Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 730

Maybe Chimera Ants didn’t eat the same kind of habit, so the body was preserved.

But there is no doubt that Chimera Ants must have visited the site.

Morel What they can see, Chimera Ants can basically see too.

That is … Luo seems to have easily solved 100 Chimera Ants.

The team not at all stay more and continue to discredit.

Time is coming to zero, Luo entire group has found the location of the ant nest, just over ten kilometers away.

Chimera Ants stood silently in the moonlight.

Anthills are constantly high with dung and mud, so they look like pillars fused together to form a rising mountain.

Anthills are built in the forest and there are a lot of mountains around. From a distance, it looks like an ordinary mountain.

Luo and his team of 4 people came to the top of a mountain separated by a kilometer, and took advantage of the moonlight to look at the Chimera Ants nest surrounded by the surrounding mountains.

They noticed that there was a man sitting on top of the anthill.

Several people gathered their eyes and looked at it. It is a Chimera Ants with human female characteristics, but it is Neferpitou.

Luo recognized Neferpitou’s identity, but he had forgotten about the name.

“That’s one of the immediate guards.”

Luo silently looks at Neferpitou, so far apart, only looks at, can still feel sharp and dazzling.

Thinking of this, he looked at the response of Morel and Nob, but was very calm, and seemed to be unaware of Neferpitou’s sharpness.

In terms of strength, Luo is not optimistic about Morel and Nobu if they are directly under the guards.

“Sure enough, it doesn’t seem to be good. It seems … better than me?”

Netero built a Telescope with his hand, observed Neferpitou above the anthill, and gave an evaluation.

Hearing Netero, Morel and Nob thought that Netero was kidding.

The two of them were trying to comment, but heard Luo say, “She noticed us.”

Tone barely fell, as if there were countless thin needles, blasting from the anthill.

It was Neferpitou who turned his gaze and looked here, to be precise, watching Luo and Netero.

Although most of Neferpitou’s attention fell on Luo and Netero body, Morel and Nobu still felt the pressure and couldn’t help taking a step back.

“what is this……?”

Morel 2 people solemnly look at the direction of the anthill.

Luo and Netero calmly greeted the sharp eyes of Neferpitou.

There is an unobtrusive and intently fighting intent in that gaze, like a wild horse about to fall out.

It was just that the imposing looks at seemed to rush over to kill him in the next second, but in fact he just stood there silently without moving.

It was clear that the immediate guard was suppressing himself.

Is it because of … duty?

Netero touched his beard and his eyes grave expression.

The comment he just made was not self-confidence, nor was he joking.

In terms of feeling alone, the immediate guard is indeed terrifying.

“That’s one of the immediate guards,” Luo said of Neferpitou’s identity.

Morel and Noble couldn’t help exuding fine sweat. For such a strong guy, there were 2 in the anthill?

Just when they thought so, two figures got out of the ant’s nest and came to Neferpitou’s side.

In that moment, the three unpleasant and disgusting auras merged into one, spanning a distance of one kilometer, shrouding everyone’s body like Titan.

oh? ”

Netero’s eyes narrowed and he was a little bit eager to move.

Morel and Nob’s faces changed, and they found themselves too optimistic.

Then … it’s monster!

With their strength, did they break through the defenses of these 3 monsters?

Before those three breathless scenes, Morel and Noble couldn’t help doubting their abilities.

But soon, Morel got rid of this self-doubt that was not good for himself, while Nobu was still without his firm self-awareness.

“Ant King, will be better than the direct guard.”

At this moment, Luo unfathomable mystery reminded.

Netero 3 couldn’t help but looked towards Luo.

“The immediate guards found us but didn’t come over and expelled. The planning Ant King has not yet been born, so they will not leave the anthill easily.”

“And we, before Ant King was born, broke into the anthill and struck the queen to strike.”

“In order to avoid night long dreams, as fast as possible, as fast as possible.”

Luo faced the targeted aura and said calmly.

He can’t deny the terrifying aspect of the 3 Guards, but he knows that the more terrifying is the upcoming Ant King.

“Can we just break through those 3 direct guards and an unknown number of Chimera Ants soldiers?”

At this moment, Nobu lost his early self-confidence.

Only by seeing with your own eyes can you realize that kind of power.

For the first time in his experience so far, he has seen this unknown and terrifying aura.

Luo heard silence.

He calculated his own battle strength, if he could hold 2 direct guards, and Netero would hold one direct guard, but also an unknown number of Chimera Ants.

It is mostly unrealistic to pin the strikes to kill the Queen’s mission on Morel and Noble.

The group of Chimera Ants soldiers is not ordinary junk.

It would be even more unrealistic for Morel and Noble to hold the 3rd Guard.

“It’s hard.”

In the end, Luo came to a conclusion.

At the same time, he had other plans in mind.

“It’s unwise to storm.” Morel said solemnly: “I personally suggest that I use my ability to find out the number and movement of enemies, and cooperate with Noble’s ability, as well as Luo and President’s individual ability to solve them by one by one. “

Minimizing the strength of Chimera Ants can reduce the failure rate of attacking the ant den.

This solution was actually Netero’s original idea to solve this problem with the simplest style, so he picked Morel and Noble.


Luo picked up his mobile phone and stumbled a few times, and suddenly said, “This solution is indeed secure, but it still doesn’t go around the three direct guards. If you want to kill the queen, you have to face them, that’s where you are. Inevitable. “

When hearing Luo’s words, the Netero 3 could not help but be silent.

Before coming here, they did not know the existence of 3 guards.

“We … need reinforcements.” Luo put away his phone.

“Who’s your name?” Netero said curiously.

“Gold.” Luo Kaidou.

Netero nodded, he agrees with Luo.

The original plan was what Morel said.

But as Luo said, going around can’t go straight to the 3 guards.

With the strength of their team, it is difficult to break through the defense line of the direct 3 guards, and if the cannibalization plan that gradually weakens Chimera Ants is implemented, it may drag on to the birth of Ant King.

The direct 3 guards have given people an intuitive power, to what extent is the strength of Ant King?

Just then Luo took a few steps forward.

“What do you want to do?” Morel couldn’t help asking.

Luo said without looking back: “Examine their alert limits,”

Speaking, Luo stepped on his feet and turned into a flash of lightning.

Soon, he crossed a distance of 7 800 meters, stagnated in the air, and was at a level with the sight of the immediate 3 guards.

He didn’t go any further, because he knew that this was the alert limit range of the direct 3 guards, or the best attack distance.

At the top of the anthill, Yupi said uncontrollably, “I’ll kill him.”


Shaiapouf indifferently said: “Before the king’s birth, we can’t leave half a step. Moreover, don’t complicate the threat of the enemy, no matter who it is, wait for them to attack and then solve them.”


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