Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 761

A deliberate attack fails, which is equivalent to missing the best opportunity …

Nobu’s body flew out like a disconnected kite.

Just die like this …

This is a word that emerged in remorse.

Even in the end, Nob was still running away, thinking of dying like this, and paying for his mistakes.

He suffered a hurricane blow from Yupi, even if he was in a hurry, and directly caused Nob to be seriously injured. If he fell to the ground well, I am afraid that he would die due to 2 injuries.

Nob thought about dying like this, but fate would obviously not make him succeed.

The direction in which he flew out was exactly where Morel was, so Morel controlled the smoke like a reflection, created a soft bed, and caught Nob.

Only the soft, unbreakable smoke bed can remove the force of Nob’s body and protect it from 2 injuries.

Nobu realized something when he was caught in the smoke, and he exhausted his last strength and said to Sorry I was sorry.

However, his words only came out, and the loud noise formed when the tower fell to the ground drowned his voice.

That apology full of regret and regret did not get into Morel’s ears.

This may be punishment.

Nob’s head turned aside, his consciousness was clear, but his body was no longer listening, and he lost his ability to speak.

Although the ground was wet after the rain, when the tower fell to the ground, there was still a burst of smoke.

Morel didn’t know the situation of Yupi and Kate, while Nobu was seriously injured and unable to move even a little bit.

Judging by the situation, Morel gritted his teeth hard and without hesitation, moved Nob as far away as possible.

At this point, Nob could not even hurt his ability. In order to avoid being affected by the following battles, Morel could only send Nob out of the circle.

Because Kate and Yupi were so close, Morel didn’t leave too far, put Nob away from 100 meters away, and immediately returned to the battle circle.

Immediately, he saw Kate with a broken left arm, covered with bumps of various sizes, and Kip, who was standing silent on the building ruins.

“what happened?”

Morel dull looks at Yupi whose figure has been reduced by several laps. From the perspective of the figure alone, there is no monster-like oppression.

However, Morel felt a stronger threat than before.

Just a few seconds after he moved Nob, what happened?

Like Morel, it’s Kate.

When he got out of the ruins, Yupi, who had basically returned to the original position, stood 5 6 meter away in front of him. The position of the shoulder bone that had been erased by Nobu had now returned to the original.

However, Yupi not at all continued to attack him.

This did not make him very clear, but soon, his consciousness became more terrifying.

Angry enemies and calm enemies, which of the two are more terrifying, now faced with Kate Yup at a close distance has got the answer.

Indeed, the easily irritated monster actually went to another extreme, from anger to calmness.

“No chance …”

Kate could not help but come to such a conclusion.

The next moment, his nerves were strained to the extreme.

“Oh, I see.”

Yupi suddenly whispered something, and his body restored to its original volume changed again, but this time is no longer a swelling filled by anger, but a local deformation of the right hand arm.

The red stout arm became a long spear with a bad-faced head in the muscles’ peristalsis, and on that head was covered with small faces.

The gun sticked out of Paulie’s mouth, with no metallic temperament, only full flesh and eyes.

Immediately after, the left arm also changed, but it was a murderous aura full of flesh sickle. It seemed that metal elements were extracted from within the body, and the blade of the sickle was glittering with a cold metallic luster.

After local changes in both arms, Yupi raised the long spear of the right hand arm calmly, instead of aiming at Kate, which was close to 5 meters away, but aimed at Morel who came over.

A solid beam of mental energy radiated from that muzzle and headed towards Morel’s nose.

Morel was so frightened that he had time to lift the cigarette rod and block it in front of him.

The light beam strikes on the thick round cigarette holder. With a burst, Morel flew out 2 meters, and when it fell to the ground, the cigarette rod was broken.

The absence of a pipe is equivalent to sealing Morel’s tobacco control capabilities.

Scythe and long spear, the weapons Kate showed.

Perhaps affected by it, Yupi also developed his own abilities.

The shadow of death, that shrouded above Morel and Kate’s head.

Yupi’s mouth opened wide, revealing full of sharp teeth. At first, he felt that Morel and Kate were embarrassed, but at the moment, he didn’t think so.

Suddenly, he noticed another uninvited guest, and when looking at it, he was a white-haired old man standing on the top of the building.

Yupi is sure that this old man is also one of the Incursio, but it is strange that this old man body not at all reveals the slight fighting intent.

This old man is Zeno who sent away Netero and Ant King. According to the contents of the commission, his mission has been completed, so he is hesitant to try to assist Morel and Kate who are in a dead end.

Because he is more inclined not to shoot, Yupi will not feel the slightest fighting intent.

Fighting against strong enemies is the fastest way to increase your strength.

Neferpitou was severed with one arm, but he also developed new abilities on the spot to facilitate later combat.

The broken arm was stomped on the sole of the foot by Luo, and the fragments of rays of light kept overflowing.

Neferpitou wasn’t stupid, and soon noticed that something was wrong. While wondering, he converged the mental output on the broken arm.

Immediately, she saw Luo show a faint smile, and then, that powerful human, took the initiative to retreat for 3 rounds.

“His ability …?”

Neferpitou’s eyes were skeptical, and the skepticism that emerged after his arm was severed was explained in the next second.

In front of Neferpitou, Luo summoned the book, sealed the broken arm in the book, and sanctioned without the slightest hesitation.


Neferpitou’s severed arm immediately burst into blood.

It doesn’t matter!

Neferpitou’s eyes in this brief moment are like sharpened sharp knives.

Suture, close up.

The thoughts were just together. The puppet teacher suspended in behind moved his hand and stopped the blood at the broken arm.

She then launched the attack, choosing the most dangerous offensive trajectory, the empty orbit.

The volley flew up, like a cat gathering all its strength and jumping.

Being in the air is powerless to change direction, so it is especially dangerous when you are not sure.

Luo raised his hand, the book disappeared instantly, and Allah was in his hand instantly.

Instead of summoning General White jade, he was more than ten meters forward at Teleport, then jumped up and slashed to the other arm of Neferpitou.

You can choose the neck, but Luo chose the arm, because Neferpitou had just cut off one of his arms. Presumably Neferpitou was aware of his Mind Power.

If you choose to cut your head, it is estimated that Neferpitou can also control the body without stagnation, and attack perfectly.

Just as the long knife was about to chop Neferpitou’s arm, the sharp doll suspended in behind moved his palm, and saw Neferpitou’s unreasonable change of direction on the empty track, avoiding Luo’s knife.

Immediately after, her body traced a “v” trajectory, raised the only right hand arm, and stabbed a claw towards the left side of Luo’s empty chest.

If this claw can be pushed in, it will certainly break up the internal organs in an instant.

Neferpitou’s weird change in the air made Luo startled, but he also responded in time.

General white jade appeared instantly!

In the same way as [Homecoming], no matter if Luo’s long sword fails or hits, General White Jade can be summoned for second stage defense or attack.

As soon as he slashed, Neferpitou was cut off.

In a confrontation, Luo gathered his eyes and calmly glanced at the puppet division above Neferpitou’s head.

General White jade’s knife was cut on Neferpitou’s claw, because the division puppet adjusted Neferpitou’s attack in time. Otherwise, the knife should be able to cut on Neferpitou’s arm bone.

Vaguely, Luo saw General White Jade’s shadow from the puppet division’s usage.

In a sense, General White jade is the shadow of Luo, which appears when necessary, giving the enemy a one-two feel.

The doll division that controls Neferpitou, also like the shadow of Neferpitou, is divided into 2 hearts to use, which improves the fault tolerance rate in battle.

“The purpose of using” hidden “to eliminate the existence of puppet division is to hide the weaknesses. In this case, more severe restrictions should be set so that the enemy cannot see the puppet division.”

Luo whispered to himself.

In just one round of confrontation, he discovered the weakness of the puppet division.


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