Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 732

In human perception, Chimera Ants are extremely cruel creatures that can exterminate other species with no difficulty.

But no human can imagine that the extremely dazzling maternal radiance will appear in the queen body of Chimera Ants.

A faint silhouette reflected in the fluorescent floating spheroid, maintaining a curled up posture, and occasionally moving a few times.

The queen’s hand was stroked gently on the surface of the egg, and she looked forward to the birth of the king.

She is a breeder, and her mission is to give birth to a king.

At first, it was a meatball for 50 people, but now it needs 2 100 meatballs for 50 people.

To this day, as the king in his womb has begun to take shape, the queen has a strong sense of foresight.

The king in the womb has the possibility to rule the world.

[Meruim, Meluim …]

In her consciousness, the queen thought softly of the name she had chosen for the belly king.

All her thoughts were on Wang’s body, and she turned a blind eye to potential threats.

Regarding the potential threat, the Immediate 3 escort did not clarify to the Queen.

One night passed quietly, and the morning sun rose.

Groups of Chimera Ants leave from the anthill. There are flying types of Chimera Ants, and more are Chimera Ants on land. They are scattered all around, want to trek in a day, and then bring food to the queen.

Dongguotuo has a population of 5,000,000, and due to the aggression of Chimera Ants, every day there will be more than 1000 human beings persecuted.

Since the location of Chimera Ants was in the west, the persecuted area scattered from the west to the east, and the capital of Donguotuo was far east of the territory.

The presence of Chimera Ants, a disaster in a small village.

Dongguotu’s high-level officials are very clear about this, but after v5 and the Hunters Association intervened, the high-level government and even the landlord maintained an attitude of giving up.

Since someone is going to help solve the problem, there is no need for our side to waste manpower and military expenditure.

With this kind of selfishness in mind, Dong Guotuo’s attitude is very clear, and the full power is left to the v5 and the Hunters Association.

Because of this, hunting for Chimera Ants Early-Stage and Middle-Stage proceeded without pressure.

Now, the Chimera Ants crusade is here.

When the reinforcements arrived, the original hunting plan was launched.

Morel first took out a huge pipe and kept blowing white smoke in the shape of a little bunny. After the white smoke rabbit reached a certain number, he ran towards the forest.

With these white smoke rabbits, Morel gradually grasped the number and movement of the Chimera Ants team.

Immediately afterwards, Morel intercepted the next Chimera Ants team, blowing out white smoke to obstruct the view of the Chimera Ants team, and set up a 4-dimensional apartment entrance with Nobu, and sent the Chimera Ants team into the 4-dimensional apartment.

Waiting for the Chimera Ants there is Netero in combat.

Originally, Luo had to show the value of individual ability, but Netero took over the killing mission.

Luo knew that Netero was trying to warm up and feel, so he didn’t snatch him.

There is no doubt that the group of Chimera Ants sent to the 4-dimensional apartment was only set to warm up Netero until nightfall, and the largest room of the 4-dimensional apartment was full of Chimera Ants’ bodies.

In one day, the Chimera Ants crusade killed more than 2 Chimera Ants, of which not at all were Captain.

A total of more than 2 Chimera Ants were missing, naturally attracting the attention of Captain, and they reported the news to the immediate guard.

Hearing the Captains ’report, no evidence is needed, and the immediate 3 guards are sure that the killer was the same group of humans that they saw yesterday.

“They are weakening our forces, and the means are secret.”

Shaiapouf squeezed his smooth chin and his eyes were cold.

“Let Captain send troops to kill them?” Yupi suggested.

“No, the Queen’s food source is more important.”

Shaiapouf without the slightest hesitation dismissed Yupi’s suggestion and said insidiously: “The disadvantage of the enemy is that there are few people and …”

“And?” A question mark popped over Yupi’s head.

Neferpitou sat on a rock with his head tilted and looked at Shaiapouf.

Facing the sight of two colleagues, Shaiapouf coldly said: “Most of the troops should be deployed when hunting. Generally speaking, it is when our defense is weakest, but why don’t the enemy attack directly?”

“Why?” Yupi asked cooperatively.

Shaiapouf sneered, “Because they have no confidence to come in.”

Neferpitou’s mouth turned Kakuzu up, seriously: “Simply put, is that they think they are not as strong as us?”

“Who knows.”

Shaiapouf converged his smile, differently said: “They want to weaken our troops, so let them weaken as much as possible, so just to my liking, as for the miscellaneous soldiers, it doesn’t matter how many die.”

Neferpitou and Yupi have no comment on this.

As long as the king is born, they will follow in the footsteps of the king, directly out of the pyramid relationship of the Chimera Ants, and then become their own.

Until then, let alone the group of Chimera Ants, even the Queen has nothing to do with them.

Then, in order to let the king be born, it is also necessary to have all Chimera Ants soldiers in the anthouse buried with him.

After making the decision, Shaiapouf began to respond to the siege plan of the Chimera Ants crusade.

He did 2 things.

One is to ensure that the Queen’s food comes from a reliable, safe, and adequate source, and the other is to make the Chimera Ants team hunting more differentiated to disperse the enemy’s killing efficiency.

Ensure food sources and delays.

These two responses were arranged for the birth of the king.

On day 2, the crusade noticed the change in Chimera Ants’ hunting team.

The number of teams increases and the number of players decreases.

Even after noticing this change, the crusader team could only continue the siege plan.

As Shaiapouf judged, even with Luo’s help, the crusade still did not have enough confidence to take down the anthill.

A few days later, the number of Chimera Ants beheaded increased, and the Chimera Ants were still indifferent. Each Amaterasu sent 100 teams to hunt.

From the perspective of the Netero 3, as long as the reinforcements are not available, the plan is to continue the implementation at no matter what the problem is.

Moreover, Netero didn’t just ask Luo to call for reinforcements. He should also meet the conditions initially set by the association and let the review department select the appropriate personnel to support it.

However, Luo’s view is different from that of Netero. He thinks that Ant King is likely to be born soon, so he temporarily changes his mind and proposes to attack the anthill before the reinforcements arrive.

However, the Netero 3 did not think that Ant King would be born so soon. Although not sure about the timing of Chimera Ants’ burrowing, it is not surprising that it should be less than 2 months.

As a result, according to the 2-month estimated time given by the experts, the Netero 3 people think that the time is still sufficient.

Disagreements arise at this brief moment.

Luo couldn’t convince Netero them, and he didn’t have enough confidence to capture the ant nest, and he might die in vain.

7 days pass by.

Kim came and said that it would be in place in about 2 days.

Before King came, Tonpa arrived first.

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