Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 737

But 10000000 is not the last supper!

There was sweat behind Nick, and his face was as calm and calm as possible.

Living well has always been what Nick is doing.

Nick has a trait, just as someone is weak, just as someone looks honest, and Nick makes people feel that he is not threatening.

This kind of trait is often labeled as a weaker generation. If you insist on its role, it will make people despise.

And at this moment, his qualities really helped him.

No threats, no malicious intentions.

Because of this, Nick has more time to say what he wants to say, and a “vegan” is even more important.

Facing Nick’s weak and fearful death performance, Morel stepped forward, holding up the huge pipe, leaning on Nick’s shoulder.

In this regard, Nick completely gave up his resistance, his face covered with harmlessness.

Nobu pushed the frame, and looked at Nick, who was completely in the body with [qi], came to his side, and found a few dusty azure tender grasses from Nick’s pocket.

It really is……

Not only Nob, but the rest of the people flashed a different color.

However, with only a few small tender grasses, the persuasive power is pitifully small, but the Chimera Ants, which combines fox and human characteristics, does not seem to be threatening. In short, it feels very weak.

Captain-level Chimera Ants? Ordinary soldier ants should not understand the language.

Several people speculated.

How they imagined that Nick would be Chimera Ants at the Captain level.

“President, what should I do with him?” Nob’s eyes remained unchanged.

“Let me think about it.”

Netero’s dim look fell on Nick’s body, who trembled slightly and felt the pressure between life and death.

Nick opened his mouth, and wanted to use words to render his weakness and kindness, but at this moment, he felt that speaking more is nonsense, and he can only wait for the verdict of the other party.

Netero is still thinking about how to deal with Nick, but Luo interjected: “He has the value of extracting intelligence.”

This sentence, like the dawn of dawn, is imprinted into Nick’s will to survive.

“Yes, yes, I know everything and words, so don’t kill me, and I don’t eat meat.” Following Luo’s words, Nick spoke quickly and changed his usual laziness.

At this time, no matter how lazy it is, there is really no help.

“Knowing everything and saying everything? Including betrayed companions?” A ray of light flashed on Morel’s sunglasses.

“If you believe in words, it’s not impossible,” Nick said honestly.

Morel couldn’t help but hold on to the cigarette rod and tried hard.


Noble reminded Morel in a timely manner, and then calmly looked at Nick, indifferently said: “The reason why Chimera Ants can communicate with us as usual is because they are within the body with human genes, do you understand?”

“Alas.” Morel coldly snorted, he looked down on this behavior of betraying his companions in order to survive, but he also knew what Noob wanted to express.

Human beings are very complicated creatures. People who sell their companions in order to survive are not in this world. Ironically, even Chimera Ants, which value the ethnic group, have been affected by the fusion of human genes.

Seeing Morel’s disgust, Nick explained seriously: “The guys are all eating meat, and I’m vegetarian, so I don’t shame to be with them.”

“…” Morel.

“…” Noble.

At this time, Netero said, “As long as the information you tell is correct, and you are really vegetarian, I can guarantee your safety.”

“That’s it!” Nick blinked, and he had no choice at the moment.

Suddenly, Luo released his mental power, and differently said: “Let’s take insurance.”

Everyone couldn’t help but look towards him, including Nick.


Nick wondered.

The next second, he was so horrified that he saw a long knife in his human hand and chopped it on his body.


At that moment, Nick thought he was going to die, and yelled in his heart.

Then, he found that his body was broken into two pieces, but there was no bleeding and pain, and naturally he did not die.

He froze and was relieved immediately.

Immediately afterwards, deep fears appeared on his face.

His body … was dismembered by the person in front of him into several segments, and then his heart was pulled out by this person.

Towards the end of the process, Nick looked dull.

Morel and Nobu were also a little dazed. For the first time, they saw Luo exert such a wicked ability.

“This is your heart, it’s really hard to find.”

Luo took Nick’s heart and sealed it in the book in front of everyone.

“If you have a little bit of concealment, I can instantly know that, and I can crush your heart at any time, understand?”

Nick straightly nodded, he was completely understood, it is good to provoke anyone, just don’t provoke the man in front of him.

Thinking of this, he really wanted to fan his face, and just run early, he had to stay to kill the queen.

Tonpa saw that Nick’s heart was sealed into the book by Luo, as if it had touched the past, and his eyes suddenly revealed the look of pity.

Poor fellow.

Subsequently, Luo restored Nick’s body to its original state and asked Nick to talk about Captain Chimera Ants’ ability.

Lie will be noticed immediately.

Luo’s hand of God not at all, this ability is only used to nick Nick.

Nick believed, and told everything he knew, including the fact that Selena accepted the Queen’s will and made her way to Dongguo Dongfang, and that he was one of the Captains.

The Sydney Captain was Captain, and Luo couldn’t believe it.

So weak …

Nick has no response to this. He just looks weak and really wants to show up. Instant killing Captain-level Chimera Ants is nothing at all.

After listening to the information provided by Nick, unfortunately, Nick only knew the capabilities of Captain Chimera Ants.

Although a bit pity and regret, it is a good thing to have the ability intelligence of the 7 divisions Captain.

Nobu opened the entrance to the 4-dimensional apartment, closed Nick in the narrowest room, and shoved a lot of fresh grass into it by the way.

After shutting Nick up, Netero sent the information back to the association, allowing Doumen to hand it over to the hunters who were about to step up.

Because the candidates need to pass the checkpoint of the review department, it will take a little time in the future.

In order to ensure that Chimera Ants will not leave the Mitai Federation, Nob and Morel each recommended a friend they knew to the association.

Not only did they call reinforcements, Luo actually called reinforcements again.

Previously, because the direct 3 guards were very powerful, Luo didn’t want to ask Bu Hayu to come over, it was too dangerous.

Now that there are a lot of Chimera Ants scattered, and their strength is not so tricky, you can call your friends to help.

After dealing with these things, Luo and his team of 5 began to pursue Chimera Ants.

Within two days, they had killed nearly 2 Chimera Ants, including a dozen Captain levels. However, Chimera Ants had spread to the west of the Mitai Federation.

The Republic of Haas, located in the middle of the Federation of Mitai, is similar in area to Donguotuo and has many plant-defeated rocky areas.

A desolate rocky field, the wind and sand are rising gradually, 2 silhouettes are walking side by side, appear indistinctly.

One wore a hat with long hair, and the other wore a turban and a ragged robe.

There are three Chimera Ants at several hundred meters in front of them.

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