Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 755

Neferpitou can be taken away so easily, thanks to Ant King’s bright future.

If he could, Luo didn’t want to leave there. In short, if he planned to stay on track, he wouldn’t know what Netero would do next.

Regardless of the process, Luo wants to do only two things, one is to eliminate the threat from Chimera Ants, and the other is to save Netero’s life.

If Netero can really take Ant King to another battlefield, he can kill Neferpitou at the fastest speed.

Luo walked ahead, although his back was facing Neferpitou, but his anger was not so casual.

With each step you take, you gain momentum.

After walking a distance, the grave expression in Neferpitou’s eyes became more intense.

They walk on top of the corridor arc, one after the other, like a couple walking in the drizzle.

However, if an ordinary person touches the aura easily, it will definitely be wiped out of consciousness.

A place in the courtyard, Yupi transformed in roar.

The red body swelled several times, and each muscle seemed to blow to the extreme balloon, making the whole body deformed.

Strips of petal-like tentacles extend from Yupi behind with open and numerous eyeballs open, and the same is the cricket head that is also full of eyeballs.

This genetic mutation has completely changed his body and acquired some biological functions.

The large number of eyes directly gave him 365-degree vision of Kakuzu, so he noticed Neferpitou and a human walking on the top of the arc.

At that moment, Yupi was distracted.

When Neferpitou came out, wasn’t there no guard around the king.

At the moment when he walked away, a sharp Blade Aura came across.

With a slap, blood flowers 4 splashed and 3 petal tentacles broke in response.

The man in action was Kate, holding a Shinigami sickle.


Yupi came back to his senses, but without any remorse.

He knew that what he had to do now was to kill these humans as soon as possible, and then return to the king.

Under the amazement of Kate, Morel, and Noble, Yupin’s cut incision was perturbed for a while, but it stopped the blood and grew again.

“Good and efficient regeneration ability.” Kate was startled, and could not help but think of a worm with fast-growing ability.


Yupi’s roar was not weak, so Luo and Neferpitou could naturally hear it, but they did not respond to it.

Taking Neferpitou to the empty ground on the other side, Luo stopped and turned around.

“Just here.”

When Luo’s tone barely fell, Neferpitou’s pupils shrank sharply, almost pinpointing.

Suddenly she leaped backwards and opened her arms, her palms slightly bent down, a standard crane-winged posture.

It wasn’t until he jumped more than ten meters that Neferpitou realized that Luo was still there, but he had a rusty long knife in his hand.

Just now, the extremely keen senses made Neferpitou react excessively.

Because Luo’s anger is so sharp now, exuding an extremely dangerous meaning, such as sharpening the sharp knife to the sharpest level, so that he only called out a long knife, but Neferpitou seemed to feel that Luo suddenly drove the knife.

The hair is slightly raised, and the breath of the body is released to the maximum.

Neferpitou looks at Luo, who is immovable, despite her lack of combat experience, but her instincts are telling her that she can no longer continue to be passive. Only a tough attack can break the momentum created by the opponent.

With almost no thought, Neferpitou rushed over.

Not like a cat, but like a leopard, the pair of straightened paws glittering with a cold sheen.

Luo instantly summoned General White Jade with a long knife.

In that extremely rapid change, Neferpitou’s vision suddenly reflected a large amount of white light.

It was just too late to see a huge humanoid figure, and then saw that the long knife came with severe light, but it was a swing-type slash with a good distance.

There is no room for thought between the electric light and flint.

But Neferpitou responded in the shortest time possible.

Her offense immediately turned into defensive, lifting the sharpened claw forward, blocking the slash of the sword.


A loud iron crash sounded.

A long knife made of mental force was cut over the sharp claw of Neferpitou, and it burst into bursts of fireworks.

The circular air wave blasted out five times in succession, and Neferpitou’s upper body was slammed back by the strong Strength, spun up, flew out like a shell, and flew out of the palace in an instant.

After the potential energy weakened, Neferpitou’s body slammed into the rock, shaking out a large muddy mud.

In the palace courtyard, Luo put away General White jade, frowning slightly, and seemed a little dissatisfied.

The moment Neferpitou was chopped and fly, he could see clearly 2 Chu, even his claws could not be cut off.

Although the sharpness of General White Jade is not as strong as Allah with the characteristics of the hand of God, it is not unusual to be able to resist it.

“It’s hard enough, but the gas is significantly weaker than when we first met. Is it because of the long round that is maintained and the use of healing power?”

Luo thought for a moment that his body suddenly disappeared in place, but it was not exhausting, and he used [instant] to hurry and head towards Neferpitou.

Indeed, Luo’s judgment is correct. Neferpitou’s gas is obviously not as strong as it was at first, not only because Neferpitou used a long circle, but also because of the toy repairer.

Every time you use a toy repairer, it takes a lot of thought.

Although Ant King’s injury was not completely cured, the energy consumed by the treatment that lasted for tens of minutes could not be recovered.

In the case of exhaustion, the classification is low, moderate, and severe, and Neferpitou is now moderate.

On the way out of the capital palace, Luo saw Kate who was fighting Yupi, paused for a moment, and Luo went forward without looking back.

Everyone has a mission, and his mission is to contain or kill one of the immediate guards, so he has no reason to stop and assist Kate.

Because no one knows how Neferpitou and Yupi will change when they meet, it is best to break them one by one.

Luo’s body disappeared in place, and it appeared at several dozen meters the next second, and then rushed to the place where Neferpitou fell.

When Luo came here, the drizzle finally stopped, but the dark clouds above the sky remained heavy, as if the second heavy rain was brewing.

Neferpitou was muddy, double-handed pressed against the wet soil, his body arched.

The air entangled in the body seemed to be roaring like a full-blown flame.

Like a long-stretched spring, she ejected once again, towards Luo, who had just arrived here.

Another burst of white light caught her eye, another offensive turn into defensive, and another fly-out.

When the second attack failed, Neferpitou instantly understood his position.

The enemy in front of her could only be dealt with by her. If Shaiapouf and Yupi were to come, there would be no chance.

Among the guards, only her keen senses can cope with the opponent’s Strength and Speed.

Fly out this time, Neferpitou seemed to get used to it, adjusted his posture in the air, and then landed firmly.

She subconsciously looked at the groove marks on her paws, her eyes fixed slightly.

2 cuts in the same place.

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