Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 766

After all, Yupi didn’t like to read and study like Neferpitou and Shaiapouf, so he just felt that there was a physical problem, not at all immediately.

The three of Kate were experienced and knowledgeable, and it was immediately determined that Yupi had an unknown toxin, and the toxicity was terrifying. With Yupi’s monster-like physique, it took more than ten seconds to work.

No wonder Luo just took a picture of Yupi’s ankle at that time, it turned out to break the toxin into Yupi within the body.

However, with Yupi’s defense, you can do it with bare hands …

Just a few moments, not only did Yupi begin to emit blood, but even his skin exuded a lot of blood, and when he noticed that his body was abnormal, he had lost the opportunity to move.

Only then did he react, and he had been poisoned without realizing it.

Thinking of this, Yupi yelled angrily, disregarding the situation of within the body, released the highest power, and immediately rushed to Luo near several dozen meters.

Unfortunately, when Youpi concentrated on recovering from the injury, the toxin had completely attacked, causing his movements to become extremely stiff, and his Speed ​​was greatly weakened.

Despite this, Yupi rushed to Luo with blood on his face, angry and sullen.

If his eyes could kill people, Luo would have become a pile of minced meat.

looks at Yupi’s mortal counterattack, Luo looks calm, releases the realm, and covers Yupi.

Naked eye The visible air mass twisted, covering the head of Yupi’s drenched with blood, but it was useless.

“The invisible sniper can easily pinch the heads of ordinary people in the air. Even the low-powered Mind Power can’t resist it, but for the good-powered Mind Power, it is just a rib, and if the Speed ​​is fast enough, basically No way. “

Looks at unspoiled Yupi, Luo silently put away the invisible sniper attack effect.

Although it is poisoned, the mental power surrounding the body surface is not a decoration, and the invisible effect is normal.

“Slow down.”

Luo murmured in his heart.

I saw that the action was stiff. Speed ​​was unpleasant. It was like hitting the slow speed light twice, and the momentum rushed over was ruthlessly weakened.

5 meters, 4 meters …

3 meters, 2 meters …

Luo just stood in place, looking at the bloody face that seemed to burst out of his eyes and protruding veins, whispering to himself: “30 seconds.”

Immediately, Yupi fell unconsciously at Luo’s feet.

The distance of 2 meters became a gulf that he couldn’t cross before he died.

Seeing Yupi fall, Luo couldn’t help sighing how fierce Ka Luo pulled the snake eye toxin.

It was the toxin that he brought back from the dark continent, which was extracted from a snake eye called Luo Luo snake. It was extremely toxic and could cause the poisoned person to have crazy bleeding symptoms in a short time.

He thinks Yupi’s physical quality is terrifying, even if he is poisoned, it can last for a few minutes, and didn’t expect to hang in 30 seconds.

Look at Yupi’s body, Luo looked expectant.

After a while, Yupi’s body remained motionless.

“Have no complaints …”

Luo could not help but look disappointed and a little bit regretful. He should have humiliated Yupi just now, maybe he could provoke resentment.

That’s it, thinking that many is useless.

Outside of the war zone, Kate 3 people looked at Yupi’s body.

Enemies so powerful fell down like this, feeling dreamy and unreal.

Subsequently, their three people saw Luo’s finger pop out of several fire stars, which fell on Yupi’s body and blood, and immediately started a raging fire.

The fire star and the fire that came out of nowhere were the means that Luo had used in the battle before, and it was used to burn the corpse at this moment.

Vaguely, the three of Kate guessed the reason.

“The fuel should be enough.”

Luo glanced at Yupi swallowed by the flame.

Without mental protection, the fleshhy body alone is difficult to withstand high temperatures.

The reason why the fire was deliberately set on fire was to clear the card Luo snake poison in Eupe’s body and blood. Although it was diluted with a large amount of blood, it was still not weakly toxic and was burned for future trouble.

With the attention of Kate’s 3-member group, Luo flashed and came to them.

Morel and Kate looked towards Luo’s eyes full of admiration, Nob’s eyes were not so simple to admire, as if looking at a great god.

Facing the three people’s different eyes, Luo expression calmed down and said, “Kim should be able to solve the remaining one of the immediate guards. I’m going to Netero. You are here to stand by.”

As soon as the words fell, they did not give three people any chance to speak, and headed directly to the south.

Looks at Luo Back, 3 people are silent.

Kate thought silently: this is Luo’s strength.


Morel said to himself sincerely, and then it seemed to remind him of something. He immediately looked towards Nobu, who was seriously injured, and thought that he would get Nobu to be treated as soon as possible.

Then his face shuddered.

He saw the luster flowing in Nob’s eyes, looking at Luo who was looking away.

Why did that look give him a weird feeling?

In other words, this is the first time he has seen Nob perform this way.

An empty place surrounded by rocks.

Zeno’s Nianlong came over here, and eventually broke up because Energy was depleted.


Netero naturally knew what was going on, expressionless allowed the body to fall freely, while Ant King started slightly, and then calmly landed.

2 people one after the other landed, splashing dust.

Netero stared at Ant King seriously, but the latter looked casually at his surroundings.

“There are no crowds or houses here, and you can do whatever you want,” Netero said indifferently.

Ant King turned back, looking at Netero, calmly said: “looks at is very desolate, as a burial place, I’m wronged by you.”


Netero and Kakuzu jumped to a crossroads, said with a sneer: “Who is the place of burial?”

“You can’t win me.” Ant King did it right.

“You haven’t tried it yet, how can you know the result, you don’t know anything about my strength?” Netero’s eyes shrouded in a shadow, exuding rays of light unique to the mind.

Ant King silently looked at Netero, who was about to enter the fighting state, and said after a moment of silence, “You don’t look like a mediocre old man who can’t see the situation.”

The meaning of this sentence is equivalent to whether you can win. Isn’t there a point in your heart?

Netero’s response style is double-handed, which naturally dangles to the left and right.

He didn’t come out, but his attitude was already clear.

Ant King saw this but did not respond at all, and still said in a calm tone: “I can see that you, like her, have some kind of extreme talent, and it is inevitable that you will die here.

“So, as long as you acknowledge allegiance, I can let you go.”

Netero’s eyes narrowed, and a terrible expression appeared on his old face.

He knew who she was in Ant King’s words and could hear Ant King was serious.

But it is this kind of serene seriousness that makes people feel blocked.

“Ant, you now, but one arm is missing.” Netero faintly said.

Ant King heard the words, raised his right hand, and tapped on the broken arm. Differently said: “To deal with you, one arm is enough.”

But this is the beginning of Guang Zuo Chen Cang, not the real dead end.

Hearing Ant King’s words, Netero laughed in vain.

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