Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 782

Even her legs were cut off, and Merueim completely lost her resistance.

But even when he saw the death, he didn’t want to fall down.

He, also did not finish the game.

“Chī! ”

A Blade Aura flashed and Meru Ai’s head rose into the sky.

In front of Luo’s overwhelming Strength, any of his resistance was futile.

When the head was beheaded, Meru Aim knew that he had stepped into Yellow Springs, not far from death.

But as a king, he had no fear, but was full of unwillingness.

also How can we fall here without doing something?

But despite being unwilling, it is still step by step towards death.

As with some of the food he sees, every human being has shown a strong will to survive, but what about the results?

The ingredients that have been placed on the chopping board are definitely not to escape the chopped kitchen knife.

Luo looks at flying to the head of the sky, contentedly retracting Allah into space.

This is the first time that he has experienced such a powerful state, and this is the last time, so he has to enjoy it for a limited time.

Now that he was satisfied, the battle was over.

Before Meruem’s head landed, Luo took Meruem’s heart.

In common sense, no matter how powerful Mind Power is, its internal organs are fragile. Even if it is as strong as Meru Aim, it cannot escape this common sense.

However, due to the constraints of the hand of God, Luo has to be honest and practical books to punish even if he has explosive apparent energy.


Meru’em’s head fell from the air to the ground, and rolled a few laps before stopping.

Just looking at Luo and the heart held in his hand.


A thunder in the clouds sounded, and wind and rain were loud.

“You can go die.”

Facing Meru Aim’s gaze, Luo called out the book and sealed the heart in it.

looks at this scene, Meru Ai knows he is completely general.

Dead …

That kind of thing, simply never thought about it a few minutes ago.

The essence of this World is weak are prey to the strong. To die in the hands of this human, just because you are not strong enough, so you deserve to die.

However, I don’t want to die here.

Meru Aim’s mind engraved a picture of wheat waiting quietly in front of the chessboard.

He stared at something suddenly in Luo’s eyes, but quickly suppressed it and made that thing disappear.

“I’m the king.”

He was so whispered, calm and calm.

Then Luo very simply wiped out Meru Aim’s heart.

The limbs scattered around, no signs of spits out blood.

A large amount of blood had also leaked from Meru Ai’s skull and neck, mixed with rainwater.

Deeply feeling the coming of death, Meru Aim’s eyes were terrifying calmly, without the slightest fear, but if you look carefully, you can see the depression under the calm.

That is, strongly unwilling.

Even if you suppress it with the identity and attitude of the king, you can’t completely erase the unwillingness.

Want to go back and continue playing …

The luster in Merlot’s eyes was like the glittering firefly Fire Insect in the night, and like a residual candle in the wind, it was about to go out.

Luo silent looks at this scene. The rising golden energy of the body decreases with the visible speed of naked eye.

As soon as the selected target dies, the operation mode will be canceled. Otherwise, if the mode is allowed to continue, it will take 5 minutes for Luo to lose power and die.

After a while, golden energy disappeared.

[Target has been destroyed …]

The cell phone and antenna that carried the fate of others shattered, turning into strands of dissatisfaction, dissipating in Heaven and Earth.

嗤 chi chi… ka ka ……

Luo was trying to get rid of Meruem’s body, and the skin around her body suddenly showed fine scars, and a lot of blood leaked out at once, and the bones kept clicking, and it seemed that the fine marks were cracked.


Luo calmly looked at his physical condition and felt that the cost was not serious.

After all, it is a move that can squeeze Strength in a short time, but this injury is nothing at all.

Luo tolerated the soreness, took out the remaining burnt fairy grass, twisted away a small part, and then merged within the body.

After a while, the blood stopped, and the injuries on the skin surface healed quickly, but the bones had to heal for a while. After all, the area covered was too large.

It only takes a few seconds to do this.

Luo looked towards Meru Aim’s body, and took out the flintstone from the Black Cat space, trying to burn Meru Aim’s body.

Although it is clear that Meru Aim’s body can bring him a lot of benefits, Luo has never been able to use Meru Aim as a ingredient.

The level in my heart can’t be overcome.

The slightest thoughts emerged from the palm of his hand, and Luo’s eyes suddenly changed when he was about to remove the flintstone fragments.

Suddenly, Meru Aim’s lifeless head floated out of 10000 1000 silk threads, and in the blink of an eye merged into a dark resentment, hovering quietly above.

For some reason, he did not attack Luo.

“Resentment, but …”

Luo looks at the tenacious grudge that was more than Neferpitou, ecstasy flashed in his eyes, and he was immediately puzzled.

According to past experience, once the enemy has resentment after death, he will immediately attack himself, but Meru Aim’s resentment is just floating, even giving Luo an illusion.

The grudge seemed to be facing away from himself, and the direction he was facing was the capital palace.

“What’s going on?” Luo wondered.

At this time, Mel’em’s grievances flew out against the wind and rain.

Seeing this, Luo still cares about the body’s injury, and flung on that grievance like a tiger and wolf, and then started the white smoke font unceremoniously.

Suddenly, the grievances in the ink color changed drastically and seemed to be struggling fiercely. However, the white smoke font was the nemesis of grievances. No matter how the grievances struggled, they could only be separated from the trickle. body.

As grievances flowed into the body, Luo felt cold, but soon there was a hint of warmth.

At the same time, the value shown by the white smoke font rose in shua shua, and something started to grow in Luo’s head.

“It’s Ant King’s obsession.”

Luo quickly understood why the grievance did not attack him.

According to Meru Aim’s character and viewpoint, if he is killed by the enemy, he will not hate the enemy at all, but only think that it is the consequence of his own lack of strength.

Therefore, after being killed, it is basically impossible to leave a grudge.

The reason why he now has grievances is that he wants to go back to fulfill his agreement with Wheat.

The game was not finished yet, and he also said to Wheat that he would wait for his return. The most important thing is that before he died, he thought of playing chess.

Silence absorbs resentment, and silence absorbs Merueim’s obsession.

After a while, all the grievances were absorbed, and the value of Mind Power skyrocketed to 97%.

At this time, a silhouette came here, but it was gold.

He saw the remains of Ant King on the ground, and Luo who stood still in the rain with his eyes closed, complexion changed slightly, and was worried.

Luo body’s blood was washed away by rain, but it didn’t spread too far, and gathered around Luo’s feet.

Kim saw it and rushed to Luo at the fastest speed.

Seeing to be aware of the arrival of Jin, Luo suddenly opened his eyes at Jin and asked, “Do you think there will be a soul after death?”

Hearing Luo’s question, Jin almost turned out of Byakugan, and the worry in his heart disappeared instantly.

He looked up and down Luo, Kaidou: “You suddenly asked me such a philosophical question, but I really couldn’t answer it for a while, or should I think about it first?”


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