately reverse.”

While talking happily, Mai organized the pieces on the board. As it should be by rights, all the pieces should be divided, and then continue to the next game.

Carefully put the pieces back on their own chessboard, and immediately waited for the general manager to start the layout.

A minute passed, and the other side of the chessboard remained motionless.

Maiton was puzzled, thinking that the general manager might be thinking about the chess game just now, so he waited patiently, without speaking, because he was afraid to disturb the general manager’s thinking.

At the other end of the board, Luo’s brows frowned.

The game is over, but Meloum’s obsession is still there.

“what happend?”

Luo was puzzled, wondering if he should continue?

If there were another 100, 1000 or even 10000, until he could win wheat, Luo would vomit blood.


Luo put out a breath, raised the index finger, and wrapped the thin black line around the nail.

“Then try again.”

Luo thought to himself, that is, the holder began to lay out.

The new game started quickly, and there was no doubt another wheat victory.

Ten games in a row, all wheat won the game.

As the opponent of wheat, although Luo was sitting here to accept Meru Aim’s chess skills, he was still subjectively Luo. Therefore, Luo deeply realized the power of wheat.

“The gap is too big.”

Luo looks at body The wheat that emits rays of light, thinking that if the condition to digest the obsession is to win the wheat, then it is probably unnecessary to think about it in this life.

But given the time, Luo didn’t want to give up easily.

“Come back.”

Luo said, and started to lay out.

At this moment, he heard wheat’s slightly doubtful words.

“Master, I seem to … see you.”

“En? Can your eyes see it?”

“No, just, it’s weird …”


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