Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 727

Nick doesn’t mind being told that he is greedy for life.

In his opinion, living is more important than anything.

Feeling that the enemy is too strong to fight, we must simply retreat.

It doesn’t matter if you misjudge it or lose something.

Nothing is more important than running away from death.

When that aura of gas raged across the court, Nick simply flinched.

As if eliminating the sense of existence, he left the field calmly and indifferently, leaving a group of Chimera Ants alone staring at the humans coming out of the forest.

“You guys, just run.”

“That person is a monster. I am afraid that his strength is not weaker than Captain.”

These reminders only floated in Nick’s heart.

It’s not that you don’t want to be reminded, but that you don’t want to get that person’s attention.

After all, the main purpose is still to escape death, as for other similar life and death … oh, what is it?

So Nick prayed for them in his heart: “May you survive.”

One Chimera Ants disappeared on the field, but the other Chimera Ants did not have the heart to pay attention to it.

They are all humans who look at at, just like Captain, a powerful army who looks at.

Here comes Luo.

Struggling to find the whereabouts of the Da Baboon and Ponzu, but nothing happened, but instead heard the movement coming and found it.

He saw the tragic baboon, and also saw Ponzu in a daze.

The Chimera Ants didn’t move, but Luo moved, and walked towards Da Baboon.

The forest was silent for a while, only Luo’s footsteps were left.

In the presence of many Chimera Ants, Luo arrived safely next to the baboon and entered the encirclement of Chimera Ants.

“Can’t hold it?” Luo asked.

Da Baboon came back to his senses, sighed in relief, said with a bitter smile: “Not very optimistic.”

Luo glanced at Ponzu, who was holding on, and said to Da Baboon, “Pull off the spikes, I’ll take care of my arms.”

The words didn’t end, Luo suddenly started, and cut off the remaining right shoulder of Da Baboon with a wave of his palm.

The Da Baboon trembled slightly, but did not react excessively.

The surrounding Chimera Ants saw this, but it was unknown.

When the right shoulder is cut off, the power of the hand of God is activated, and its restrictions also come into effect.

Later, Luo sealed the baboon’s broken arm and shoulder together in a book and kept it. Then he tore off the Dingdiao fairy grass and infiltrated the baboon’s wound to help him stop the blood.

“Pull it.”

Luo withdraws the book.

The baboon nodded, but in a spurt of energy directly forced the spikes of the body, and the accompanying consequence was the loss of a lot of blood.

Seeing this, Luo once again tore off a small piece of burned fairy grass and crushed it into slag. With delicate control, she dispersed into the wound of Da Baboon.

In this way, Luo dealt with the injury of Da Baboon in front of many Chimera Ants.

At this time, the Chimera Ants came back to his senses from the deterrence of the aura.

For low-level soldier ants, after all, the command is higher than instinct.

Breaking away from the deterrent of the gas field, the soldiers and ants moved.

A Chimera Ants submerged from the ground suddenly broke through the ground behind Luo. The pair of jaws would tear Luo’s head off.

A light sound.

Luo seemed to do nothing. The soldier’s head shattered into slag immediately, and the body fell to the ground from the air.

“see it……”

Bieber used radio waves to communicate with other Captains.

At this time, they noticed that Nick was missing.

However, the strength of the enemy made them have no time to pay attention to this matter.

Snake girl Garp Ass and crocodile man both responded to Bieber’s question. They barely saw it because Luo’s movement was fast, so he looked as if he didn’t move.

“This human being is very strong!” Said the crocodile man.

“It doesn’t matter. Just as before, let the miscellaneous soldiers kill, and then find a chance to attack.” Bieber coldly said.

Snake Woman Garp Ass didn’t speak, staring at Luo’s every move.

As Division Captain used radio waves to communicate, soldiers and ants who were shocked by the gas field launched their attacks.

Of the more than 100 soldier ants remaining, more than a dozen Captain-level Chimera Ants are still mixed in.


Looks at the Chimera Ants surrounded, Luo said calmly.

The baboon and Ponzu squat without the slightest hesitation.

Luo’s behind suddenly appeared a general, waved the white jade sword, and slashed forward.

Sword qi shot out, chopped in half the more than 50 Chimera Ants rushing in front, and cut off a large number of trees unabated.

Hōng lóng lóng !

Chimera Ants with a knife fell to the ground, and the chopped trees fell to the ground, making a loud noise, and suddenly vacated a large area.

After cutting forward, Luo turned slightly to the side, and then again to the next.

It was also a sword qi that chopped down more than 50 Chimera Ants in the other direction, and also cut large trees at the same time.

Just 2 knives, the lush forest is cut into a low, huge circular open space.

Including Chimera Ants of the Captain level, the 100 Chimera Ants on the 2 heads were not spared.

However, Chimera Ants were of different heights. Some heads were cut in half, some were killed on the spot, some were cut on the chest, and some were cut on the neck. None of these Chimera Ants died immediately.

However, they are also equivalent to losing battle strength.

Bieber, Da Da, Garp Ass, Captain were far away, so they avoided it in time.

However, the mess at the scene made them tense.

Ponzu’s silly looks at the remains of Chimera Ants everywhere, still did not respond to what Luo did.

The Da Baboon silently looks at Luo. Although Luo has long known that Luo’s strength is strong, he will have a clearer understanding only after he has some reference.

He faced this group of Chimera Ants, and he must make no mistakes, and Luo only had 2 hits, and he swept away with thunderbolt.

Without contrast, there is no harm …

In the distance, Nick stood on the edge of the raging sword qi, the edge of the fallen trees.

He looks at afar, fatily said: “So ah, smart people can live longer.”

Tone barely fell, and he turned towards the anthill.

Luo’s 2 knives he saw, so he applauded his wise choice in his heart.

It’s really stupid to stay there.

He thought so.

In the open space, Luo not at all withdrew General White jade, but passed over the baboons and Ponzu, and walked towards the 3 Captain Chimera Ants not far away.

The field emerges through the body, forming a ray of light circle, covering within 5 meters of the body.

With each step Luo took, those Chimera Ants who had fallen to the ground and had not completely died were included in the field, as if their heads had been pinched by a pair of invisible hands.

Even without [Ning], Luo can clearly see the vigorous vigor of the three Captain bodies.

Mind Power can increase and strengthen after training, no matter whether it is potential or significant.

Just talking about the apparent energy, the qi of these 3 Chimera Ants bodies has faintly touched the level of the 2 Star Hunter. If you look closely, there is still room for growth.

If you give them a period of cultivation, it is not a problem to break through the level of 3 Star Hunters based on the apparent strength.

“These three should be Captain-level. Then, to what extent is the apparent energy of the direct 3 guards?”

Luo thought silently, the killing heart was revealed.

Assuming the Queen is gestating Ant King, there is no time to hatch more Chimera Ants.

in other words, if you kill one at this moment, there will be one less.

In Luo’s eyes, the three divisions Captain Chimera Ants are dead.

Looks at Luo, rushing forward, Bieber’s face twitched slightly, eyes immediately became red, and Rin was killing intent.

He couldn’t stand the feeling of being used as a prey. The legs carrying the rock sheep gene, like a bow-opening hoe, propelled his body into a flash of lightning and took the key to Luo.

Then, under the stare of Da Da and Garp Ass, Bieber’s head was taken off …

Everything seems so easy and simple.


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