Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 769

In this worm game, the damage can only be caused by the phenomenon of substances in the flower garden, but the effect of Lin Fan Nai Quan is to read spiritual information, so it can work.

This can also be included in Shaiapouf’s hole card list, so Shaiapouf has 100% confidence to crush the gold.

However, Kim’s response was not in Shaiapouf’s prediction.

When he made that commentary and explained the details, it is reasonable to say that Kim should keep calm and not cover a word, and then put on a layer of camouflage to prevent leaking more information.

But Kim didn’t do that, but admitted it quite simply.

That is certainly not a bluff or an opportunity to report false information, but a sincere answer.

In this regard, Shainpouf is extremely certain through Linfenai Aiquan.

“Confidence, and psychological quality? Are you showing me that psychological pressure doesn’t work for you? I said that you picked the wrong person.”

Shaiapouf looks at Gold surrounded by scale powder and still calm, thinking silently in his heart, immediately opened the water drop card.

“No knot silkworm, the effect cannibalize.”

Tone barely fell, the worm brand turned into a fat white silkworm, at the same time, the golden within flew out of a ray of light and came to the front of the white silkworm, but it was a green bamboo leaf Belly Worm.

The white silkworm opened its mouth and bite on the belly-like wings of the bellyworm.

“Sure enough, in your 3 strategy cards, in addition to the Ming brand leaf worm, there is also a bamboo leaf worm that is immune to the damage caused by toxins.” Shaiapouf looks at Bamboo worm that is slowly eaten by white silkworms.


Kim also praised the bamboo leaf gastrodia that were eating away at at.

Worm cards with a toxin effect are effective means to reduce hp. The types are usually continuous water drop cards, and there are a few instant poisonous sun cards.

However, as long as a bamboo leaf worm is inserted into the strategy card slot, when the enemy uses a poison card, the bamboo leaf worm will immediately activate the effect, destroying any poisonous effect in the enemy’s hand. Worm.

in other words, if there are 20 toxin cards in the Shaiapouf deck, when he uses one of the toxin cards, a chain reaction will occur, and other toxin worm cards will be destroyed.

The arthropods used by Shaiapouf are natural enemies of bamboo leaf worms. After use, they will destroy bamboo leaf worms after 3 rounds. It is like a ladybug that uses gold to remove the armor when it starts. same.

As long as 3 rounds have passed, King’s resistance will drop directly to zero.

“In this case, you should also know that my deck is structured. This is equivalent to a clear card, but after 3 rounds, you have no chance of winning.” Shaiapouf’s eyelids drooped slightly, and Rin did.

This method of directly using various high-level worm brands without trial is subject to great risks.

If there is no bamboo leaf belly bug in the gold strategy card slot, then Shaiapouf’s arthropod will be wasted for nothing. This worm card counts as a chip mp and a card mp with a total value of 25 Gundam.

In this game, King 鈥檚 mp value is 100 points, so Shaiapouf 鈥檚 mp value is 350 points.

Although the difference in mp values 鈥嬧€媔s the foundation of Shaiapouf, it cannot deny the insight and decision-making power of Shaiapouf.

Since the beginning of this game, Shaiapouf has been constantly taking the lead, as if opening a perspective hanging.

However, when he used a nosed silkworm, he also revealed to Jin that the structure of his own deck was mostly toxins.

“Can I ask you a question?” Jin said suddenly.

Shaiapouf without the slightest hesitation Kaidou: “I refuse to answer.”


Kim Nodded asked unaffectedly: “Since you have deduced the number of my worms, you probably know my mp value? If I guessed well, the difference between our mp value is about 3 times. “

“So I’m curious. Your mp value is an absolute advantage. If you want to end the battle as soon as possible, you won’t choose the toxin warfare method? After all, it is too slow.”

“…” Shaiapouf heard a silence.

“At this time, you should be thinking, I have this inference, why should we waste limited conditions and prepare a bamboo leaf belly worm intentionally?” Kim smiled smiled.

Shaiapouf’s eyes froze slightly, and he was right, that was exactly the question he had just raised.

“This can also be explanation. I really guessed your hole card, but I used the guess as a motive to prepare the bamboo leaf bellyworm. There will inevitably be great risks, accidentally will have given away a bride, to lose one’s. army on top of it. “

“So, are you thinking, my deck is also mainly toxins? And your strategy card slot is not at all bamboo leaf gastrodia, and some of them are only strategy cards that increase the effect of toxins? Then I am Start playing Poison cards and you will be 3 rounds ahead of you. “

“…” Shaiapouf.

Seeing Shaiapouf didn’t respond, Jin smiled and summoned a sunshine card.

“Instant toxin card? Are you going to get rid of my resistance first, and then slowly apply it?”

Shaiapouf was sneaked in his heart, and he had to admit that what Kongou had said was all correct, but then, it was nothing more than futile struggle.

Even if the deck of gold is also a toxin warfare, it can indeed lead by 3 rounds from then on, but don’t forget that he has an absolute number of hands.

Moreover, his attack cards and strategy cards are all for the poisonous tactics.

If you want to fight attrition, it is pure courting death.

“Little bee, buzzing tail pin.”

Gold turned over the sunshine card and suddenly a cute little bee flew over and pierced Shaiapouf’s cheek.

Along with the trivial pain, Shaiapouf’s cheeks swelled with a bag. At the same time, the 100 hp was deducted by 1 point, which also showed that Shaiapouf’s blood volume was without armor.

The little bee is the weakest attacking card in the flower garden. It has a single effect and only a little damage. It can be called a chicken rib. It is purely used to waste the number of rounds. The only advantage is fixed damage.

In other words, no matter what line of defense the hostile player sets, as long as the bee buzzes, it will definitely cause a little damage.

It’s not a poisonous sunshine card, but … Buzzzz ~?

Shaiapouf touched the swollen face, and his face seemed to be covered by a layer of shadows. Gloomy and coldly said: “Are you insulting me?”

If Kim is also a toxin warfare, then using the small bee Buzzzz ~ at this time is equivalent to wasting a round of time to humiliate him.

“You misunderstood.” Jin pointed to the scales around her body, and said seriously: “I want to win your mood, these scales should be able to testify for me, right? Besides, it’s okay to tell you in advance, I will use small Bee Buzzzz ~ Polish your hp. “

Shaiapouf’s eyes were completely cold.

According to Lin Fanai’s feedback, Jin did not have lie.

Just … Want to kill me with 100 rounds?

Shaiapouf burst out laughing, and then coldly said, “You’re dreaming.”

Tone barely fell, and summoned a soil card.


The golden look at the worm brand with the soil pattern on it, said sincerely: “The victory and defeat of the worm brand is itself the most exaggerated dream.”

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