Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 763

Resentment like ink, hovering around Neferpitou’s body for a few moments, and then incarnation into a dark Kuroko.

Lines of ink dangled from Kuroko’s imaginary steel hand, tied to Neferpitou’s body.

[Can’t let Luo approach the king. 】

[So, kill! 】

In that pure resentment, there was only such a conviction, so under Kuroko’s unintended manipulation, Neferpitou’s body slowly rose up like a real puppet.

On the muddy cheeks, Silk Black Qi swells, and within both eyes is even darker. It does not look like a black hole, but instead looks like a round black bead, inexplicable.

Hong long!

A thunder blast sounded without warning in the rolling dark clouds.

At the moment the thunder sounded, Neferpitou’s body moved, and it was still a monotonous slam. Although she lost her arms, she also had a tooth.

Crushed Luo’s neck.

From the swift moving body, we can easily see such thoughts.

The volatility is so obvious that the white smoke font has long given a reminder.

When Neferpitou’s corpse flew over, Luo turned abruptly, and stretched out his right hand quietly, such as touching between lovers, gently covering Neferpitou’s cheek.

Then, the muscles above Luo’s arm swelled up instantly, and the blue muscles appeared under the sleeves.

With a sharp jerky arm, Neferpitou’s body was pressed firmly into the ground.

With a loud noise, the ground cracked like a spider’s web.

Immediately after, there were a few sparks in glittering gaps in Luo’s palm, but there was no sign of a burst of fire, engulfing Luo’s palm and Neferpitou’s head in the sky.

The fire nearby was shining Luo’s cheeks.

“Without double-handed, what can you do?”

As the flames raged, Luo looked down at the wolf’s corpse at Neferpitou and whispered to himself.

White smoke font starts!

The extremely pure and extremely terrifying resentment suddenly turned into a trickle into Luo’s body.

At the same time, the value of the Mind Power, which was rising very slowly, went up rapidly in units of 01%.

“En? This is Speed ​​…”

Luo followed the values ​​in the white smoke font. Rao was as firm as iron, and could not help but be taken aback.

For so long after obtaining the white smoke font, in the years he traveled with Lin Nie, he used the name of a scrimmage teacher, absorbing grievances in 4 places, and also absorbed 2 thoughts on the dark sonata. I saw this once.

Is it because the number is too large, so it must be absorbed in a trickle style?

Luo was unclear, but was pleasantly surprised.

Since breaking through 80%, the rise is really too slow. At this moment, the speed increase is like winning the [777] slot machine.

As a result, Luo waited patiently until the value of the flintstone fragments burned out, and the value had not stopped rising.

At this moment, Neferpitou’s head turned into a ball of coke, and Luo’s right hand was protected by a whole piece of burnt grass, not at all with any local burns.

Kuroko, who emerged above Neferpitou, had no idea, but collapsed to the point where he had only a broken body.

A few minutes passed, Luo absorbed all the grievances, and his mental strength finally stopped at 89%.

Over 90% …!

Before the final promotion level, the breakthrough in this section also made Luo feel some differences.

Suddenly, Neferpitou’s soul-deep voice sounded in Luo’s head.

[Can’t hurt the king! 】

[Can’t hurt the king! 】

[Can’t hurt the king! 】

The echoes between the valleys resounded in Luo’s head.

“Is this the side effect of too much resentment?”

Luo looked down at the body of the skull into coke, shook his head slightly, just gathered spiritual, and with no difficulty wiped out the side effects of Neferpitou’s pure and powerful grudge.

Compared to the ticks of the dark continent, the ringing of the two-tailed snake’s hell, the noise of the horn vocalist, the seeds of rosemary, the barking of coffins …

With this level of spiritual attack, Luo didn’t look at it at all.

At this point, the last remnant left by Neferpitou’s death was thus erased by Luo.

“Nearly 91%.”

Luo raised his hand and shook it firmly, feeling the change in his body, and Kakuzu’s mouth showed a smile.

“Thanks for the hospitality.”

Thank you to Neferpitou, who had nowhere to live, and then stared at Neferpitou’s body like this, and even a ** was produced.

Resentment is so great, what about the body?

The thoughts could not help but surfaced, and Luo was immediately wiped out.

Compared to Chimera Ants, Neferpitou’s image and behavior are more like a human, so Luo really can’t cross the level of his heart, and has already received Dabu’s resentment …

Luo quickly moved his eyes and looked in the direction where Ant King and Netero were leaving.

After a while, he looked down towards his left shoulder again.

“It is not necessary to use the word of God to suppress it now.”

With this in mind, Luo reached out and tore open the left sleeve, revealing the smooth left shoulder, which was covered with obscure and complicated characters.

In order to suppress the disaster brought back from the dark continent, not only must the arm be sealed in the book and a restriction be engraved, but also the ability of the god character can be equivalent to scoring a part of the mind to suppress it all the time.

Now, Luo feels the effect of breaking through 90% deeply, and thinks that it is no longer necessary to expend mental energy to maintain the effect of God’s Word.


Raise your hand and press it on the smooth incision to erase the written god character, and then retract your hand like an electric shock.

In that moment, dozens of toothpick thin, unknown objects emerged from the incision of the flesh and bone, and the body was slender, much like the nematode among parasites.

After the black-and-white tentacles popped out, Luo drove his mind, simply and rudely squeezing the tentacles back.

“Hu, it’s so much easier.”

Luo put out a breath, the book of the hand of God automatically appeared, and the white veins on the book cover, like the light and dark when breathing light, gradually became black.

“As long as you are honest, I will keep the promise.”

Luo looks at The white veins on that book cover were half blackened, and the book was revoked.

That sentence just said to the black cat still asleep.

“Next, before Netero loses …”

Luo made up his mind and headed south, that’s where Ant King and Netero left.

Just then, a strong mental wave erupted somewhere in the palace.

Luo frowned, stepped on empty steps, and quickly came to the top of the tallest tower, and then saw the source of the fluctuation of mental power, which is directly under the 3 guards.

Nob was seriously injured, Kate had a broken arm, and Morel had lost his cigarette rod.

Also, Zeno was avoiding Yuppy’s attack in an oblivious manner, and the situation seemed bad.

Looks at this scene, Luo hesitated.

If you are going to deal with Yupi, it may delay the fighter and kill Netero, but if you go directly to the south, Morel will be very dangerous, and Kim does n’t know how long it will take to resolve Shaiapouf.

After all, approach the fire first.

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